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ID Date Authordown Topic Subject Text Attachments
  2766   14 May 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoROOT v6.30.6 requires libtbb-devroot_v6.30.06.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4
the libtbb-dev package.
  2767   16 May 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmidas alarm borked condition evaluationI am updating the TRIUMF IRIS experiment to
the latest version of MIDAS. I see following
error messages in midas.log:
  2769   17 May 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmidas alarm borked condition evaluation> This is a common problem I also encountered
in the past. You get a low-level ODB access
error (could also be a read of a non-existing
  2770   17 May 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportodbedit load into the wrong placeTrying to restore IRIS ODB was a nasty surprise,
old save files are in .odb format and odbedit
"load xxx.odb" 
  2771   17 May 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmidas alarm borked condition evaluation
> And I think I know what caused the original
problem in IRIS experiment, I think the list
  2780   24 May 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoadded ubuntu 22 arm64 cross-compilationUbuntu 22 has almost everything necessary
to cross-build arm64 MIDAS frontends:
  2781   29 May 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS RPC add support for std::string and std::vector<char>This is moving slowly. I now have RPC caller
side support for std::string and 
std::vector<char>. RPC server side is next.
  2782   02 Jun 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS RPC data format> MIDAS RPC data format.
> 3) RPC reply
> 3.1) header:
  1833   14 Feb 2020 Konrad BrigglForumWritting Midas Events via FPGAsHello Stefan,
is there a difference for the later data
processing (after writing the ring buffer
  357   02 Mar 2007 Kevin LynchForumevent builder scalability> Hi there:
> I have a question if there's anybody out
there running MIDAS with event builder
  1225   15 Dec 2016 Kevin GiovanettiBug Reportmidas.h errorcreating a frontend on MAC Sierra OSX 10
include the midas.h file and when compiling
with XCode I get an error based on
  1404   30 Oct 2018 Joseph McKennaBug ReportSide panel auto-expands when history page updates

One can collapse the side panel when looking
  1406   31 Oct 2018 Joseph McKennaBug ReportSide panel auto-expands when history page updates> > 
> > 
> > One can collapse the side panel when
  Draft   14 Oct 2019 Joseph McKennaForumtmfe.cxx - Future frontend designHi,

I have been looking at the 2019 workshop
  1727   18 Oct 2019 Joseph McKennaInfosysmon: New system monitor and performance logging frontend added to MIDAS

I have written a system monitor tool for
  1746   03 Dec 2019 Joseph McKennaInfomfe.c: MIDAS frontend's 'Equipment name' can embed hostname, determined at run-timeA little advertised feature of the modifications
needed support the msysmon program is 
that MIDAS equipment names can support the
  1891   01 May 2020 Joseph McKennaForumTaking MIDAS beyond 64 clients

Hi all,
  1895   02 May 2020 Joseph McKennaForumTaking MIDAS beyond 64 clients
Thank you very much for feedback.
  2015   19 Nov 2020 Joseph McKennaForumHistory plot consuming too much memory

A user reported an issue that if they were
  2017   20 Nov 2020 Joseph McKennaForumHistory plot consuming too much memoryPoking at the behavior of this, its fairly
clear the slow response is from the data
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