ID |
Date |
Author |
Topic |
Subject |
19 Jan 2004 |
Konstantin Olchanski | | darwin aka macosx changes | I commited the final bits to make Midas build on Darwin aka macosx.
Here is the summary:
1) I treat Darwin as a funny linux, so OS_LINUX is always defined
2) OS_DARWIN is defined for places where the two differ
3) system dependant directory is "midas/darwin/{bin,lib}"
4) a few header files had to be moved around to dodge namespace pollution by Apple system
header files (i.e. one of the PowerPC header files #defines PVM- collision with PVM in mana.c,
another #defines Free(x)- collision with ROOT header files)
5) ss_thread_create() and ss_thread_kill() now use midas_thread_t. On Darwin ptherad_t is not
an "int".
6) the Makefile has no support for building the midas shared library on macosx.
7) on my Mac OS 10.2.8 machine, "make all" works, "odbedit" and "mhttpd" run. This is the
full extent of my testing. Status on Mac OS 10.3.x is unknown.
K.O. |
10 Mar 2004 |
Jan Wouters | | Creation of secondary Midas output file. | Dear Midas Team,
I have run into a problem with Midas and was wondering if you could explain what I
am doing wrong. I have included a simple demo to illustrate what I am doing and
can send a small input data file if needed.
Every midas event for the DANCE experiment consists of many physics events. I am
trying to create a secondary mid file where the event boundaries are now the
physics events rather than the midas events. This secondary mid file will be
analyzed using a second stage midas analyzer.
For the demo, I use the data from EV02 (one of our 15 frontends), which consists of a
variable number of fixed length structures where each structure contains the data for
one crystal from the DANCE detector.
I treat each crystal as a separate physics event and write it out in the TREK bank,
which is a demo calculated output bank, as a separate event.
(The only difference between this demo and our real system is that we would include
all the crystals from the other frontends that have approximately the same time stamp
in the output bank. Thus the output bank would consist of a varing number of
crystals in one event rather than the fixed one crystal per event used in this demo.)
THE CHANGES TO analyzer.c AND adccalib.c
I loop through the EV02 bank examining each crystal structure in turn. I calculate
"calibrated" parameters and put them into an output bank called TREK. The unusual
part of this example is that the TREK bank is no longer part of the main list of input
banks, ana_trigger_bank_list[]. Instead it is now part of a new bank list called
ana_physics_bank_list[]. See the analyzer.c file for this definition.
In adccalib.c I create the space for this new bank as follows.
EVENT_HEADER gPhysicsEventHeaders[ MAX_EVENT_SIZE / sizeof(
WORD* gPhysicsEventData = ( WORD * )( gPhysicsEventHeaders + 1 );
In the adc_calib routine I create the bank header as follows. Note that the serial
numbers will restart at 0 at the beginning of each midas event. Should I let the serial
number increment monotonically until the end of the run?:
gPhysicsEventHeaders->serial_number = (DWORD) - 1;
gPhysicsEventHeaders->event_id = 2;
gPhysicsEventHeaders->trigger_mask = 0;
gPhysicsEventHeaders->time_stamp = pheader->time_stamp;
In a loop that loops through all the crystals contained in EV02, I extract each crystal,
calibrate it, and store it in a TREK structure. In creating the TREK bank I assume that
each one will be a separate physics event thus I update the event serial number and
use bk_init32 to initialize the memory.
for ( short i = 0; i < nItems; i++ )
{ ++(gPhysicsEventHeaders->serial_number); // Update serial number.
bk_init32( gPhysicsEventData ); // Initialize storage.
bk_create( gPhysicsEventData, "TREK", TID_STRUCT, &trek );
trek->one = (double) pev->areahg * 1.0;
trek->two = (float) pev->timelo * 1.0;
bk_close( gPhysicsEventData, trek+1 );
pev++; // Loop to next crystal's data.
The output bank should consist of multiple events for each individual EV02 midas
input event.
As far as I can tell the code compiles and runs fine, but I get no data in the .mid
output file except for the ODB. I have a print statement at the beginning of each
midas event stating how many crystals were found in the EV02 bank. I also print out
the calibrated value for each crystal as it is being placed in its own TREK output
bank. The data appears correct.
