13 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd
> Revision: r5286
> Platform: Debian Linux 6.0.5 AMD64, with packages from squeeze-backports
> Problem:
13 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, ladd00.triumf.ca https ssl certificate update
The HTTPS SSL certificate on ladd00.triumf.ca has been updated. Same as the old
certificate, the new one is self-signed and your web browser may complain about
that and ask you to "save a security exception".
14 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd
> > I found the problem only appears when I run mhttpd in scripts, whether bash or python.
> > And I'm quite sure that the MIDAS environments (e.g. PATH, MIDAS_EXPTAB, MIDASSYS, etc.)
> > are set in such scripts. If I start mhttpd in an xterm with or without "-D", it works
14 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd
> > > Revision: r5286
> > > Platform: Debian Linux 6.0.5 AMD64, with packages from squeeze-backports
15 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, bk_delete uses memcpy instead of memmove
> In midas.c, the bk_delete function removes a bank by decrementing the total
> event size and then copying the remaining banks into the location of the first
> using memcpy from string.h.
15 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, _net_send_buffer realloc
> 2) cm_disconect_experiment() calls free(_net_send_buffer) but does not set its
> value to NULL.
20 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, lazylogger write to HADOOP HDFS
I tried using the lazylogger "Disk" method to write into a HADOOP HDFS clustered filesystem and found a
number of problems. I ended up replacing the lazylogger lazy_copy() function that still uses former YBOS
code with a new lazy_disk_copy() function that uses generic fread/fwrite. Also fixed the situation where
20 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
I am recording here the results from a test VME system using two VF48 waveform digitizers and a 64-bit
dual-core VME processor (V7865). VF48 data suppression is off, VF48 modules set to read 48 channels,
1000 ADC samples each. mlogger data compression is enabled (gzip -1).
20 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> I am recording here the results from a test VME system using two VF48 waveform digitizers
Note 1: data compression is about 89% (hence "data to disk" rate is much smaller than the "data from VME" rate)
21 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> Just for completeness: Attached is the VME transfer speed I get with the SIS3100/SIS1100 interface using
> 2eVME transfer. This curve can be explained exactly with an overhead of 125 us per DMA transfer and a
> continuous link speed of 83 MB/sec.
24 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > > Just for completeness: Attached is the VME transfer speed I get with the SIS3100/SIS1100 interface using
> > > 2eVME transfer. This curve can be explained exactly with an overhead of 125 us per DMA transfer and a
> > > continuous link speed of 83 MB/sec.
24 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > I am recording here the results from a test VME system using two VF48 waveform digitizers
(I now have 4 VF48 waveform digitizers, so the event rates are half of those reported before. Date rate
25 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > P.S. Observe the ever present unexplained event rate fluctuations between 130-140 event/sec.
> An important aspect of optimizing your system is to keep the network traffic under control. I use GBit Ethernet between FE and BE, and make sure the |
26 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > > I am recording here the results from a test VME system using four VF48 waveform digitizers
Now we look at the detail of the event readout, or if you want, the real-time properties of the MIDAS
26 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > > > I am recording here the results from a test VME system using four VF48
waveform digitizers
29 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, lazylogger write to HADOOP HDFS
> Anyhow, the new lazylogger writes into HDFS just fine and I expect that it would also work for writing into
> DCACHE using PNFS (if ever we get the SL6 PNFS working with our DCACHE servers).
04 Jul 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Crash after recursive use of rpc_execute()
I am looking at a MIDAS kaboom when running out of space on the data disk - everything was freezing
up, even the VME frontend crashed sometimes.
04 Jul 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Crash after recursive use of rpc_execute()
> ... I see a recursive call to rpc_execute(): rpc_execute() calls tr_stop() calls cm_yield() calls
> ss_suspend() calls rpc_execute()
> ... rpc_execute() cannot be called recursively - it is not re-entrant as it uses a global buffer
17 Aug 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, launching roody kills the analyzer
> I've installed midas (Rev:5294) on SLC6.3 (64bit), along with recent trunk versions of rootana and roody.
> #6 root_server_thread (arg=ox7f54fc001150) at src/mana.c:5154
26 Sep 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, launching roody kills the analyzer
> >
> > I guess you can also debug the old midas server code inside mana.c...
> >