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  692   11 Jan 2010 Stefan RittSuggestionRedesign of status page links
> > The custom and alias links in the standard midas status page were shown as HTML 
> > links so far. If there are many links with names having spaces in their names, 
> > it's a bit hard to distinguish between them. Therefore, they are packed now into 
> > individual buttons (see attachment) starting from SVN revision 4633 on. This makes 
> > also the look more homogeneous. If there is any problem with that, please report.
> Would you consider using a different colour for the alias buttons (or background
> colour)? At present it's hard to know whether a button is an alias link, a custom page
> link or a user-button especially if you are not familiar with the button layout. 

Ok, I changed the background colors for the button rows. There are now four different 
colors: Main menu buttons, Scripts, Manually triggered events, Alias & Custom pages. Hope 
this is ok. Of course one could have each button in a different color, but then it gets 
complicated... In that case I would recommend to make a dedicated custom page with all these 
buttons, which you can then tailor exactly to your needs.
  694   09 Feb 2010 Stefan RittForumcustom page - flashing filled area
One possibility is to use small GIF images for each valve, which have several frames (called 'animated GIF'). Depending on the state you can use a static GIF or the flashing GIF. An alternate approach is to use a static background image, and display a valve with different color on top of the background in regular intervals using JavaScript. I tried that with the attached page. Just create a custom page /Custom/Valve = valve.html and put all three attachments into your mhttpd directory. The JavaScript displays the red valve on top of the background with a 3 Hz frequency. The only trick is to position the overlay image exactly on top of the background image. This is done using the 'absolute' position in the style sheet. It needs a bit playing to find the proper position, but then it works fine.
  696   11 Mar 2010 Stefan RittInfoNew '/Experiment/Menu buttons'
> The mhttpd program shows some standard buttons in the top row for 
> starting/stopping runs, accessing the ODB, Alarms, etc. Since not all experiments 
> make use of all buttons, they have been customized. By default mhttpd creates 
> following entry in the ODB:
> /Experiment/Menu Buttons = Start, ODB, Messages, ELog, Alarms, Programs, History, 
> Config, Help
> Which is the standard set (except the old CNAF). People can customize this now by 
> removing unnecessary buttons or by changing their order. The "Start" entry above 
> actually causes the whole set of Start/Stop/Pause/Resume buttons to appear, 
> depending on the current run state. 

Upon request the set of Menu Buttons has been extended to

/Experiment/Menu Buttons = Start, Pause, ODB, Messages, ELog, Alarms, Programs, 
History, Config, Help

by adding the additional "Pause" string. Without "Pause" being present in the list of 
menu buttons, the run cannot be paused/resumed, but only started/stopped. This is 
required by some experiments. If "/Experiment/Menu Buttons" is not present in the ODB, 
it gets created with the above default. If it is there from the previous update, the 
"Pause" string might be missing, so it must be added by hand if required. The 
modification is committed as revision #4684.
  703   14 Jun 2010 Stefan RittForumcrash on start run
> I use fedora 12 and midas 4680. there is problem to start run when the frontend
> application runs fine. 

I don't know exactly what is wrong, but I would check following things:

- does your feTCPPacketReceiver die during the start-of-run? Maybe you do some segfault 
int he begin-of-run routine. Can you STOP a run?

- is there any network problem due to your two cards? When you try to stop your fe from 
odbedit with

# odbedit -c "shutdown feTCPPacketReceiver"

do you then get the same error? The shutdown functionality uses the same RPC channel as 
the start/stop run. Some people had firewall problems, on both sides (host AND client), 
so make sure all firewalls are disabled.