I cannot place TREK in the input bank the way it normally is done in the examples
because there is not a one-to-one correspondence between a midas event and a
true physics event. Instead one midas event has many physics events. Thus the
output bank needs to be in a new memory area so that I can create a custom header
and increment the serial number properly for each event. Our follow-on analysis
using a second Midas analyzer only needs to analyze one physics event at a time
rather than one Midas event at a time, which is why we are going to all the trouble to
get this paradigm working.
I include all the code for this very simple example.
To run the example just use the run01220.mid file I will send:
./analyzer -i run01220.mid.gz -o run01220out.mid -c settings.odb_cfg -n 50
The only thing done by the settings.odb_cfg file is to turn on the TREK output bank. I
have verified that the bank is on.
I believe that I must not be creating the new TREK output bank correctly so that
midas understands that the event-by-event calculated physics data should be written
out event-by-event. I have pointed out several places in the above discussion where
I might be making a mistake.
I would like to get both this example running and a similar which create Root trees,
though the Root trees are of secondary importance. With this example I can finish
writing the second stage analyzer and get the DANCE collaboration moving forward
with their analysis. Currently, we cannot use this paradigm because I cannot create
a secondary mid file in our stage one analysis. I would be very grateful if you could
take a look at this example and tell me what I am doing incorrectly.
Jan |
Attachment 1: dance193.tar
10 Mar 2004 |
Stefan Ritt | | Creation of secondary Midas output file. | Dear Jan,
I had a look at your code. You create a gPhysicsEventHeader array, fill it, and expect the
framework to write it to disk. But how can the framework "guess" that you want your private
global array being written? Unfortunately it cannot do magic!
Do do what you want, you have to write a "secondary" midas file yourself. I modified your
code to do that. First, I define the event storage like
EVENT_HEADER *gPhysicsEventHeader = (EVENT_HEADER *) gSecEvent;
WORD* gPhysicsEventData = ( WORD * )( gPhysicsEventHeader + 1 );
I use gSecEvent as a BYTE array, since it only contains one avent at a time, so this is more
appropriate. Then, in the BOR routine, I open a file:
sprintf(str, "sec%05d.mid", run_number);
sec_fh = open(str, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644);
and close it in the EOR routine
The event routine now manually fills events into the secondary file:
/* write event to secondary .mid file */
gPhysicsEventHeader->data_size = bk_size(gPhysicsEventData);
write(sec_fh, gPhysicsEventHeader, sizeof(EVENT_HEADER)+bk_size(gPhysicsEventData));
Note that this code is placed *inside* the for() loop over nItems, so for each detector you
create and event and write it.
That's all you need, the full file adccalib.c is attached. I tried to produce a sec01220.mid
file and was able to read it back with the mdump utility.
Best regards,
Stefan |
Attachment 1: adccalib.c
Name: adccalib.c
Created by: Stefan Ritt
Contents: Example analyzer module for ADC calibration. Looks
for ADC0 bank, subtracts pedestals and applies gain
calibration. The resulting values are appended to
the event as an CADC bank ("calibrated ADC"). The
pedestal values and software gains are stored in
adccalib_param structure which was defined in the ODB
and transferred to experim.h.
/*-- Include files -------------------------------------------------*/
/* standard includes */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
/* midas includes */
#include "midas.h"
#include "experim.h"
#include "analyzer.h"
/* root includes */
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
/* Local stuff, struct for handling analysis demo...
