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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topicup Subject
  1652   08 Aug 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionmidas cmake migration
Each CMakeLists.txt should specify which version of CMake it requires. The MIDAS CMakeLists.txt requires CMake 3.1 or later. 
We deliberately stayed away from fancy cutting edge CMake features in order to make midas easier to compile. On top of that,
midas is a much simpler package compared to root, so things are not so complicated.

  1653   08 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionmidas cmake migration
> Each CMakeLists.txt should specify which version of CMake it requires. The MIDAS CMakeLists.txt requires CMake 3.1 or later. 
> We deliberately stayed away from fancy cutting edge CMake features in order to make midas easier to compile. On top of that,
> midas is a much simpler package compared to root, so things are not so complicated.

The oldest cmake I actually used is 3.6.1 (on SL6), so I do not know if cmake versions between 3.1 and 3.6 actually work for us. Perhaps we should set 
the CMakefile requirement to 3.6.1 to match the oldest version we know works. If somebody has an older cmake, they have a choice of updating it or 
trying it as as and reporting success/failure to the midas forum here.

  1655   08 Aug 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionmidas cmake migration
I just tried CMake 3.1.0 and it worked with midas. So I believe all versions between 3.1.0 and 3.6.1 are ok.

Actually playing around with different versions I realized that 3.0.0 is also ok, so I changed the requirement of midas down to 3.0

  1701   23 Sep 2019 Frederik WautersSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.

We have encountered a safety issue with our HPGe HV and it's midas frontend. Turning off or changing HV unknowingly has to be avoided at all costs.


Current safety protection

We use the DF_REPORT_STATUS flag to give the hardware settings precedence over odb settings. This all takes place in the init.


DAQ recovery Issue?

In the setup / development state, we sometimes have to remove the SHM files and reload an odb dump to recover the DAQ. When the FE is running, this can modify hardware settings. E.g. change a voltage



Is there a way one can let the frontend know the "load"  function is called in odbedit? Or other suggestions to build in this safety.


  1708   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.
> We have encountered a safety issue with our HPGe HV and it's midas frontend.

At TRIUMF and other labs the words "safety issue" have very specific meaning and
we tend to follow this guidance: MIDAS is not certified for and is not intended for use with 
safety critical applications as defined here:

> A safety-critical system ... malfunction may result in ... following outcomes:
> death or serious injury to people
> loss or severe damage to equipment/property
> environmental harm

If this is your case, you should use properly certified software *and hardware*. Safety 
officers at most institutions require certified hardware interlocks and other protections to 
prevent such undesirable outcomes. Use of certified PLCs is sometimes permitted.

But I suspect in your case, there is no "safety issue", you only want to protect some 
valuable but not critical equipment against accidental damage.

In this case, you can probably use midas, but if midas malfunction may result in destroying 
your experiment (i.e. accidentally set wrong voltage on 3000 phototubes), you should also 
have hardware based protections (hardware limits on max/min high voltage). Most HV 
power supplies implement such protections (screw-driver actuated max voltage limits).

If there is danger of destroying your experiment you should also have an independent 
review of your control system to avoid avoidable mistakes and obvious problems.

> Turning off or changing HV unknowingly has to be avoided at all costs

The function of changing high-voltage is implemented in your frontend program. Right in 
the place in this program where you transmit the voltage setting from ODB to the hardware 
is where you implement your protections (validate the voltage range, check that changing 
the voltage is permitted, etc). This protects you against unexpected/incorrect/erroneous
changes in ODB (wrong ODB is loaded, wrong values in ODB, ODB is corrupted, etc).

In addition, it is wise to set software based limits in the HV power supply (software 
controlled max high voltage, software controlled max current, etc). Most HV power supplies 
implement such functions.

To ensure high voltage cannot be changed at the wrong times, you can also implement 
procedural and hardware protections, such as unplug the power supply control connection 
(usually ethernet or serial or usb cable). This will prevent you from monitoring the high 
voltage currents and the only solution is to use a  power supply with a hardware "write 
protect" function (a key needs to be inserted and turned to allow changing anything).

All of this is generic and applies to any controls software, not just MIDAS.

Without at least some of these protections (especially protections in your frontend 
program), the questions you asked about loading ODB are insufficient.

