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  2142   05 Apr 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoblog - convert mfe frontend to tmfe c++ framework
notes from converting ALPHA-g chronobox frontend fechrono to tmfe c++ framework.

the chronobox device is a timestamp/low resolution tdc/scaler/generic TTL and ECL io
mainboard with an altera DE10_NANO plugin board. it has a cyclone-5 FPGA SOC running Raspbian linux.
FPGA communication is done by avalon-bus memory mapped registers, main data readout
is PIO from an FPGA 32-bit wide FIFO (no DMA yet).

- login to main computer (daq16)
- cd packages
- git clone midas-develop
- cd midas-develop
- make mini ### creates linux-x86_64/{bin,lib}
- ssh agdaq@cb02 ### private network
- cd ~/packages/midas-develop
- make mini ### creates linux-linux-armv7l/{bin/lib}
- cd ~/online/chronobox_software
- cat fechrono.cxx ~/packages/midas-develop/progs/tmfe_example_everything.cxx > fechrono_tmfe.cxx
- edit fechrono_tmfe.cxx:

- rename "FeEverything" to "FeChrono"
- copy contents of frontend_init() to HandleFrontendInit()
- copy contents of frontend_exit() to HandleFrontendExit()
- replace get_frontend_index() with fFe->fFeIndex
- replace "return SUCCESS" with return TMFeOk()
- replace "return !SUCCESS" with return TMFeErrorMessage("boo!!!")
- this frontend has 3 indexed equipments, copy EqEverything 3 times, rename EqEverything to EqCbHist, EqCbms, EqCbFlow
- copy contents of begin_of_run() to EqCbHist::HandleBeginRun()
- copy contents of end_of_run() to EqCbHist::HandleEndRun()
- pause_run(), resume_run() are empty, delete all HandlePauseRun() and all HandleResumeRun()
- frontend_loop() is empty, delete
- poll_event() and interrupt_configure() are empty, delete
- delete all HandleStartAbortRun(), delete all calls to RegisterTransitionStartAbort();
- examine equipment[]:
- "cbhist%02d" - periodic, copy contents of read_cbhist() to EqCbHist::HandlePeriodic()
- "cbms%02d" - polled, copy contents of read_cbms_fifo() to EqCbms::HandlePollRead()
- "cbflow%02d" - periodic, copy contents of read_flow() to EqCbFlow::HandlePeriodic()
- delete unused HandlePoll(), HandlePollRead() and HandlePeriodic()
- replace bk_init32() with "size_t event_size = 100*1024; char* event = (char*)malloc(event_size); ComposeEvent(event, 
event_size); BkInit(event, event_size);"
- replace bk_create(pevent) with BkOpen(event)
- replace bk_close(pevent, ...) with BkClose(event, ...)
- replace "return bk_size(pevent)" with "EqSendEvent(event); free(event);"
- remove unused example SendData()
- if there linker complains about references to "hDB", add "HNDLE hDB" is global scope, add "hDB = fMfe->fDB"
- replace set_equipment_status() with EqSetStatus()
- move equipment configuration from the equipment[] array to the equipment constructors
- remove unused HandleRpc()
- remove unused HandleBeginRun() and unused HandleEndRun()
- remove all example code from HandleInit(), breakup frontend_init() code into per-equipment HandleInit() functions
- EqCbms::HandlePoll() replace all example code with "return true"
- if desired, replace ODB functions from utils.cxx with MVOdb RI(), RD(), etc
- if desired, replace cm_msg() with Msg() and delete "const char* frontend_name"
- update FeChrono() constructor:
      FeAddEquipment(new EqCbHist("cbhist%02d", __FILE__));
      FeAddEquipment(new EqCbms("cbms%02d", __FILE__));
      FeAddEquipment(new EqCbFlow("cbflow%02d", __FILE__));
- build:
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Wuninitialized -g -Ialtera -Dsoc_cv_av -I/home/agdaq/packages/midas-develop/include -
I/home/agdaq/packages/midas-develop/mvodb -c fechrono_tmfe.cxx
g++ -o fechrono_tmfe.exe -std=c++11 -Wall -Wuninitialized -g -Ialtera -Dsoc_cv_av -I/home/agdaq/packages/midas-develop/include 
-I/home/agdaq/packages/midas-develop/mvodb fechrono_tmfe.o utils.o cb.o /home/agdaq/packages/midas-develop/linux-
armv7l/lib/libmidas.a -lm -lz -lutil -lnsl -lpthread -lrt
- run:
- bombs on bm_set_cache_size(), reduce default cache size, old mserver cannot deal with the new default size, set 
fEqConfWriteCacheSize = 100*1024;
- run:
- prints too many messages, comment out print "HandlePollRead!"
- run:
- good now!

success, was not too bad.

- replace gHaveRun with fMfe->fStateRunning
- replace gRunNumber with fMfe->fRunNumber

see section "variables provided by the framework"

  2143   05 Apr 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoblog - convert mfe frontend to tmfe c++ framework
Result is here:

Original code is in fechrono.cxx. Not super pretty, but representative of most mfe-based frontends
we see around here. A good example of why the old mfe.c structure no longer works so well for us.

After conversion to tmfe, we do not win a beauty contest yet, but the path for further
clean up and refactoring into better c++ is quite clear. (And it is very obvious where
the missing "event object" wants to be here)

  2140   04 Apr 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobk_init32a data format
In April 4th 2020 Stefan added a new data format that fixes the well known problem with alternating banks being 
misaligned against 64-bit addresses. (cannot find announcement on this forum. midas commit

This brings the number of midas data formats to 3:

bk_init: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000001 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION)
bk_init32: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000011 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION | BANK_FORMAT_32BIT)
bk_init32a: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000031 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION | BANK_FORMAT_32BIT | BANK_FORMAT_64BIT_ALIGNED;

TMEvent (midasio and manalyzer) support for "bk_init32a" format added today (commit

TMidasEvent (rootana) support for "bk_init32a" format added today (commit

ROOTANA should be able to handle bk_init32a() data now.