using EV01_BANK as template for bank mapping */
#define N_FRONTENDS 14
/* Histo info, could be placed in ODB */
typedef struct {
char name[ 256 ];
char title[ 256 ];
INT nbins;
float xlow;
float xhigh;
{"AreaHG", "AreaHG" , 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
{"AreaLG", "AreaLG" , 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
{"TimeHi", "Time High", 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
{"TimeLo", "Time Low" , 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
{"Detid" , "Detector ID" , 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
{"Slope" , "Slope" , 1024, 0.0, 1023.}
/*-- Parameters ----------------------------------------------------*/
/* local creation of ODB struct */
GAMMA_PARAM_STR( gamma_param_str );
GAMMA_PARAM gamma_param;
/* Global ODB struct (taken care by analyzer.c) */
extern EXP_PARAM exp_param;
extern RUNINFO runinfo;
/*-- Module declaration --------------------------------------------*/
INT adc_calib( EVENT_HEADER*, void* );
INT adc_calib_init( void );
INT adc_calib_bor( INT run_number );
INT adc_calib_eor( INT run_number );
/*-- New Bank Area -------------------------------------------------*/
EVENT_HEADER *gPhysicsEventHeader = (EVENT_HEADER *) gSecEvent;
// Trick used for allocating MAX_EVENT_SIZE bytes for bank.
WORD* gPhysicsEventData = ( WORD * )( gPhysicsEventHeader + 1 );
// Pointer to start of first data record
/* file for secondary .mid file */
int sec_fh;
/* The module name "Gamma" is used for the ODB tree under
/Analyzer/Parameters. It maps the experim.h gamma struct.
ANA_MODULE adc_calib_module = {
"Gamma", /* module name */
"Pierre", /* author */
adc_calib, /* event routine */
adc_calib_bor, /* BOR routine */
adc_calib_eor, /* EOR routine */
adc_calib_init, /* init routine */
NULL, /* exit routine */
&gamma_param, /* parameter structure */
sizeof(gamma_param), /* structure size */
gamma_param_str, /* initial parameters */
/*-- module-local variables ----------------------------------------*/
extern TDirectory *gManaHistsDir;
/* Root Histo objects */
static TH1F* gAdcHists[ N_FRONTENDS ];
/*-- init routine --------------------------------------------------*/
#define TM_N_BINS 2048
#define TM_X_LOW 0
#define TM_X_HIGH 40000
INT adc_calib_init(void)
char name[ 256 ];
int fe_number = 2;
int i;
char title[256];
// Some booking for demo
// Just book the crystals from frontend 2.
for (i=0; i < N_STRUCT_ELEMENT; i++)
sprintf(name, "%s-%2.2i" , h[i].name, fe_number);
sprintf(title, "%s-%2.2i", h[i].title, fe_number);
gAdcHists[i] = (TH1F*)gManaHistsDir->GetList()->FindObject(name);
printf("Booking Histo:%s\n", name);
if (gAdcHists[i] == NULL)
gAdcHists[i] = new TH1F(name, title, h[i].nbins, h[i].xlow, h[i].xhigh);
return SUCCESS;
/*-- BOR routine ---------------------------------------------------*/
INT adc_calib_bor(INT run_number)
char str[80];
sprintf(str, "sec%05d.mid", run_number);
sec_fh = open(str, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644);
if (sec_fh < 0)
cm_msg(MERROR, "adc_calib_bor", "Cannot open secondary .mid file \"%s\"", str);
return SUCCESS;
/*-- eor routine ---------------------------------------------------*/
INT adc_calib_eor(INT run_number)
return SUCCESS;
/*-- event routine -------------------------------------------------*/
INT adc_calib(EVENT_HEADER *pheader, void *pevent)
INT n_items;
DWORD *pdata;
EV01_BANK *pev;
TREK_BANK *trek;
// Initialize the calculate output bank including the header.
gPhysicsEventHeader->serial_number = (DWORD) - 1;
gPhysicsEventHeader->event_id = 2;
gPhysicsEventHeader->trigger_mask = 0;
gPhysicsEventHeader->time_stamp = pheader->time_stamp;
// For demo assume each crystal in bank 2 is new event. This really isn't
// true, but it is analogous to splitting one midas event into multiple physics
// events.
/* Get there with ID = 1 -> EVxx,
For demo histo EV02 EV_BANK all elements.
Create a new bank TREK which is a structure bank.
We are testing the breaking of a single midas event
into individual physics events. Thus we will take
each crystal in EV02 and make it a separate event
in the TREK output bank.
[local:Default:S]Bank switches>set TREK 1
for output
Apply some calibration from the gamma ODB struct.