- if you disable one network card, do you still get the same problem?
  709   28 Jun 2010 Stefan RittForumError connecting to back-end computer
> > Hi, there. I have not recently run mserver through inetd, and we usually do not do
> > that at TRIUMF. We do this:
> > 
> > a) on the main computer: start mserver: "mserver -p 7070 -D" (note - use non-default
> > port - can use different ports for different experiments)
> > b) on remote computer: "odbedit -h main:7070" ("main" is the hostname of your main
> > computer). Use same "-h" switch for all other programs, including the frontends.
> > 
> > This works well when all computers are on the same network, but if you have some
> > midas clients running on private networks you may get into trouble when they try to
> > connect to each other and fail because network routing is funny.
> Hi K.O.,
> Thanks for your reply. I have tried your way but I got the same error: 
> [midas.c:8623:rpc_server_connect,ERROR] mserver subprocess could not be started 
> (check path)
> My front-end and back-end computers are on the same network connected by a router. I 
> have allowed port 7070 in the firewall and done the port forwarding in the router (for 
> connecting from outside the network). From the error message it seems that some 
> processes can not be started automatically. Could it be related to some security 
> settings such as the SELinux?

The way connections work under Midas is there is a callback scheme. The client starts 
mserver on the back-end, then the back-end connects back to the front-end on three 
different ports. These ports are assigned dynamically by the operating system and are 
typically in the range 40000-60000. So you also have to allow the reverse connection on 
your firewalls.
  717   08 Sep 2010 Stefan RittInfoYBOS support now optional, disabled by default
> It looks like some example drivers in .../drivers/class want to link against YBOS libraries. 
> This fails because ybos.o is missing from the MIDAS library.

I fixed the class drivers in meantime (SVN 4814).

There is however another problem: The lazylogger needs YBOS support compiled in if the FTP transfer mode is used. 
At PSI we are stuck at the moment to FTP, so we still need YBOS there (although none of the data is in YBOS format). 
Maybe there is a chance that this will be fixed some time and we can get rid of YBOS.
  721   20 Sep 2010 Stefan RittInfomodified mhttpd history panel editor
Just some idea:

The ultimate solution to that would be to do that completely JavaScript driven. You load ONCE the list of all 
variables into a local array, then sort this into your history panel LOCALLY. When I did the original mhttpd 
history config page, there was not much JavaScript around, but today this would be the ultimate option. It 
even supports drag-and-drop. So let's keep that in mind for the future.

- Stefan
  724   23 Sep 2010 Stefan RittInfoExample javascript midas page
> We had javascript ODBGet() and ODBSet() functions for some time now, permitting 
implementation of 
> "page-reload-free" "self-updating" web pages. I finally got around to put all 
the javascript bits together 
> to actually implement such a page.

Unfortunately the page has tons of JavaScript errors, probably happened during 
copy-and-paste to elog. Note that 
such files are better places as attachment. I attached a screen dump from the JS 
debugger inside Chrome which I 
use normally to debug JS.
  725   23 Sep 2010 Stefan RittInfoAnother example of a JavaScript midas page
Please find attached another example of a JavaScript (JS) page using the 
ODBGet/Set functions. 

In contrast to the previous posting, the page is not constructed via the 
document.writeln() function, but written directly in HTML and modified through the 
"innerHTML = ..." functionality. 

It is a control page for our beamline, which gets updated in the background. In 
addition, the user can set the beamline to three predefined settings which are 
stored in an array at the top of the page. As an little extra there is a progress 
bar, which is updated locally via JS since changing the beamline takes a while. 
The progress bar is implemented as a table with variable width, and dynamically 
updated by the JS program. The second attachment is a screen dump from such a 
switching process. Since only values in the ODB are changed, you can try it 
yourself without actually modifying a PSI beam line ;-)
  727   24 Sep 2010 Stefan RittInfoExample javascript midas page
> The attached errors all seem to be from cut-and-paste line breaks in the long "document.writeln()" statements. 
> When the page runs, there are no errors from Firefox and Safari.

Then it would be good if you re-submit the file as an attachment so that other people can use it.

> This example uses "document.writeln()" because the number of PostAmp devices displayed in the table is not 
> known in advance and is potentially read from ODB at page load time.

This was not a criticism but just to show that there are different ways of constructing such a page, depending on the 
needs. So people have the choice. Anyhow I think it's very good to have some working examples for people to start 
  732   17 Nov 2010 Stefan RittBug Reportmhttpd "edit on start" breakage
> very recent mhttpd mangles spaces in URL encoding-decoding and I cannot create or delete entries in for 
> example "/experiment/edit on start". For example attempt to delete "/experiment/Pedestals Run" 
> produces:
> <h1>Cannot find key Experiment/edit%20on%20start/Pedestals run</h1>
> (notice "%20" instead of spaces. further navigation sometimes replaces the "%" sign with "%25" making it 
> even more mangled)
> this used to work. looks like a call to URL unmangling went missing somewhere.
> K.O.