  1712   28 Sep 2019 Frederik WautersSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.
Dear Konstantin,

So let me retract the term "safety issue" then, it was more a request/question for this type of 
info between the fe and the odb.

We have most of what you mention:
* The HV hardware has current limits
* The Hardware has fixed ramping limits.

same for the software. 

The issue occurs when e.g. one channel can not be turned on and ramp for some temp/specific 
reason, and someone else is working on the daq and reloads the odb for e.g. 1h ago.  

> > We have encountered a safety issue with our HPGe HV and it's midas frontend.
> At TRIUMF and other labs the words "safety issue" have very specific meaning and
> we tend to follow this guidance: MIDAS is not certified for and is not intended for use with 
> safety critical applications as defined here:
> > A safety-critical system ... malfunction may result in ... following outcomes:
> > death or serious injury to people
> > loss or severe damage to equipment/property
> > environmental harm
> If this is your case, you should use properly certified software *and hardware*. Safety 
> officers at most institutions require certified hardware interlocks and other protections to 
> prevent such undesirable outcomes. Use of certified PLCs is sometimes permitted.
> But I suspect in your case, there is no "safety issue", you only want to protect some 
> valuable but not critical equipment against accidental damage.
> In this case, you can probably use midas, but if midas malfunction may result in destroying 
> your experiment (i.e. accidentally set wrong voltage on 3000 phototubes), you should also 
> have hardware based protections (hardware limits on max/min high voltage). Most HV 
> power supplies implement such protections (screw-driver actuated max voltage limits).
> If there is danger of destroying your experiment you should also have an independent 
> review of your control system to avoid avoidable mistakes and obvious problems.
> > Turning off or changing HV unknowingly has to be avoided at all costs
> The function of changing high-voltage is implemented in your frontend program. Right in 
> the place in this program where you transmit the voltage setting from ODB to the hardware 
> is where you implement your protections (validate the voltage range, check that changing 
> the voltage is permitted, etc). This protects you against unexpected/incorrect/erroneous
> changes in ODB (wrong ODB is loaded, wrong values in ODB, ODB is corrupted, etc).
> In addition, it is wise to set software based limits in the HV power supply (software 
> controlled max high voltage, software controlled max current, etc). Most HV power supplies 
> implement such functions.
> To ensure high voltage cannot be changed at the wrong times, you can also implement 
> procedural and hardware protections, such as unplug the power supply control connection 
> (usually ethernet or serial or usb cable). This will prevent you from monitoring the high 
> voltage currents and the only solution is to use a  power supply with a hardware "write 
> protect" function (a key needs to be inserted and turned to allow changing anything).
> All of this is generic and applies to any controls software, not just MIDAS.
> Without at least some of these protections (especially protections in your frontend 
> program), the questions you asked about loading ODB are insufficient.
> K.O.
  1715   29 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.
> The issue occurs when e.g. one channel can not be turned on and ramp for some temp/specific 
> reason, and someone else is working on the daq and reloads the odb for e.g. 1h ago.  

So you want to ensure that some HV channels are turned off and stay turned off. Yes?

Most effective solution will depend on the consequences of unwanted turning-on of your channels:

- if hardware is destroyed if turned on - I think you should have a hardware lock-out. (unplug the HV cable)
- if hardware malfunctions and will degrade if left turned on for long time (i.e. a hot phototube or sparking wire chamber) - your data 
monitoring software should detect the anomaly (it will show up as a hot channel, dead channel, etc) and the people running the 
experiment will realize the mistake and turn the channel back off. also hardware monitoring (HV currents, etc) should detect this, with 
same effect.
- if collected data becomes useless (the turned-off channel make big noise in all other channels), then same thing, your data 
monitoring should catch it.

The next consideration is what are you protecting against:

a) one person flags channel defective, turns it off, next person knows nothing, turns it back on - you need to work on documentation, 
shift hand-off and other human-level procedures
b) people running experiment load random odb files - same thing, from human-level procedures and documentation it should be made 
clear which odb files are correct and which should not be used
c) software malfunction (not human person) causes data change in odb causes turned-off channel to turn back on
d) hardware malfunction causes turned-off channel to turn back on (HV power supply hardware or firmware malfunctions and decides 
that all channels should be turned on at maximum high voltage)

In the experiments I am most familiar with, problem (b) is avoided by never loading/reloading odb files directly, most/all interaction
with the experiment is done through web pages, and these web pages are carefully coded to be safe against most user mistakes.