/* look for EV02 bank, return if not present, skip TMxx ....
n_items: number of elements in the bank */
if ( !( n_items = bk_locate( pevent, "EV02", &pdata ) ) )
return 1;
// Loop through all items in bank.
short nItems = n_items/ sizeof( EV01_BANK );
printf( "Number of bytes %d, number of items %d\n", n_items, nItems );
pev = (EV01_BANK *)pdata;
for ( short i = 0; i < nItems; i++ )
/* fill histos not really elegant for now*/
gAdcHists[0]->Fill((float) pev->areahg, 1);
gAdcHists[1]->Fill((float) pev->arealg, 1);
gAdcHists[2]->Fill((float) pev->timehi, 1);
gAdcHists[3]->Fill((float) pev->timelo, 1);
gAdcHists[4]->Fill((float) pev->detid, 1);
gAdcHists[5]->Fill((float) pev->slop, 1);
// create calibrated TREK bank. Recall that this output bank mimics
// the splitting up of the midas bank into physics events.
++(gPhysicsEventHeader->serial_number); // Update serial number.
bk_init32( gPhysicsEventData ); // Initialize storage.
bk_create( gPhysicsEventData, "TREK", TID_STRUCT, &trek );
trek->one = (double) pev->areahg * 1.0;
trek->two = (float) pev->timelo * 1.0;
printf("area: %e time: %f\n", trek->one, trek->two );
bk_close( gPhysicsEventData, trek+1 );
pev++; // Loop to next crystal's data.
/* write event to secondary .mid file */
gPhysicsEventHeader->data_size = bk_size(gPhysicsEventData);
write(sec_fh, gPhysicsEventHeader, sizeof(EVENT_HEADER)+bk_size(gPhysicsEventData));
/* close calculated bank */
return SUCCESS;
11 Mar 2004 |
Renee Poutissou | | Creation of secondary Midas output file. | Jan ,
Do you need to log this stage 1 output? If not, you would use the
eventbuilder mechanism to create your stage 2 events.
I use the eventbuilder mechanism with success for my TWIST experiment.
Renee |
30 Mar 2004 |
Konstantin Olchanski | | elog fixes | I am about to commit the mhttpd Elog fixes we have been using in TWIST since
about October. The infamous Elog "last N days" problem is fixed, sundry
memory overruns are caught and assert()ed.
For the curious, the "last N days" problem was caused by uninitialized data
in the elog handling code. A non-zero-terminated string was read from a file
and passed to atoi(). Here is a simplifed illustration:
char str[256]; // uninitialized, filled with whatever happens on the stack
read(file,str,6); // read 6 bytes, non-zero terminated
// str now looks like this: "123456UUUUUUUUU....", "U" is uninitialized memory
int len = atoi(str); // if the first "U" happens to be a number, we lose.
The obvious fix is to add "str[6]=0" before the atoi() call.
Attached is the CVS diff for the proposed changes. Please comment.
K.O. |
Attachment 1: elog-fixes.txt
Index: src/midas.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/midas.c,v
retrieving revision 1.203
diff -u -r1.203 midas.c
--- src/midas.c 19 Mar 2004 09:58:22 -0000 1.203
+++ src/midas.c 31 Mar 2004 05:11:00 -0000
@@ -14814,8 +14814,9 @@
-void el_decode(char *message, char *key, char *result)
+void el_decode(char *message, char *key, char *result, int size)
+ char *rstart = result;
char *pc;
if (result == NULL)
@@ -14828,6 +14829,8 @@
*result++ = *pc++;
*result = 0;
+ assert(strlen(rstart) < size);
@@ -15020,9 +15023,9 @@
size = atoi(str + 9);
read(fh, message, size);
- el_decode(message, "Date: ", date);
- el_decode(message, "Thread: ", thread);
- el_decode(message, "Attachment: ", attachment);
+ el_decode(message, "Date: ", date, sizeof(date));
+ el_decode(message, "Thread: ", thread, sizeof(thread));
+ el_decode(message, "Attachment: ", attachment, sizeof(attachment));
/* buffer tail of logfile */
lseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END);
@@ -15092,7 +15095,7 @@
sprintf(message + strlen(message), "========================================\n");
strcat(message, text);
- assert(strlen(message) < sizeof(message)); // bomb out on array overrun.
