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  2531   13 Jun 2023 Thomas SengerForumInclude subroutine through relative path in sequencer
Hi, I would like to restructure our sequencer scripts and the paths. Until now many things are not generic at all. I would like to ask if it is possible to include files through a relative path for example something like 
INCLUDE ../chip/global_basic_functions
Maybe I just did not found how to do it.
  2532   13 Jun 2023 Stefan RittForumInclude subroutine through relative path in sequencer
> Hi, I would like to restructure our sequencer scripts and the paths. Until now many things are not generic at all. I would like to ask if it is possible to include files through a relative path for example something like 
> INCLUDE ../chip/global_basic_functions
> Maybe I just did not found how to do it.

It was not there. I implemented it in the last commit.

  2533   13 Jun 2023 Marco FrancesconiForumInclude subroutine through relative path in sequencer
> > Hi, I would like to restructure our sequencer scripts and the paths. Until now many things are not generic at all. I would like to ask if it is possible to include files through a relative path for example something like 

> > INCLUDE ../chip/global_basic_functions

> > Maybe I just did not found how to do it.


> It was not there. I implemented it in the last commit.


> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

when I did this job for MEG II we decided not to include relative paths and the ".." folder to avoid an exploit called "XML Entity Injection".

In short is to avoid leaking files outside the sequencer folders like  /etc/password or private SSH keys.

I do not remember in this moment why we pushed for absolute paths instead but let's keep this in mind.

  2540   13 Jun 2023 Stefan RittForumInclude subroutine through relative path in sequencer
> when I did this job for MEG II we decided not to include relative paths and the ".." folder to avoid an exploit called "XML Entity Injection".
> In short is to avoid leaking files outside the sequencer folders like  /etc/password or private SSH keys.
> I do not remember in this moment why we pushed for absolute paths instead but let's keep this in mind.

I thought about that. But before we had absolute paths in the sequencer INCLUDE statement. So having "../../../etc/passwd" is as bad as the
absolute path "/etc/passwd". So nothing really changed. What we really should prevent is to LOAD files into the sequencer from outside the
sequence subdirectory. And this is prevented by the file loader. Actually we will soon replace the file loaded with a modern JS dialog, and
the code restricts all operations to within the experiment directory and below.

  2061   17 Dec 2020 Amy RobertsSuggestionImproving variable functionality in Sequencer?
We're using the sequencer to manage runs, and this typically looks something like:

1. save ODB keys to variables via ODBGET
2. set ODB keys to new values for a "pre-run" process
3. return ODB keys to values created in line 1
4. take data

The problem I'm running into is that the list of ODB keys to save is pretty 
unwieldy.  I'm wondering if there are sequencer features that exist or that I could 
request that might make this easier.

For example, having a way to list ODB keys, save ODB directories, and load ODB 
directories would be much more concise way for me to write my script.

Another option might be to have some version of the ODBSET wildcards for ODBGET.  
Although for this, setting the variable names might be tricky.  

In any case, even being able to ODBGET an array and set that to one variable name 
would be a big improvement.
  2065   05 Jan 2021 Amy RobertsSuggestionImproving variable functionality in Sequencer?
Hello, just wanted to re-ping on this question now that folks are starting to get back from 
the holidays.
  2067   06 Jan 2021 Stefan RittSuggestionImproving variable functionality in Sequencer?
I guess you use a wrong pattern here. There is no need to copy ODB values to local variables, 
then change them, then write them back. You can rather directly write values to the ODB. We run 
all our experiments in that way and we can do what we want. So most of our scripts have sections 

 ODBSUBDIR "/Equipment/Laser/Variables"
   ODBSET "Setting[*]", 0, 0
   ODBSET "Output[1]", 0, 0
   ODBSET "Output[2]", 1, 0
   ODBSET "Output[3]", 0, 0
   ODBSET "Output[4]", 1, 1

Note that both the path and the indices can contain wild cards, making this pattern more 
flexible. Wildcards are however not (yet) supported for local variables, that's why we use 
directly the ODBSET directive.

I attach a larger example from the MEG experiment here for your reference.

  2418   06 Aug 2022 Stefan RittInfoImprovement of odbxx API
While the odbxx API has been successfully used since the last months, a potential 
problem with large ODBs surfaced. If you have lots of data in the ODB and load it 
into an object like

midas::odb o("/Equipment");

this might take quite long, since each ODB value is fetched separately, which is 
very quick on a local machine but can take long over a client-server connection. 
For large experiments this can take up to minutes (!).

