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    Reply  26 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, support for mbedtls - get an open ssl error while trying to compile Midas  
> >
> > .../c++  ...  /opt/local/lib/libssl.dylib
> >
> I get the same, libssl from /opt/local, so we are not using openssl shipped with mac os.

I note that latest mongoose 6.16 finally has a virtual ssl layer and appears to support mbedtls (polarssl) in addition to openssl.

I now think I should see if it works - as it gives us a way to support https without relying on the user having
pre-installed working openssl packages - we consistently run into problems with openssl on macos, and even
on linux there was trouble with preinstalled openssl packages and libraries.

With mbedtls, one will have to "git pull" and "make" it, but historically this causes much less trouble.

Also, with luck, mbedtls has better support for certificate expiration (I would really love to have openssl report an error
or a warning or at least some hint if I feed it an expired certificate) and (gasp!) certbot integration.

    Reply  26 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, support for mbedtls - get an open ssl error while trying to compile Midas  
> ... support for certbot

The certbot tool to use instead of certbot is this:

    Reply  28 Jan 2020, Berta Beltran, Bug Report, support for mbedtls - get an open ssl error while trying to compile Midas  
> > ... support for certbot
> The certbot tool to use instead of certbot is this:
> K.O.

HI Stefan and Konstantin, 

Thanks a lot for your messages. Sorry for my late reply, I only work on this project from Tuesday to Thursdays. I have 
run " make cmake" instead of "cd build; cmake" and this is the output regarding mhttpd:

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++  -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-
headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose6.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd  -lsqlite3 ../libmidas.a 
/usr/lib/libssl.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz -lsqlite3 /usr/lib/libssl.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz 
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_OPENSSL_init_ssl", referenced from:
      _mg_mgr_init in mongoose6.cxx.o
  "_SSL_CTX_set_options", referenced from:
      _mg_set_ssl in mongoose6.cxx.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I see that in your outputs the openssl libs are in /opt/local/lib/ while mine are in /usr/lib/, and that is the only difference. 
I have checked that the libraries libssl.dylib and libcrypto.dylib are in my /usr/lib/, and indeed they are, so I don't 
understand the reason for the error, I will continue investigating. 


    Reply  02 Feb 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, support for mbedtls - get an open ssl error while trying to compile Midas  
> I only work on this project from Tuesday to Thursdays.

No problem. No hurry.

> I have run " make cmake" instead of "cd build; cmake" and this is the output regarding mhttpd: ...

There should be also a line where mhttpd.cxx is compiled into mhttpd.o, we need to see what compiler
flags are used - I suspect the compiler uses header files from /usr/local/include while the linker
is using libraries from /usr/lib, a mismatch.

To save time, please attach the full output of "make cmake". There may be something else I want to see there.

If you do not use the mhttpd built-in https support (for best security I recommend using https from the apache httpd password protected https proxy),
then it is perfectly fine to build midas with NO_SSL=1.

Entry  25 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, subrun file size 
Please be aware of mlogger.c update rev 4566 on Sept 23rd 2009, when Stefan
fixed a buglet in the subrun file size computations. Before this fix, the first
subrun could be of a short length. If you use subruns, please update your
mlogger to at least rev 4566 (or newer, Stefan added the run and subrun time
limits just recently).
Entry  24 Sep 2020, Gennaro Tortone, Forum, subrun  

I was wondering if there is a "mechanism" to run an executable
file after each subrun is closed...

I need to convert .mid.lz4 subrun files to ROOT (TTree) files;

    Reply  01 Dec 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, subrun  
There is no "mechanism" foreseen to be executed after each subrun. But you could 
run a shell script after each run which loops over all subruns and converts them 
one after the other.


> Hi,
> I was wondering if there is a "mechanism" to run an executable
> file after each subrun is closed...
> I need to convert .mid.lz4 subrun files to ROOT (TTree) files;
> Thanks,
> Gennaro
    Reply  01 Dec 2020, Ben Smith, Forum, subrun  
We use the lazylogger for something similar to this. You can specify the path to a custom script, and it will be run for each midas file that gets written:
This means that you don't have to wait until the end of the run to start processing.

If the ROOT conversion is going to be slow, but you have a batch system available, you could use the lazylogger script to submit a job to the batch system for each file.

> > Hi,
> > 
> > I was wondering if there is a "mechanism" to run an executable
> > file after each subrun is closed...
> > 
> > I need to convert .mid.lz4 subrun files to ROOT (TTree) files;
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Gennaro
Entry  15 Nov 2013, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, stuck data buffers 
We have seen several times a problem with stuck data buffers. The symptoms are very confusing - 
frontends cannot start, instead hang forever in a state very hard to kill. Also "mdump -s -d -z 
BUF03" for the affected data buffers is stuck.