+ assert(strlen(message) < sizeof(message)); /* bomb out on array overrun. */
size = 0;
sprintf(start_str, "$Start$: %6d\n", size);
@@ -15104,6 +15107,9 @@
sprintf(tag, "%02d%02d%02d.%d", tms->tm_year % 100, tms->tm_mon + 1,
tms->tm_mday, (int) TELL(fh));
+ /* size has to fit in 6 digits */
+ assert(size < 999999);
sprintf(start_str, "$Start$: %6d\n", size);
sprintf(end_str, "$End$: %6d\n\f", size);
@@ -15339,13 +15345,20 @@
- if (strncmp(str, "$End$: ", 7) == 0) {
- size = atoi(str + 7);
- lseek(*fh, -size, SEEK_CUR);
- } else {
+ if (strncmp(str, "$End$: ", 7) != 0) {
+ /* make sure the input string to atoi() is zero-terminated:
+ * $End$: 355garbage
+ * 01234567890123456789 */
+ str[15] = 0;
+ size = atoi(str + 7);
+ assert(size > 15);
+ lseek(*fh, -size, SEEK_CUR);
/* adjust tag */
sprintf(strchr(tag, '.') + 1, "%d", (int) TELL(*fh));
@@ -15364,14 +15377,21 @@
lseek(*fh, -15, SEEK_CUR);
- if (strncmp(str, "$Start$: ", 9) == 0) {
- size = atoi(str + 9);
- lseek(*fh, size, SEEK_CUR);
- } else {
+ if (strncmp(str, "$Start$: ", 9) != 0) {
+ /* make sure the input string to atoi() is zero-terminated
+ * $Start$: 606garbage
+ * 01234567890123456789 */
+ str[15] = 0;
+ size = atoi(str+9);
+ assert(size > 15);
+ lseek(*fh, size, SEEK_CUR);
/* if EOF, goto next day */
i = read(*fh, str, 15);
if (i < 15) {
@@ -15444,7 +15464,7 @@
- int size, fh, offset, search_status;
+ int size, fh = 0, offset, search_status, rd;
char str[256], *p;
char message[10000], thread[256], attachment_all[256];
@@ -15462,10 +15482,24 @@
/* extract message size */
offset = TELL(fh);
- read(fh, str, 16);
- size = atoi(str + 9);
+ rd = read(fh, str, 15);
+ assert(rd == 15);
+ /* make sure the input string is zero-terminated before we call atoi() */
+ str[15] = 0;
+ /* get size */
+ size = atoi(str+9);
+ assert(strncmp(str,"$Start$:",8) == 0);
+ assert(size > 15);
+ assert(size < sizeof(message));
memset(message, 0, sizeof(message));
- read(fh, message, size);
+ rd = read(fh, message, size);
+ assert(rd > 0);
+ assert((rd+15 == size)||(rd == size));
@@ -15473,14 +15507,14 @@
if (strstr(message, "Run: ") && run)
*run = atoi(strstr(message, "Run: ") + 5);
- el_decode(message, "Date: ", date);
- el_decode(message, "Thread: ", thread);
- el_decode(message, "Author: ", author);
- el_decode(message, "Type: ", type);
- el_decode(message, "System: ", system);
- el_decode(message, "Subject: ", subject);
- el_decode(message, "Attachment: ", attachment_all);
- el_decode(message, "Encoding: ", encoding);
+ el_decode(message, "Date: ", date, 80); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
+ el_decode(message, "Thread: ", thread, sizeof(thread));
+ el_decode(message, "Author: ", author, 80); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
+ el_decode(message, "Type: ", type, 80); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
+ el_decode(message, "System: ", system, 80); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
+ el_decode(message, "Subject: ", subject, 256); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
+ el_decode(message, "Attachment: ", attachment_all, sizeof(attachment_all));
+ el_decode(message, "Encoding: ", encoding, 80); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
/* break apart attachements */
if (attachment1 && attachment2 && attachment3) {
@@ -15496,6 +15530,10 @@
strcpy(attachment3, p);
+ assert(strlen(attachment1) < 256); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
+ assert(strlen(attachment2) < 256); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
+ assert(strlen(attachment3) < 256); /* size from show_elog_submit_query() */
/* conver thread in reply-to and reply-from */
30 Mar 2004 |
Stefan Ritt | | elog fixes | Thanks for fixing these long lasting bugs. The code is much cleaner now, please
commit it. |