To get rid of this problem, the underlying object model has been modified. When an 
object is instantiated like above, then the whole ODB tree is fetched in an XML 
buffer in a single transfer, which even for large ODBs usually takes much less 
than a second. Then the XML buffer is decomposed on the client side and converted 
into the proper midas::odb objects. In one case this gave an improvement from 35 
seconds to 0.5 seconds which is significant. To enable the new method, the object 
can be created with a flag like

midas::odb o("/Equipment", true);

which then switches to the new method. One has to take care not to fool oneself 
(like I did) by printing the object like

midas::odb o("/Equipment", true);
std::cout << o << std::endl;

because each read access to any sub-object of o causes a separate read request to 
the server which again can take long. Therefore, one has to switch off the auto 
refresh via

midas::odb o("/Equipment", true);
std::cout << o << std::endl;

Accessing any sub-object of o then does not cause a client-server request, which 
is not necessary if all objects just have been pulled from the server before. If 
one keeps the object however for a long time in memory, one has to be aware that 
it only contains "old" values from the time if instantiation. If one needs more 
current ODB values, the auto read refresh has to be turned on again.

  2419   08 Aug 2022 Stefan RittInfoImprovement of odbxx API
After some thought, I changed the API again and removed the flag in the constructor,
so the system now automatically choses the best algorithm depending if the client
is connected to a local or a remote API. So in all cases you use again the old syntax:

midas::odb o("/Equipment");

  492   17 Jun 2008 Stefan RittInfoImprovement of custom pages
Some improvement of custom pages have been implemented. The idea behind is that
a custom page would contain a large background image containing indicators but
also controls. While indicators (values, bars) are already available, the field
of controls have been improved.

Edit boxes floating on top of a graphic

The first option has been there from the beginning, but was never documented. It
makes it possible to put an edit box right on top of a graphic by means of a CSS
style tag. The custom page code could look like this:

<div style="position:absolute; top:100px; left:50px;">
<odb src="/Runinfo/run number" edit=1>
<img src="cusgom.gif">

The "div" tag surrounding the "odb" tag places this directly on top of the
"custom.gif" image, where it can be clicked to be edited.

Password protection of an edit box

Being able to control an experiment through a web interface of course rises the
question about safety. This is not so much about external access (for which we
have other protection schemes like host lists etc.) but it's about accidental
access by the normal shift crew. If a single click on a web page opens a
critical valve, this might be a problem. In order to restrict access to some
"experts", an additional password can be chosen for all or some controls on a
custom page. This is done by a new option in the "odb" tag and by adding a small
JavaScript function into the custom page:

<script type="text/javascript">
function promptpwd(path)
    pwd = prompt('Please enter password', '');
    document.cookie = "cpwd=" + pwd;
    location.href = path;


<odb src="/..." edit=1 pwd="CustomPwd">


If the "pwd" option is present in the "odb" tag, mhttpd establishes a call to
the promptpwd() function if one click on the value. The password is then asked
from the user and submitted as a cookie. mhttpd then check this password against
the ODB entry


and shows an error if they don't match. By using an explicit name ("CustomPwd"
in the above example) one can use a single password for all controls on a page,
or one could use several passwords on the same page. Like a shift crew password
for the less severe controls (/Custom/Pwd/ShiftPwd), and an "expert" password
(/Custom/Pwd/ExpertPwd) for the critical things. This password is of course not
secure in the sense that it's placed in plain text into the ODB, it's more to
prevent accidental modifications of things.

Area map to toggle values

Sometimes it's desirable to toggle a value, like the state of a valve. This can
be done now with a new function like this:

<map name="Custom1">
<area shape="rect" coords="40,200,100,300" alt="Main Valve"
<img src="cusgom.gif" usemap="#Custom1">

This defines a clickable map on top of the custom image. The area(s) should
match with some areas on the image like the box of a valve. By clicking on it,
the supplied path to the ODB is used (in this case
"/Equpiment/Environment/Variables[2]") and it's value is toggled (set to 0 if it
is 1, set to 0 if it is 1). If the valve value is then used in the image via a
"fill" statement to change the color of the valve, it can turn green or red
depending on it's state.

