27 Jun 2011, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas shared memory changes
A number of changes were made to the midas shared memory implementation for
Linux and MacOS:
27 Jun 2011, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mlogger lock for runNNN.mid.gz files
By popular request, Stefan R. implemented a locking scheme for mlogger output files.
To use this function, set the mlogger ODB /Logger/Channels/NNN/Settings/Filename
05 Jul 2011, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas shared memory changes
> 2) the shared memory type used by an experiment is recorded in the file .SHM_TYPE.TXT.
An error with creating the file .SHM_TYPE.TXT was corrected in system.c svn rev 5125 - if file did not exist, it is
11 Jul 2011, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Make "STOP" run transition always succeed
Over the years, there was some back-and-forth changes in what happens to run transitions when some
of the participants misbehave (do not respond to RPC calls, timeout, crash, etc).
30 Jan 2012, Stefan Ritt, Info, IEEE Real Time 2012 Call for Abstracts
I'm co-organizing the upcoming Real Time Conference, which covers also the field of data acquisition, so it might be interesting for people working
20 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, lazylogger write to HADOOP HDFS
I tried using the lazylogger "Disk" method to write into a HADOOP HDFS clustered filesystem and found a
number of problems. I ended up replacing the lazylogger lazy_copy() function that still uses former YBOS
code with a new lazy_disk_copy() function that uses generic fread/fwrite. Also fixed the situation where
20 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
I am recording here the results from a test VME system using two VF48 waveform digitizers and a 64-bit
dual-core VME processor (V7865). VF48 data suppression is off, VF48 modules set to read 48 channels,
1000 ADC samples each. mlogger data compression is enabled (gzip -1).
20 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> I am recording here the results from a test VME system using two VF48 waveform digitizers
Note 1: data compression is about 89% (hence "data to disk" rate is much smaller than the "data from VME" rate)
21 Jun 2012, Stefan Ritt, Info, midas vme benchmarks
Just for completeness: Attached is the VME transfer speed I get with the SIS3100/SIS1100 interface using
2eVME transfer. This curve can be explained exactly with an overhead of 125 us per DMA transfer and a
continuous link speed of 83 MB/sec. |
21 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> Just for completeness: Attached is the VME transfer speed I get with the SIS3100/SIS1100 interface using
> 2eVME transfer. This curve can be explained exactly with an overhead of 125 us per DMA transfer and a
> continuous link speed of 83 MB/sec.
22 Jun 2012, Stefan Ritt, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > Just for completeness: Attached is the VME transfer speed I get with the SIS3100/SIS1100 interface using
> > 2eVME transfer. This curve can be explained exactly with an overhead of 125 us per DMA transfer and a
> > continuous link speed of 83 MB/sec.
22 Jun 2012, Zisis Papandreou, Info, adding 2nd ADC and TDC to crate
Hi folks:
we've been running midas-1.9.5 for a few years here at Regina. We are now
24 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > > Just for completeness: Attached is the VME transfer speed I get with the SIS3100/SIS1100 interface using
> > > 2eVME transfer. This curve can be explained exactly with an overhead of 125 us per DMA transfer and a
> > > continuous link speed of 83 MB/sec.
24 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > I am recording here the results from a test VME system using two VF48 waveform digitizers
(I now have 4 VF48 waveform digitizers, so the event rates are half of those reported before. Date rate
25 Jun 2012, Stefan Ritt, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> P.S. Observe the ever present unexplained event rate fluctuations between 130-140 event/sec.
An important aspect of optimizing your system is to keep the network traffic under control. I use GBit Ethernet between FE and BE, and make sure the switch |
25 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > P.S. Observe the ever present unexplained event rate fluctuations between 130-140 event/sec.
> An important aspect of optimizing your system is to keep the network traffic under control. I use GBit Ethernet between FE and BE, and make sure the |
26 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > > I am recording here the results from a test VME system using four VF48 waveform digitizers
Now we look at the detail of the event readout, or if you want, the real-time properties of the MIDAS
26 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas vme benchmarks
> > > > I am recording here the results from a test VME system using four VF48
waveform digitizers
29 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, lazylogger write to HADOOP HDFS
> Anyhow, the new lazylogger writes into HDFS just fine and I expect that it would also work for writing into
> DCACHE using PNFS (if ever we get the SL6 PNFS working with our DCACHE servers).
27 Jul 2012, Cheng-Ju Lin, Info, MIDAS under Scientific Linux 6
Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone has attempted to install MIDAS under Scientific Linux 6? I am planning to install