28 Apr 2004 |
Konstantin Olchanski | | mhttpd "start run" input field length? | I am setting up a new experiment and I added a "comment" field to "/
Experiment/Edit on start". When I start the run, I see this field, but I
cannot enter anything: the HTML "maxlength" is zero (or 1?). I traced this
to mhttpd.c: if (this is a string) maxlength = key.item_size. But what is
key.item_size for a string? The current length? If so, how do I enter a
string that is longer than the current one (zero in case I start from
scratch). I am stumped! K.O. |
30 Apr 2004 |
Stefan Ritt | | mhttpd | > I am setting up a new experiment and I added a "comment" field to "/
> Experiment/Edit on start". When I start the run, I see this field, but I
> cannot enter anything: the HTML "maxlength" is zero (or 1?). I traced this
> to mhttpd.c: if (this is a string) maxlength = key.item_size. But what is
> key.item_size for a string? The current length? If so, how do I enter a
> string that is longer than the current one (zero in case I start from
> scratch). I am stumped! K.O.
Your problem is that you created a ODB string with zero length. If you do this
through ODBEdit, a default length of 32 is used:
[local:Test:S]Edit on start>cr string Comment
String length [32]:
[local:Test:S]Edit on start>ls -l
Key name Type #Val Size Last Opn Mode Value
Comment STRING 1 32 2s 0 RWD
[local:Test:S]Edit on start>
which then results in a maxlength of 32 as well during run start. I presume
you used mhttpd itself to create the string. Trying to reporduce this, I found
that mhttpd creates strings with zero length. I will fix this soon. Until
then, use ODBEdit to create your strings. |
07 May 2004 |
Konstantin Olchanski | | min(a,b) in mana.c and mlogger.c | When I compile current cvs-head midas, I get errors about undefined function
min(). I do not think min() is in the list of standard C functions, so
something else should be used instead, like a MIN(a,b) macro. To make life
more interesting, in a few places, there is also a variable called "min".
Here is the error:
src/mana.c: In function `INT write_event_ascii(FILE*, EVENT_HEADER*,
src/mana.c:2571: `min' undeclared (first use this function)
src/mana.c:2571: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each
function it appears in.)
make: *** [linux/lib/rmana.o] Error 1
K.O. |
07 May 2004 |
Stefan Ritt | | min(a,b) in mana.c and mlogger.c | > When I compile current cvs-head midas, I get errors about undefined function
> min(). I do not think min() is in the list of standard C functions, so
> something else should be used instead, like a MIN(a,b) macro. To make life
> more interesting, in a few places, there is also a variable called "min".
> Here is the error:
> src/mana.c: In function `INT write_event_ascii(FILE*, EVENT_HEADER*,
> src/mana.c:2571: `min' undeclared (first use this function)
> src/mana.c:2571: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each
> function it appears in.)
> make: *** [linux/lib/rmana.o] Error 1
This is really a miracle to me. The min/max macros are defined both in midas.h
and msystem.h and worked the last ten years or so. However, I agree that macros
should follow the standard and use capital letters, so I changed that. |
06 Jun 2004 |
Konstantin Olchanski | | Makefile: set -rpath | I commited Makefile bits to set the RPATH on dynamically linked executables
to find and ROOT shared libraries without setting
21 Jun 2004 |
Piotr Zolnierczuk | | min(a,b) in mana.c and mlogger.c | > > When I compile current cvs-head midas, I get errors about undefined function
> > min(). I do not think min() is in the list of standard C functions, so
> > something else should be used instead, like a MIN(a,b) macro. To make life
> > more interesting, in a few places, there is also a variable called "min".