Are map with password check

The above area map can be combined with the password check. To do so, one needs:

<area shape="rect" coords="40,200,100,300" alt="Main Valve"

in combination with the JavaScript from above.

An example of the are map technology is shown in the attachment. This page from the MEG experiment at PSI
shows a complex gas system. The valves are represented as green circles. If they are clicked, they close
and become red (after the user successfully supplied the correct password).
  496   31 Jul 2008 Stefan RittInfoImprovement of custom pages
Even more improvements have been implemented into custom pages recently, containing a complete JavaScript library for ODB communication. This JavaScript library relies on certain new commands built into mhttpd, and is therefore hardcoded into mhttpd. It can be seen by entering

http://<your mhttpd host>/mhttpd.js

To include it in your custom page, put following statement inside the <head>...</head> tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../mhttpd.js"></script>

It contains several functions:

Display of cursor location

When writing custom pages with large background images and labels placed on that image, it is hard to figure out X and Y coordinates of the labels. This can now be simplified by adding a new tag to the background image like
<img id="refimg" src="...">

If the "refimg" tag is present, the cursor changes into a crosshair and it's absolute and relative locations in respect to the reference image are shown in the status bar:

To make this work under Firefox, the user has to explicitly allow for status bar changes. To do so, enter about:config in the address bar. In the filter bar, enter status. Then locate dom.disable_window_status_change and set it to false.

Retrieving ODB values

Retrieving individual or array values from the ODB through the AJAX interface is now very simple. Just call:

to obtain a value. If <path> points to an array in the ODB, an individual value can be retrieved by using an index, like

or the complete array can be obtained with

The function then returns a JavaScript array which can be used like
  var a = ODBGet('/Equipment/Environment/Variables/Input[*]');

  for (i=0 ; i<a.length ; i++)

This functionality together with the window.setInterval() function can be used to update parts of the web page periodically such as:
  window.setInterval("Refresh()", 10000);

  function Refresh() {
    document.getElementById("run_number").innerHTML = ODBGet('/Runinfo/Run number');

This function updates the current run number every 10 seconds in the background. The custom page has to contain an element with id="run_number", such as
  <td id="run_number"></td>

The formatting of any number uses the internal default. If this should be changed, the format can directly appended in the ODB path such as:

the format %1.2lf is then directly passed to the sprintf() function.

Retrieving System Messages

A similar function ODBGetMsg(<n>) has been defined. It retrieves the last <n> system messages, which can then be displayed in some message area. If n=1 a single string is returned, if n>1 an array of strings is returned similar to ODB arrays.

Setting ODB values

Individual ODB values can be set in the background with


The password_name has the same meaning as described in elog:492. It must be defined under /Custom/Pwd/<password_name>. The function ODBSet can be used for example when one clicks on an checkbox for example:
  <input type="checkbox" onClick="ODBSet('/Logger/Write data',this.checked?'1':'0')">

If used as above, the state of the checkbox must be initialized when the page is loaded. This can be either done with some JavaScript code called on initialization, which then uses ODBGet() as described above. Alternatively, the <odb> tag can be used like:
  <odb src="/Logger/Write data" type="checkbox" edit="2" onclick="ODBSet('/Logger/Write data',this.checked?'1':'0')">

The special code edit="2" instructs mhttpd not to put any JavaScript code into the checkbox tag, since setting this value in the ODB is now handled by the user-supplied ODBSet() code. With edit="1" the internal JavaScript is activated, which uses the old form submission for sending the value to the ODB.
  494   04 Jul 2008 Stefan RittInfoImproved alarm conditions implemented
I implemented improved alarm conditions in the alarm system. Now one can write
conditions like

  /Equipment/HV/Variables/Input[*] < 100


  /Equipment/HV/Variables/Input[2-3] < 100

to check all values from an array or a certain range. If one array element
fulfills the alarm condition, the alarm is trigger. In addition, bit-wise alarm
conditions are possible

  /Equipment/Environment/Variables/Input[0] & 8

is triggered if bit #2 is set in Input[0].