Thanks for reporting. Fixed in SVN revision 4882. Actually I outcommented the fix some time ago and forgot to 
put it back. Now I hope that this does not blow anything else...

- Stefan
  733   15 Dec 2010 Stefan RittInfoNew source file structure of MSCB tree
A long planned modification of the source file structure of the MSCB subsystem has been implemented. This is however only for those people who do actively participate in micro controller programming with MSCB. The idea behind this is tha the central include file mscbemb.h had a section for each new project. So whenever a new project was added, this file had to be modified which is clumsy and hard to maintain. Therefore I took the project specific sections out of this file and put it into a config.h file, which is separate for each project (very similar to VxWorks). So the folder tree now looks like this:
  \include                <- place for framework include file mscbemb.h
  \lib                    <- precompiled TCP/IP library for SCS-260 submaster
  \src                    <- framework sources mscbmain.c and mscbutil.c
  \<project1>             <- separate folder for project1
      config.h            <- config file for project1
  \<project2>             <- separate folder for project2
      config.h            <- config file for project2

So each project has it's own config.h, which is included from the central mscbemb.h and can be used to enable certain features of the framework without having to change the framework itself. The "projectx" folders contain devices which are used across several experiments and sometimes also between institutes (PSI and TRIUMF). If you make a device which is only used in a specific experiment, this should go under \experiment with the name of the device or the experiment as a subdirectory. I encourage everybody to submit even specific projects to the subversion system since they can sometimes be useful for others to look at some example code.

A few other things have to be changed in order to adapt to the new structure:

  • The framework files mscbmain.c mscbutil.c and mscbemb.h have moved and therefore they have to be re-added to the projects in the Keil MicroVision Development Environment.
  • The name of the device should not be defined under compiler settings (Project Options/C51/Preprocessor Symbols), but put directly into the config.h file associated with the project.
  • The include paths in the compile have to be changed and point to \midas\mscb\embedded\include
  • The file config.h has to be copied from a similar project and adjusted to fit the new project.

I did remove all project specific sections from mscbemb.h in the current SVN version, so certain projects (FDB_008 at TRIUMF, CRATE_MONITOR and PT100X8 at PSI) have to retrieve the settings (like LED ports etc.) from the old mscbemb.h and put it into the config.h file.

Furthermore there is a new STARTUP_VDDMON.A51 file in the src directory which should be added to each project. This was recommended by the micro controller manufacturer and fixes cases where the EEPROM contents of the CPU gets lost from time to time during power up.

The last thing is that PSI switched to MicroVision 4 as the development environment, so I added new project files (*.uvproj and *.uvopt instead *.Uv2), but I left the old ones there in case someone still has the uV2 environment. They are however not maintained any more.

If there is any problem with the new structure or you have some comments, please don't hesitate to contact me.

- Stefan
  752   17 Feb 2011 Stefan RittBug ReportProblems with midas history SVN 4936
> uhm, mine might be completely unrelated to this, but it just so happened that the rev.
> 4936 was one that was used in a recent experiment, in which there was complaints about
> the responsiveness of the history plots. The history plots would take up to 30 seconds
> to respond, if the run was about 30-40 minutes old. When the run is about  < 10 minutes
> old , the history plot was responsive to within 1-2 seconds.

Ah, that rings a bell. How big are your history files on disk? How much RAM do you have?

What I see in our experiment is that linux buffers everything I write to disk in a cache 
located in RAM. But this cache is limited, so after a certain time it's overwritten. Now 
this is handled by the OS, the application (mlogger in this case) has no influence on it. 
Let's say you write 5 MB/minute of history, and your cache is 50 MB large. Then after 10 
minutes you can still read the history data from the RAM cache which is ~10x faster than 
your disk. But your older history data (30-40 min) is flushed out of the cache and has to be 
re-read from disk. A typical symptom of this is that the first time you display this it 
takes maybe 30 seconds, but if you do a "reload" of your page it goes much faster. In that 
case the contents is cached again in RAM. If you observe this, you can almost be certain 
that you see th "too small RAM cache" problem. In that case just add RAM and things should 
run better (I use 16 GByte in my machine).