Cases (a), (b) and (c) you can protect against by changing the frontend code to refuse to turn on some channels:

int set_hv(int channel, int voltage) {
   if (channel == 35) return COMMAND_REFUSED;
   write_to_hardware(channel, voltage);

But in reality this solution only creates problem (e):

e) people running the experiment start random versions of the frontend program, make random changes to the frontend source code, 
multiple people working on the frontend have their own personal versions/copies of the source code, etc.

This is the worst-case scenario, meaning the experiment lost control of software configuration, and even basic software version 
control tools (like svn or git) are not being used. If your experiment gets that chaotic, all protections are likely to be ineffective - 
documentation will not work (people will ignore post-it notes "do not turn on!"), hardware protections will not work (unplugged cable 
labeled "do not plug in!" will be plugged back in and powered), etc. good luck, then.

  1726   15 Oct 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.
There is a not-so-well-known function in the ODB to write protect some keys. You can do

odbedit> chmod 1 /Equipment/HV/Demand

which will write protect your Demand values. You see that by doing

odbedit> ls -ls

where you only see a "R" at the right end instead a "RWD". I haven't tried it yet (so better do a dry run yourself), but that should prevent an odb load to overwrite your demand values. To change the values, put some logic on a custom page to unprotect the 
values, change them, and then protect them again.

  1733   15 Nov 2019 Andreas SuterSuggestionjavascript comunication
I am currently testing the new history system on the mhttpd side and stumbled over the following issue: typically our user open a lot of midas web-page tabs and keep them open. With the current version this leads after a night typically to a state where the browser is busy with itself and not reacting anymore.

One important reason seems to be that ALL tabs trying to communicate all the time which is totally unnecessary, since I think a hidden tab should stay in a sleeping mode. 

I was browsing if there is a way to find out if a tab is active or not, and found the following API which exactly does this:

Furthermore, the simple


tag, could be used to find out if the page is currently active.

Wouldn't it a good idea to send all midas tabs which are not active into a sleep mode and only reactivate them if they come into focus?

I had a quick look at the JavaScript libs of midas, but I am not quite certain where to best inject this. 
  1735   15 Nov 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionjavascript comunication
Very good idea. And thanks for finding the document.hidden solution. I put it in, so give it a try.


> I am currently testing the new history system on the mhttpd side and stumbled over the following issue: typically our user open a lot of midas web-page tabs and keep them open. With the current version this leads after a night typically to a state where the browser is busy with itself and not reacting anymore.
> One important reason seems to be that ALL tabs trying to communicate all the time which is totally unnecessary, since I think a hidden tab should stay in a sleeping mode. 
> I was browsing if there is a way to find out if a tab is active or not, and found the following API which exactly does this:
> Furthermore, the simple
> document.hidden 
> tag, could be used to find out if the page is currently active.
> Wouldn't it a good idea to send all midas tabs which are not active into a sleep mode and only reactivate them if they come into focus?
> I had a quick look at the JavaScript libs of midas, but I am not quite certain where to best inject this. 
  1737   17 Nov 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionjavascript comunication
> I am currently testing the new history system on the mhttpd side and stumbled over the following issue:
> typically our user open a lot of midas web-page tabs and keep them open. With the current version this leads after a night typically to a state where the browser is busy with itself and not reacting anymore.
> One important reason seems to be that ALL tabs trying to communicate all the time which is totally unnecessary, since I think a hidden tab should stay in a sleeping mode. 