We have identified the source of this problem - the semaphore for the buffer is locked and nobody 
will ever unlock it - MIDAS relies on a feature of SYSV semaphores where they are automatically 
unlocked by the OS and cannot ever be stuck ever. (see man semop, SEM_UNDO function).

I think this SEM_UNDO function is broken in recent Linux kernels and sometimes the semaphore 
remains locked after the process that locked it has died. MIDAS is not programmed to deal with this 
situation and the stuck semaphore has to be cleared manually.

Here, "BUF3" is used as example, but we have seen "SYSTEM" and ODB with stuck semaphores, too.

a) confirm that we are using SYSV semaphores: "ipcs" should show many semaphores
b) identify the stuck semaphore: "strace mdump -s -d -z BUF03".
c) here will be a large printout, but ultimately you will see repeated entries of 
"semtimedop(9633800, {{0, -1, SEM_UNDO}}, 1, {1, 0}^C <unfinished ...>"
d) erase the stuck semaphore "ipcrm -s 9633800", where the number comes from semtimedop() in 
the strace output.
e) try again: "mdump -s -d -z BUF03" should work now.

Ultimately, I think we should switch to POSIX semaphores - they are easier to manage (the strace 
and ipcrm dance becomes "rm /dev/shm/deap_BUF03.sem" - but they do not have the SEM_UNDO 
function, so detection of locked and stuck semaphores will have to be done by MIDAS. (Unless we 
can find some library of semaphore functions that already provides such advanced functionality).

Entry  12 Nov 2014, Robert Pattie, Forum, struct mismatch logger_channels.pdf
Hi all,
  I've started receiving the following error that I can't track down.  Does
anyone have a suggestion for where to start looking for the cause of this?

[Analyzer,ERROR] [odb.c:9460:db_open_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for "/"
(expected size: 576, size in ODB: 0)

This error prevents me from running two runs in a row.  I have to close the DAQ
and restart to take multiple runs.  Also it prevents me from running the analyzer
in offline mode. 

I also noticed that several for the ODB directories no longer have the same html
format when viewed through the browser.  I've attached a screen print of the
"/Logger/Channels" page.

Entry  02 May 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, strlcpy/strlcat moved into separate file 
I had to move strlcpy & strlcat into a separate file "strlcpy.c". A header file
"strlcpy.h" was added as well. This way one can omit the old HAVE_STRLCPY which
made life hard. The windows and linux makefiles were adjusted accordingly, but
for Max OS X there might be some fixes necessary which I could not test.
Entry  05 Jun 2018, Frederik Wauters, Forum, strings in sqlite 
I am setting up a sqlite db to serve as a run database.

The easiest option is to use the history sqlite feature, and add run information 
as virtual history events


Invalid tag 0 'Comment' in event 21 'Run Parameters': cannot do history for 
TID_STRING data, sorry!

I'd like to save e.g. the edit on start information , with shift crew checks. 
Would it be easy to allow for text, or is this inherent to the history system 
handling binary data?
    Reply  20 Jul 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, strings in sqlite 
> Invalid tag 0 'Comment' in event 21 'Run Parameters': cannot do history for 
> TID_STRING data, sorry!

The original MIDAS history API does not have provisions for storing TID_STRING data,
it is a very unfortunate limitation that has been with us for a very long time.

If I ever get around to rewrite the MIDAS history API, I will definitely add support for TID_STRING data.

But not today.


P.S. Support for arbitrary binary blobs is also possible, but this will make the midas history
a kind of "a daq inside the daq" thing, probably we do not want to go this direction.

Entry  03 Feb 2024, Pavel Murat, Bug Report, string --> int64 conversion in the python interface ? 
Dear MIDAS experts,

I gave a try to the MIDAS python interface and ran all tests available in midas/python/tests.
Two Int64 tests from had failed (see below), everthong else - succeeded

I'm using a ~ 2.5 weeks-old commit and python 3.9 on SL7 Linux platform.

commit c19b4e696400ee437d8790b7d3819051f66da62d (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
Author: Zaher Salman <>
Date:   Sun Jan 14 13:18:48 2024 +0100

The symptoms are consistent with a string --> int64 conversion not happening 
where it is needed. 

Perhaps the issue have already been fixed? 