The changes are committed to SVN revision 4242.
  1396   24 Sep 2018 Devin BurkeForumImplementing MIDAS on a Satellite
Hello Everybody,

I am a member of a satellite team with a scientific payload and I am considering
coordinating the payload using MIDAS. This looks to be challenging since MIDAS
would be implemented on an Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA with minimal hardware
resources. The idea would be to install a soft processor on the Spartan 6 and
run MIDAS through UCLinux either on the FPGA or boot it from SPI Flash. Does
anybody have any comments on how feasible this would be or perhaps have
experience implementing a similar system?

  1401   25 Sep 2018 Stefan RittForumImplementing MIDAS on a Satellite
> Hello Everybody,
> I am a member of a satellite team with a scientific payload and I am considering
> coordinating the payload using MIDAS. This looks to be challenging since MIDAS
> would be implemented on an Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA with minimal hardware
> resources. The idea would be to install a soft processor on the Spartan 6 and
> run MIDAS through UCLinux either on the FPGA or boot it from SPI Flash. Does
> anybody have any comments on how feasible this would be or perhaps have
> experience implementing a similar system?
> -Devin

While some people successfully implemented a midas *client* in an FPGA softcore, the full midas 
backend would probably not fit into a Spartan 6. Having done some FPGA programming and 
working on satellites, I doubt that midas would be well suited for such an environment. It's 
probably some kind of overkill. The complete GUI is likely useless since you want to minimize your 
communication load on the satellite link.

  1402   25 Sep 2018 Devin BurkeForumImplementing MIDAS on a Satellite
> > Hello Everybody,
> > 
> > I am a member of a satellite team with a scientific payload and I am considering
> > coordinating the payload using MIDAS. This looks to be challenging since MIDAS
> > would be implemented on an Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA with minimal hardware
> > resources. The idea would be to install a soft processor on the Spartan 6 and
> > run MIDAS through UCLinux either on the FPGA or boot it from SPI Flash. Does
> > anybody have any comments on how feasible this would be or perhaps have
> > experience implementing a similar system?
> > 
> > -Devin
> While some people successfully implemented a midas *client* in an FPGA softcore, the full midas 
> backend would probably not fit into a Spartan 6. Having done some FPGA programming and 
> working on satellites, I doubt that midas would be well suited for such an environment. It's 
> probably some kind of overkill. The complete GUI is likely useless since you want to minimize your 
> communication load on the satellite link.
> Stefan

Thank you for your comment Stefan. We do have some hardware resources on the board such as RAM, ROM and
Flash storage so we wouldn't necessarily have to virtualize everything. Ideally we would like a
completed and compressed file to be produced on board and regularly sent back to ground without
requiring remote access. MIDAS is appealing to us because its easily automated but we wouldn't
necessarily need functions like a GUI or web interface. Part of the discussion now is whether or not a
microblaze processor would be sufficient or if we need a dedicted ARM processor.

  1421   26 Dec 2018 Konstantin OlchanskiForumImplementing MIDAS on a Satellite
> Thank you for your comment Stefan. We do have some hardware resources on the board such as RAM, ROM and
> Flash storage so we wouldn't necessarily have to virtualize everything. Ideally we would like a
> completed and compressed file to be produced on board and regularly sent back to ground without
> requiring remote access. MIDAS is appealing to us because its easily automated but we wouldn't
> necessarily need functions like a GUI or web interface. Part of the discussion now is whether or not a
> microblaze processor would be sufficient or if we need a dedicted ARM processor.

Hi, just recently I got a midas frontend to build and run on uclinux on a microblaze arm CPU (GRIFFIN CDM VME board).

It worked, but uncovered many problems inside midas - uclinux has no mmu, no multithreading, no recursive mutexes, no 
some of the other stuff assumed always available.

The worst problem I ran into was with uclinux giving us a very small stack so code like "int main() { char buf[10*1024]; }
crashes right away and there is a lot of code like this in midas.

My feeling about the xilinx soft-core CPU, if you can run uclinux, you can also run a midas frontend. We do not require 
memory beyond that needed to store one or two of your data events.

By design, the midas library can be built in a "minimal" configuration that only supports a frontend connected
to the mserver (no local ODB, no local event buffers, no local mhttpd/mlogger, etc).

As you have seen in the Makefile, there are provisions for cross-compilation and I cross-compile midas things quite often.

On the other side, if you have xilinx FPGA with build-in PowerPC CPU, most definitely you can run full linux
and you can run full midas on it, we have done this for the T2K/ND280 experiment in Japan.