I am looking at two more problems with inactive tabs:

a) google chrome slows down the execution of javascript in inactive tabs, leading to trouble
with memory management - midas pages poll at 1/sec, each poll allocates memory for processing RPC messages,
and (until recently) allocates memory for new DOM objects to update the web page - but the garbage collector
gets slowed down and does not keep up - leading to huge memory use (up to 200 Mbytes) for inactive midas pages
that normally consume 50-ish Mbytes.

b) the playing of the alarm sound is throttled by "user has not interacted with the document" thing, but there is a bug -
instead of canceling the playing of the alarm sound, the sound file is still loaded, (but not played). (this is hard to debug
because I do not know how to manually trigger the "user has not interacted..." condition, I have to wait for many days for it.
Then, for inactive tabs, the loading of the sound files is slowed down, leading to many of them getting queued up,
and eventually they all try to load and play at the same time, again leading to huge memory and cpu use in inactive tabs.
(this sounds incredible because we play the alarm sound at most 1/minute, for sure the previous sound file must have
finished playing by then, but no, it is easy to see it happen - add a few console.log messages and wait for a few days).

> I was browsing if there is a way to find out if a tab is active or not, and found the following API which exactly does this:

From looking at the inactive tab business, I see that javascript in inactive tabs runs quite differently from javascript
in active tabs (i.e. timers do not work the same) and I see how the "visibility api" had to be invented to counter that.

> Wouldn't it a good idea to send all midas tabs which are not active into a sleep mode and only reactivate them if they come into focus?
> I had a quick look at the JavaScript libs of midas, but I am not quite certain where to best inject this.

most midas web pages poll in two places - mhttpd_refresh() updates the current date timestamp, alarms, currently active midas.log message;
and each page has it's own loop for updating it's own data (i.e. "alarms" page, "programs" page).

we should be careful to not completely disable all polling as some experiments do use and do rely on the midas producing
loud alarm messages ("program logged is not running!!!", "program mhttpd aborted!!!"). Even if all midas tabs are inactive,
some javascript is some tab still has to run frequently enough to poll midas and to sound the alarm sounds (even though
I am not sure how to 100% reliably counteract the google-chrome not playing sound files because
of the "user did not interact with the site..." thing).

  1738   17 Nov 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionjavascript comunication
> Very good idea. And thanks for finding the document.hidden solution. I put it in, so give it a try.

Hi, Stefan - I did not look at your code, if all midas tabs are inactive, will the alarm sound still play?


> Best,
> Stefan
> > I am currently testing the new history system on the mhttpd side and stumbled over the following issue: typically our user open a lot of midas web-page tabs and keep them open. With the current version this leads after a night typically to a state where the browser is busy with itself and not reacting anymore.
> > 
> > One important reason seems to be that ALL tabs trying to communicate all the time which is totally unnecessary, since I think a hidden tab should stay in a sleeping mode. 
> > 
> > I was browsing if there is a way to find out if a tab is active or not, and found the following API which exactly does this:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Furthermore, the simple
> > 
> > document.hidden 
> > 
> > tag, could be used to find out if the page is currently active.
> > 
> > Wouldn't it a good idea to send all midas tabs which are not active into a sleep mode and only reactivate them if they come into focus?
> > 
> > I had a quick look at the JavaScript libs of midas, but I am not quite certain where to best inject this. 
  1739   18 Nov 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionjavascript comunication
> Hi, Stefan - I did not look at your code, if all midas tabs are inactive, will the alarm sound still play?

Nope. All updates are done in mhhtpd_refresh(), and I changed it such that nothing is updated if hidden.

I agree however that this is bad. You want to hear alarms always. So I added some code to do ONLY alarm updates if in the background. 
No GUI changes, only audio playing. Checking is reduced from 1 Hz to 0.1 Hz (once every 10 seconds). I don't have however a solution 
to your problem "not enough interaction with page" which I have never seen so far.

I wonder if we should try push notifications:
which seems a bit complicated to me. It might also be too subtle if someone is sleeping in front of the computer.

  1740   18 Nov 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionjavascript comunication
> a) google chrome slows down the execution of javascript in inactive tabs, leading to trouble
> with memory management - midas pages poll at 1/sec, each poll allocates memory for processing RPC messages,
> and (until recently) allocates memory for new DOM objects to update the web page - but the garbage collector
> gets slowed down and does not keep up - leading to huge memory use (up to 200 Mbytes) for inactive midas pages
> that normally consume 50-ish Mbytes.

Try my latest change, which drops any update if hidden, except the alarm sound. At the moment this only works on the main "status" page.