-- many thanks, regards, Pasha
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 178, in testInt64
    self.set_and_readback_from_parent_dir("/pytest", "int64_2", [123, 40000000000000000], midas.TID_INT64, True)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 130, in set_and_readback_from_parent_dir
    self.validate_readback(value, retval[key_name], expected_key_type)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 87, in validate_readback
    self.assert_equal(val, retval[i], expected_key_type)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 60, in assert_equal
    self.assertEqual(val1, val2)
AssertionError: 123 != '123'

with the test on line 178 commented out, the test on the next line fails in a similar way:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 179, in testInt64
    self.set_and_readback_from_parent_dir("/pytest", "int64_2", 37, midas.TID_INT64, True)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 130, in set_and_readback_from_parent_dir
    self.validate_readback(value, retval[key_name], expected_key_type)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 102, in validate_readback
    self.assert_equal(value, retval, expected_key_type)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 60, in assert_equal
    self.assertEqual(val1, val2)
AssertionError: 37 != '37'
    Reply  05 Feb 2024, Ben Smith, Bug Fix, string --> int64 conversion in the python interface ? 
> The symptoms are consistent with a string --> int64 conversion not happening 
> where it is needed. 

Thanks for the report Pasha. Indeed I was missing a conversion in one place. Fixed now!

    Reply  13 Feb 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, string --> int64 conversion in the python interface ? 
> > The symptoms are consistent with a string --> int64 conversion not happening 
> > where it is needed. 
> Thanks for the report Pasha. Indeed I was missing a conversion in one place. Fixed now!

Are we running these tests as part of the nightly build on bitbucket? They would be part of 
the "make test" target. Correct python dependancies may need to be added to the bitbucket OS 
image in bitbucket-pipelines.yml. (This is a PITA to get right).

Entry  23 Oct 2008, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, strange output from "odbedit cleanup" 
When I run odbedit remotely (odbedit -h ladd09), the "cleanup" command unexpectedly produces the 
output of the "sor" command (sure enough, there is a call to db_get_open_records() there), but when I run 
it locally, I do not get this output (but db_get_open_records() is still called). Strange. K.O.
    Reply  28 Oct 2008, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, strange output from "odbedit cleanup" 
> When I run odbedit remotely (odbedit -h ladd09), the "cleanup" command unexpectedly produces the 
> output of the "sor" command (sure enough, there is a call to db_get_open_records() there), but when I run 
> it locally, I do not get this output (but db_get_open_records() is still called). Strange. K.O.

The db_get_open_records() call was by mistake there, I removed it. What remains is that the notification 
message if a client is removed from the ODB goes through the system messages. When running locally, odbedit 
echoes it's own messages, but when running remotely, this is not the case. So the messages can be seen by 
everybody else (plus it ends up in the message file), but not by the remote odbedit where the cleanup is 
started. The quick fix for that is to say "old" in odbedit which shows the last few lines of the message 
file, so one can see any successful cleanup. 
Entry  13 Apr 2017, Andreas Suter, Bug Report, stop form odbedit broken 
when I try to stop a run from odbedit I get a core dump.

[ODBEdit1,INFO] Run #31 stopped odbedit: src/system.c:1223: ss_shm_flush:
Assertion `size == mmap_size[handle]' failed. Aborted (core dumped)

midas commit 53af92a5d0...


I checked what happens if I try to stop a run via the mhttpd web-page: this
works! So what is different?


I placed a issue (# 47) on bitbucket as well.

What is the preferred channel to report potential bugs (elog / bitbucket issues)? 
    Reply  13 Apr 2017, Andreas Suter, Bug Report, stop form odbedit broken 
> when I try to stop a run from odbedit I get a core dump.
> [ODBEdit1,INFO] Run #31 stopped odbedit: src/system.c:1223: ss_shm_flush:
> Assertion `size == mmap_size[handle]' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
> midas commit 53af92a5d0...
> -----
> I checked what happens if I try to stop a run via the mhttpd web-page: this
> works! So what is different?
> -----
> I placed a issue (# 47) on bitbucket as well.
> What is the preferred channel to report potential bugs (elog / bitbucket issues)? 

I think I found the problem. Some ODB String values which are **automatically**

CSS File = STRING : [1024] mhttpd.css
Sqlite dir = STRING : [1024]
History dir = STRING : [1024]
Sound = STRING : [1000] alarm.mp3

are exceeding the MAX_STRING_LENGTH 256 (defined in msystem.h)

It looks as if this screws up quite a bit of the system! When deleting .ODB.SHM and
afterwards try to reload the ODB via a dump I previously made with odbedit, the
following is happening:

1) I get the error message that some strings are too long (exceeding
MAX_STRING_LENGTH). Unfortunately the underlying routine doesn't tell which ODB
variables this is.

2) After this reload, essentially nothing is working anymore. Any client I tried to
start just crashed.

Since it seems that the string length of MAX_STRING_LENGTH is very crucial I would
suggest that db_create_record (or whatever routine is dealing with it) checks for
STRING variables and ensures that they cannot exceed MAX_STRING_LENGTH.

When I shortened in my dump the above variables to MAX_STRING_LENGTH, regenerated the
ODB, also the 'stop' Problem in odbedit is gone.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5