Best regards,

  755   30 Mar 2011 Stefan RittForumHow large does "bank32" support?
> Reading an FADC buffer often needs large buffer size, especially while several
> FADCs work together. I want to know how large a bank32 can support.

The "32" in bank32 means 32-bits, so the bank holds 2^32=4 GBytes, hope that is enough for your ADC. 
The "normal" bank has only a 16-bit header, so it can hold only 64 kBytes. But for small banks, the overhead 
is therefore smaller.
  759   10 May 2011 Stefan RittForumsimple example frontend for V1720

Jianglai Liu wrote:

Who has a good example of a frontend program using CAEN V1718 VME-USB bridge and
V1720 FADC? I am trying to set up the DAQ for such a simple system.

I put together a frontend which talks to the VME. However it gets stuck at
"Calibrating" in initialize_equipment().

I'd appreciate some help!


During "Calibrating", the framework calls your poll_event() routine. You code there accesses for the first time the VME crate and probably gets stuck.
  766   20 Jun 2011 Stefan RittInfoJavascript ODB interface revised
The Javascript interface to the ODB has been revised. This extends the capabilities of custom web pages requesting data from the ODB. By grouping several request together, the number of round-trips is minimized and the response time is reduced. Following functions are new or extended:

  • ODBGet(path[, format]): This functions works now also with subdirectories in the ODB. The command ODBGet('/Runinfo') returns for example:
    Mon Jun 20 09:40:14 2011
    Mon Jun 20 09:40:46 2011

  • ODBGetRecord(path), ODBExtractRecord(key): While ODBGet can be used for subdirectories, an easier way is to use ODBGetRecord and ODBExtractRecord. The first function retrieves the subtree (record), while the second one can be used to extract individual items. Here is an example:
    result = ODBGetRecord('/Runinfo');
    run_number = ODBExtractRecord(result, 'Run number');
    start_time = ODBExtractRecord(result, 'Start time');

  • ODBMGet(paths[, callback, formats]): This function ("Multi-Get") can be used to obtain ODB values from different paths in one call. The ODB paths have to be supplied in an array, the result is again an array. An optional callback routine might be supplied for asynchronous operation. Optional formats might be supplied if the resulting number should be formatted in a specific way. Here is an example:
       var req = new Array();
       req[0] = "/Runinfo/Run number";
       req[1] = "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/Events sent";
       var result = ODBMGet(req);
       run_number = result[0];
       events_sent = result[1];

The new functions are implemented in mhttpd revision 5075.
  767   21 Jun 2011 Stefan RittInfoNew MIDAS sequencer
A new sequencer for starting and stopping runs has been implemented. Although it is till kind of in a preliminary phase, it is usable, so I would like to share the syntax with you.

The sequencer runs inside mhttpd, and creates a new ODB subdirectory "/Sequencer". There is a new button on the status page called "Sequencer". In can run scripts in XML format, which reside on the server (where mhttpd is running). The sequencer is stateless, that means even if mhttpd is stopped and restarted, it resumes operation from where it has been stopped. Following statements are implemented:

  • <Comment>comment</Comment>
    a comment for this XML file, for information only

  • <ODBSet path="path">value</ODBSet>
    to set a value in the ODB

  • <ODBInc path="path">delta</ODBInc>
    to increment a value in the ODB

  • <RunDescription>Description</RunDescription>
    a run description which is stored under /Experiment/Run Parameters/Run Description.

  • <Transition>Start | Stop</Transition>
    to start or stop a run

  • <Loop n="n"> ... </Loop>
    to execute a loop n times. For infinite loops, "infinit" can be specified as n

  • <Wait for="events | ODBvalue | seconds" [path="ODB path"]>x</Wait>
    wait until a number of events is acquired (testing /Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/Events sent), or until a value in the ODB exceeds x, or wait for x seconds.