  422   05 Feb 2008 Stefan RittInfoImplementation of relative paths in mhttpd
A major change was made to mhttpd, changing all internal URLs to relative paths.
This allows proxy access to mhttpd via an apache server for example, which might
be needed to securely access an experiment from outside the lab through a
firewall. Following setting can be places into the Apache configuration,
assuming the experiment runs on machine "online1.your.domain", and apache on a
publically available machine "www.your.domain":

Redirect permanent /online1 http://www.your.domain/online1
ProxyPass /online1/ http://online1.your.domain/

<Location "/online1">
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName ...
  AuthUserFile ...
  Require user ...

If the the URL http://www.your.domain/online1 is accessed, it gets redirected
(after optional authentication) to http://online1.your.domain. If you click on
the mhttpd history page for example, mhttpd would normally redirect this to 


but this is not correct since you want to go through the proxy www.your.domain.
The new relative redirection inside mhttpd now redirects the history page
correctly to


I had to change many places inside mhttpd to make this work, and I'm not 100%
sure if I covered all occurrences. So if you upgrade to mhttpd revision 4115 and
observe some error accessing some pages, please report it to me.

- Stefan
  428   13 Feb 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoImplementation of relative paths in mhttpd
> A major change was made to mhttpd, changing all internal URLs to relative paths.
> This allows proxy access to mhttpd via an apache server for example, which might
> be needed to securely access an experiment from outside the lab through a
> firewall.

It is good to see improvements to the MIDAS URLs. We have been successfully running
mhttpd behind an apache SSL/HTTPS proxy without these changes, but our case was very
limited to one experiment, one mhttpd behind one proxy. I hope to test these changes
in the near future at CERN, I guess we will hear if things broke. I am especialloy
worried about the function for "split mhttpd history generator" via "/History/URL".
I remember it was hard to get it right and I hope if this function did not survive
this update, it will be easy to resurrect.
  495   16 Jul 2008 Stefan RittInfoImplementation of db_set_link_data() and db_set_link_data_index()
The current implementation of ODB links has the problem that once a link is
created, it cannot be changed any more through odbedit. This is because each
"set" command works on the destination of the link instead of the link. The same
happens when one loads a *.odb file. To overcome this problem, two new functions
db_set_link_data() and db_set_link_data_index() have been implemented. They
resemble their counterparts db_set_data() and db_set_data_index(), but they can
be used to directly modify a link instead of the link target. I use these
functions now in odbedit and db_paste() so that the above described problems are
fixed now. I do not expect any side effect of this, but if people experience
problems with db_paste(), please let me know.
  82   20 Nov 2003 Stefan Ritt Implementation of db_check_record()
As Konstantin pointed out correctly, the db_create_record() call is pretty 
heavy since it copies whole structures around the ODB. Therefore, it 
should not used frequently. It might be that several problems are caused 
by that, for example the "phantom" records reported in elog:40 .

I have therefore implemented the function 

db_check_record(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *keyname, char *rec_str, 
                BOOL correct)

which takes an ASCII structure in the same way as db_create_record(), but 
only checks this ASCII structure against the ODB contents without writing 
anything to the ODB. 

If the record does not exist at all, it is created via db_create_record(). 
This is useful for example with the /Runinfo structure on a virgin ODB.

If the parameter "correct" is FALSE, the function returns 
DB_STRUCT_MISMATCH if the ODB contents is wrong (wrong order of variables, 
wrong name of variables, wrong type or array size). The calling function 
should then abort, since a subsequent db_open_record() would fail. Note 
that although abort() is useful, one should add cm_disconnect_experiment() 
just before the abort() in order to have the application "log out" from 
the ODB gracefully. If the parameter "correct" is TRUE, the function 
db_create_record() is called internally to correct a mismatching record.

I have changed most calls of db_create_record() in mhttpd.c, mfe.c, mana.c 
and mlogger.c. Pierre, could you do the same for lazylogger.c?

I also started to put assert()'s everywhere and encourage everyone to 
follow. Under Windows, the asserts() are removed automatically if 
compiling in "Release" mode.

So I committed many changes, did some quick tests, but am not 100% 
convinced that all the changes are good. So please use the new code 
cautiously, and let me know if there is any new problem. I also would like 
to get some feedback if the whole thing becomes more stable now.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5