> most midas web pages poll in two places - mhttpd_refresh() updates the current date timestamp, alarms, currently active midas.log message;
> and each page has it's own loop for updating it's own data (i.e. "alarms" page, "programs" page).

That's correct. I changed mhttpd_refresh() now and the main loop for the "status" page. If that works for everybody, we can do that also for "programs" and other pages. The code is here:

      if (document.hidden) {
         // don't update page if hidden
         setTimeout(update_page, 500);

where "update_page" has to be replaced with the proper function.

  1741   18 Nov 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionjavascript comunication
> > Hi, Stefan - I did not look at your code, if all midas tabs are inactive, will the alarm sound still play?
> I added some code to do ONLY alarm updates if in the background (once every 10 seconds)

Ok, good.

> I don't have however a solution to your problem "not enough interaction with page" which I have never seen so far.

When it happens, you should see my messages about it in the javascript console. (rejected promise from

How to make it happen so one can see it and be sure it is handled correctly (audio.src has to be set to blank, at the least), I have no idea.

What I have been looking at for the huge memory and cpu use problem, I would call "a bad interaction between two kludges",
the first kludge is the throttling javascript in inactive tabs, the second kludge is the "not interacted" rejection of promise.
( returning a promise, and the strange sequencing between this promise success/reject and
the audio events loaded/canplay/done/etc smells of a kludge, too).

> I wonder if we should try push notifications:
> which seems a bit complicated to me. It might also be too subtle if someone is sleeping in front of the computer.

I did not read all the explanation, but if it requires use of 3rd party services, I think we cannot use it, we do not want
to miss "experiment is on fire" alarms just because google is down.

  1796   28 Jan 2020 Amy RobertsSuggestionMIDAS tested with MariaDB?
We're using the History Logger MIDAS feature and writing to mySQL tables, but 
in some cases have run into issues installing mySQL on centos7 systems.

Has anyone ever tried running this MIDAS feature with MariaDB rather than 
  1797   28 Jan 2020 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionMIDAS tested with MariaDB?
I have used the mySQL runlog with MariaDB before. I don't recall any problems on Fedora Core 29 or so (after MIDAS compiled).

MariaDB intended to maintain high compatibility with MySQL, ensuring a drop-in replacement capability with library binary parity and exact matching with MySQL APIs and commands.
  1798   28 Jan 2020 Lee PoolSuggestionMIDAS tested with MariaDB?
> We're using the History Logger MIDAS feature and writing to mySQL tables, but 
> in some cases have run into issues installing mySQL on centos7 systems.
> Has anyone ever tried running this MIDAS feature with MariaDB rather than 
> mySQL?


I've used MIDAS Logger feature with MariaDB and had no issue thus far .
  1803   02 Feb 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionMIDAS tested with MariaDB?
> We're using the History Logger MIDAS feature and writing to mySQL tables, but 
> in some cases have run into issues installing mySQL on centos7 systems.
> Has anyone ever tried running this MIDAS feature with MariaDB rather than 
> mySQL?

The best I can tell, MariaDB is *the* mysql. "the other thing" is an abandonware fork.

I personally at this moment do not run any daq stations with mysql logging, and I accidentally
removed all the 25 versions and flavours of mysql from my home laptop, so if there
is any problems with mysql, please holler, and I will reinstall mysql (ahem, mariadb) and restore
my ability to test midas against it.

As a connected question, is there any need to have postgres support in midas as well?

  1815   10 Feb 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionswitch midas to c++ threads?
Hi, Stefan & co - now that midas is c++11 and c++11 comes with a threads library, should we 
switch midas to use the c++11 threads instead of pthreads? (Of course on Linux c++11 
threads are a layer on top of pthreads, the best I know).

This should remove the dependency on pthreads.h and use a more native implementation of 
threads on MacOS and Windows. (again, the best I can tell).

Of course this depends on c++11 threads having all the functions we need. Specifically, "lock 
with timeout" is useful to deal with "gah! everything stopped! what do I do!", a problem 
bedeviling midas in the early days (and still happens today!). Current midas kills everything 
after 5 minutes of deadlock - then the user knows how to restart everything and the developer 
has core dumps to look at. (to see which program/thread holds the lock and would not give it 

Any thoughts on this?

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