> > Here is the error:
> >
> > src/mana.c: In function `INT write_event_ascii(FILE*, EVENT_HEADER*,
> > src/mana.c:2571: `min' undeclared (first use this function)
> > src/mana.c:2571: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each
> > function it appears in.)
> > make: *** [linux/lib/rmana.o] Error 1
> This is really a miracle to me. The min/max macros are defined both in midas.h
> and msystem.h and worked the last ten years or so. However, I agree that macros
> should follow the standard and use capital letters, so I changed that.
The problem is that /usr/include/c++/3.*/bits/stl_algobase.h contains
#undef min
#undef max
and in C++ with STL one should really use something like this
Piotr |
21 Jun 2004 |
Piotr Zolnierczuk | | FAQ: anonymous cvs access? | Is the midas CVS server set-up so that I can pull the newest
version off the CVS server?
What would be my CVSROOT? *this did not work* :)
21 Jun 2004 |
Pierre-André Amaudruz | | FAQ: anonymous cvs access? | > Is the midas CVS server set-up so that I can pull the newest
> version off the CVS server?
> What would be my CVSROOT?
> *this did not work* :)
> Piotr
In the Midas doc under "Quick Start"
you will find the proper cvs command for accessing the latest cvs Midas
version. The public pwd is cvs. You will only be able to checkout/update the
package. |
22 Jun 2004 |
Exaos Lee | | How to compile under Darwin-gcc? (MacOS X) | I add the following to makefile and try to treat Darwin as FreeBSD/Linux.
But I failed.
# This is for MacOS X
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin)
CC = gcc
OS_DIR = Darwin
LIBS = -lbsd -lcompat
I got the following errors:
gcc -c -g -O2 -Wall -Iinclude -Idrivers -LDarwin/lib -DINCLUDE_FTPLIB
-DOS_DARWIN -DOS_FREEBSD -o Darwin/lib/midas.o src/midas.c
In file included from include/midasinc.h:45,
from include/msystem.h:114,
from src/midas.c:623:
/usr/include/string.h:112: error: conflicting types for `strlcat'
include/midas.h:1701: error: previous declaration of `strlcat'
/usr/include/string.h:113: error: conflicting types for `strlcpy'
include/midas.h:1700: error: previous declaration of `strlcpy'
In file included from include/msystem.h:114,
from src/midas.c:623:
include/midasinc.h:161:21: sys/vfs.h: No such file or directory
include/midasinc.h:164:17: pty.h: No such file or directory
src/midas.c:780: error: conflicting types for `dbg_malloc'
include/midas.h:1478: error: previous declaration of `dbg_malloc'
src/midas.c:817: error: conflicting types for `dbg_calloc'
include/midas.h:1479: error: previous declaration of `dbg_calloc'
src/midas.c:858: error: conflicting types for `strlcpy'
/usr/include/string.h:113: error: previous declaration of `strlcpy'
src/midas.c:892: error: conflicting types for `strlcat'
/usr/include/string.h:112: error: previous declaration of `strlcat'
gmake: *** [Darwin/lib/midas.o] Error 1
Could anyone give me some hints. Thanks! |
22 Jun 2004 |
Konstantin Olchanski | | How to compile under Darwin-gcc? (MacOS X) | The current (cvs) version of MIDAS should build on Mac OS X right out of the
box- I fixed all the problems you report back in February(?)- see the macosx
thread in this forum. A few weeks ago I verified that it still compiles on Mac
OS 10.3.4. The Mac OS port received minimal testing- I checked that "odbedit"
and "mhttpd" run, that's about it. K.O.
> I add the following to makefile and try to treat Darwin as FreeBSD/Linux.
> But I failed.