  • <Script [loop_counter="1"]>Script</Script>
    to call a script on the server side. Optionally, the loop counter(s) are passed to the script

Attached is a simple script which can be used as a starting point.
  782   19 Dec 2011 Stefan RittBug Reportbk_delete uses memcpy instead of memmove
> > In midas.c, the bk_delete function removes a bank by decrementing the total
> > event size and then copying the remaining banks into the location of the first
> > using memcpy from string.h.
> I confirm the documented difference between memcpy() and memmove() and I confirm the 
> questionable use of memcpy() in bk_delete(). I think it should be memmove(). I made it so in my copy 
> of midas, so this change will not be lost.
> But I am not sure how to test it - I do not think I ever used bk_delete(). I will probably ponder upon 
> this and do a blind commit.
> K.O.

It cannot hurt to use memmove(), so please go ahead to commit the changes.

- Stefan
  783   30 Jan 2012 Stefan RittInfoIEEE Real Time 2012 Call for Abstracts

I'm co-organizing the upcoming Real Time Conference, which covers also the field of data acquisition, so it might be interesting for people working 
with MIDAS. If you have something to report, you could also consider to send an abstract to this conference.  It will be nicely located in Berkeley, 
California. We plan excursions to San Francisco and to Napa Valley.

Best regards,
Stefan Ritt


18th Real Time Conference
June 11 – 15, 2012
Berkeley, CA

We invite you to the Hotel Shattuck Plaza in downtown Berkeley, California for
the 2012 Real-Time Conference (RT2012).   It will take place Monday, June 11
through Friday, June 15, 2012, with optional pre-conference tutorials Saturday
and Sunday, June 9-10.

Like the previous editions, RT2012 will be a multidisciplinary conference
devoted to the latest developments on realtime techniques in the fields of
plasma and nuclear fusion, particle physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics,
space science, accelerators, medical physics, nuclear power instrumentation and
other radiation instrumentation.

Abstract submission is open as of 18 January (deadline 2 March). Please visit to submit an


Call for Abstracts 

RT 2012 is an interdisciplinary conference on realtime data acquisition and
computing applications in the physical sciences. These applications include:

* High energy physics 
* Nuclear physics 
* Astrophysics and astroparticle physics 
* Nuclear fusion 
* Medical physics 
* Space instrumentation 
* Nuclear power instrumentation 
* Realtime security and safety 
* General Radiation Instrumentation 

Specific topics include (but are certainly not limited to) the list shown below.
We welcome correspondence to see how your research fits our venue.   

Key Dates

* Abstract submission opened:  January 18, 2012 
* Abstract deadline:  March 2, 2012 
* Program available: April 2 

Suggested Topics

* Realtime system architectures 
* Intelligent signal processing 
* Programmable devices 
* Fast data transfer links and networks 
* Trigger systems 
* Data acquisition 
* Processing farms 
* Control, monitoring, and test systems 
* Upgrades 
* Emerging realtime technologies 
* New standards 
* Realtime safety and security 
* Feedback on experiences 

Contact Information

If you have a question or wish to opt in for occasional e-mail updates about
RT2012, send us a message at To view full conference
information, visit
  785   01 Mar 2012 Stefan RittBug ReportProblem with semaphores
> Anyhow, if anybody can suggest such an advanced locking library it would be great. Will save me the 
> effort of writing one.

Hi Konstantin,

yes there is a good way, which I used during development of the buffer manager function. Put in each sm_xxx function a cm_msg(M_DEBUG, ...) to 
generate a debug system message. They go only into the SYSMSG ring buffer and thus are light weight and don't influence the timing much. You can 
keep odbedit open to see these messages, but there is also another way. You can write a little program which dumps the whole SYSMSG buffer, which 
you can call when the lock happens. You then look "backwards" in time and get all messages stored there, depending of the size of the SYSMSG buffer of 
course. Of course this only works if the lock does not happen on the SYSMSB buffer itself. In that case you have to produce M_LOG messages which are 
written to the logging file. This will influence the timing slightly (the file might grow rapidly) but you are independent of semaphores.

The interesting thing is that in the MEG experiment (9 Front-ends, Event Builder, Logger, Lazylogger, ....) we run for months without any lock up. So I 
might suspect it's caused in your case from a program only you are using.

Best regards,
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5