> ============
> #-----------------------
> # This is for MacOS X
> #
> ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin)
> CC = gcc
> OS_DIR = Darwin
> LIBS = -lbsd -lcompat
> endif
> ============
> I got the following errors:
> =============
> gcc -c -g -O2 -Wall -Iinclude -Idrivers -LDarwin/lib -DINCLUDE_FTPLIB
> -DOS_DARWIN -DOS_FREEBSD -o Darwin/lib/midas.o src/midas.c
> In file included from include/midasinc.h:45,
> from include/msystem.h:114,
> from src/midas.c:623:
> /usr/include/string.h:112: error: conflicting types for `strlcat'
> include/midas.h:1701: error: previous declaration of `strlcat'
> /usr/include/string.h:113: error: conflicting types for `strlcpy'
> include/midas.h:1700: error: previous declaration of `strlcpy'
> In file included from include/msystem.h:114,
> from src/midas.c:623:
> include/midasinc.h:161:21: sys/vfs.h: No such file or directory
> include/midasinc.h:164:17: pty.h: No such file or directory
> src/midas.c:780: error: conflicting types for `dbg_malloc'
> include/midas.h:1478: error: previous declaration of `dbg_malloc'
> src/midas.c:817: error: conflicting types for `dbg_calloc'
> include/midas.h:1479: error: previous declaration of `dbg_calloc'
> src/midas.c:858: error: conflicting types for `strlcpy'
> /usr/include/string.h:113: error: previous declaration of `strlcpy'
> src/midas.c:892: error: conflicting types for `strlcat'
> /usr/include/string.h:112: error: previous declaration of `strlcat'
> gmake: *** [Darwin/lib/midas.o] Error 1
> ==========
> Could anyone give me some hints. Thanks! |
22 Jun 2004 |
Exaos Lee | | FAQ: anonymous cvs access? |
> In the Midas doc under "Quick Start"
> you will find the proper cvs command for accessing the latest cvs Midas
> version. The public pwd is cvs. You will only be able to checkout/update the
> package.
I cannot checkout module:
01:52:16: Operation timed out
01:52:16: cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above
messages if any)
Could anybody add download tar package in the WWW interface of CVS repository.
I know the original CGI script has such a feature. Thanks. |
23 Jun 2004 |
Exaos Lee | | How to compile under Darwin-gcc? (MacOS X) | > The current (cvs) version of MIDAS should build on Mac OS X right out of the
> box- I fixed all the problems you report back in February(?)- see the macosx
> thread in this forum. A few weeks ago I verified that it still compiles on Mac
> OS 10.3.4. The Mac OS port received minimal testing- I checked that "odbedit"
> and "mhttpd" run, that's about it. K.O.
Thanks a lot. But I cannot checkout module:
01:52:16: Operation timed out
01:52:16: cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above
messages if any)
Could anybody add download tar package in the WWW interface of CVS repository.
I know the original CGI script has such a feature. Thanks.
I use these commands to checkout:
cvs -e ssh -d checkout midas
cvs -e ssh -d update |
23 Jun 2004 |
Stefan Ritt | | How to compile under Darwin-gcc? (MacOS X) | > Thanks a lot. But I cannot checkout module:
> ------------
> 01:52:16: Operation timed out
> 01:52:16: cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above
> messages if any)
> ------------
Should work fine, just tried from outside PSI. Please check again.
> Could anybody add download tar package in the WWW interface of CVS repository.
> I know the original CGI script has such a feature. Thanks.
The tar package is only done for a new release (which will happen in the next days
BTW), so contains the most recent packages. Upon
request I make a midas-snapshot.tar.gz, but since there will be a 1.9.4 soon, it's
maybe not necessary right now. |
23 Jun 2004 |
Exaos Lee | | How to compile under Darwin-gcc? (MacOS X) | >
> Should work fine, just tried from outside PSI. Please check again.
Unfortunately, I still encounter the same problem.
--- Operation timed out
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
I am in LNS-INFN (Italy), i.e., I am outside PSI. So ... what's the problem? I try to
ping the host, and it is reachable:
[exaos@exaos cvsnew]$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=67.237 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=64.202 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=56.278 ms
Is it the problem of firewall? I am not sure. So strange.
> The tar package is only done for a new release (which will happen in the next days
> BTW), so contains the most recent packages. Upon
> request I make a midas-snapshot.tar.gz, but since there will be a 1.9.4 soon, it's
> maybe not necessary right now.
Waiting for the new release ... |