TMFE MIDAS c++ frontend switched from bk_init32() to bk_init32a() format (midas commit

  2150   13 Apr 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobk_init32a data format
Until commit a4043ceacdf241a2a98aeca5edf40613a6c0f575 today, mdump mostly did not work with bank32a data.

> In April 4th 2020 Stefan added a new data format that fixes the well known problem with alternating banks being 
> misaligned against 64-bit addresses. (cannot find announcement on this forum. midas commit 
> This brings the number of midas data formats to 3:
> bk_init: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000001 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION)
> bk_init32: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000011 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION | BANK_FORMAT_32BIT)
> bk_init32a: bank_header_flags set to 0x0000031 (BANK_FORMAT_VERSION | BANK_FORMAT_32BIT | BANK_FORMAT_64BIT_ALIGNED;
> TMEvent (midasio and manalyzer) support for "bk_init32a" format added today (commit 
> TMidasEvent (rootana) support for "bk_init32a" format added today (commit 
> ROOTANA should be able to handle bk_init32a() data now.
> TMFE MIDAS c++ frontend switched from bk_init32() to bk_init32a() format (midas commit 
> K.O.
  780   12 Dec 2011 Michael MurrayBug Reportbk_delete uses memcpy instead of memmove
In midas.c, the bk_delete function removes a bank by decrementing the total
event size and then copying the remaining banks into the location of the first
using memcpy from string.h.

memcpy is not specified to handle overlapping memory regions (such as MIDAS
banks), though it seems most common implementations do.

memmove should be used instead, which is specified to behave as if copying
through an intermediate buffer.

I noticed the misbehavior using glibc with gcc version 4.4.4 and scientific
linux 6.0. Other gcc versions changed nothing, as this originates from the
implementation of memcpy in libc.

libc version:
GNU C Library stable release version 2.12, by Roland McGrath et al.
Compiled by GNU CC version 4.4.5 20110214 (Red Hat 4.4.5-6).
Compiled on a Linux 2.6.32 system on 2011-12-06.
  781   16 Dec 2011 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportbk_delete uses memcpy instead of memmove
> In midas.c, the bk_delete function removes a bank by decrementing the total
> event size and then copying the remaining banks into the location of the first
> using memcpy from string.h.

I confirm the documented difference between memcpy() and memmove() and I confirm the 
questionable use of memcpy() in bk_delete(). I think it should be memmove(). I made it so in my copy 
of midas, so this change will not be lost.

But I am not sure how to test it - I do not think I ever used bk_delete(). I will probably ponder upon 
this and do a blind commit.

  782   19 Dec 2011 Stefan RittBug Reportbk_delete uses memcpy instead of memmove
> > In midas.c, the bk_delete function removes a bank by decrementing the total
> > event size and then copying the remaining banks into the location of the first
> > using memcpy from string.h.
> I confirm the documented difference between memcpy() and memmove() and I confirm the 
> questionable use of memcpy() in bk_delete(). I think it should be memmove(). I made it so in my copy 
> of midas, so this change will not be lost.
> But I am not sure how to test it - I do not think I ever used bk_delete(). I will probably ponder upon 
> this and do a blind commit.
> K.O.

It cannot hurt to use memmove(), so please go ahead to commit the changes.

- Stefan
  802   15 Jun 2012 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportbk_delete uses memcpy instead of memmove
> In midas.c, the bk_delete function removes a bank by decrementing the total
> event size and then copying the remaining banks into the location of the first
> using memcpy from string.h.

Replaced some memcpy() with memmove(), including bk_delete().

svn rev 5293
  1088   10 Aug 2015 Wes GohnForumbk_create change
After pulling the newest version of midas, our compilation would fail on
bk_create, with the error:

frontend.cpp:954: error: invalid conversion from ‘DWORD**’ to ‘void**’
frontend.cpp:954: error:   initializing argument 4 of ‘void bk_create(void*,
const char*, WORD, void**)’

I noticed a change to the function in midas.c that changes the type of pdata
from a pointer to a double pointer, and changes 

      *((void **) pdata) = pbk + 1;
      *pdata = pbk + 1;

The fix is simple. In each call to bk_create, I changed it to:

bk_create(pevent, bk_name, TID_DWORD, (void**)&pdata); 

I suggest updating the documentation. Also, why the change? Does it add some
improvement in efficiency?
  1089   10 Aug 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiForumbk_create change
> bk_create()
> frontend.cpp:954: error: invalid conversion from ‘DWORD**’ to ‘void**’

Yes, the original bk_create() prototype was wrong, implying a pointer to the data instead of pointer-to-the-

The prototype was corrected recently (within the last 2 years?), but as an unfortunate side-effect, nazi C 
compilers refuse to automatically downgrade "xxx**" to "void**" (when downgrade of xxx* to void* is 
accepted) and a cast is now required.

  2712   14 Feb 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobitbucket permissions
I pushed some buttons in bitbucket user groups and permissions to make it happy 
wrt recent changes.

The intended configuration is this:

- two user groups: admins and developers
- admins has full control over the workspace, project and repositories ("Admin" 
- developers have push permission for all repositories (not the "create 
repository" permission, this is limited to admins) ("Write" permission).
- there seems to be a quirk, admins also need to be in the developers group or 
some things do not work (like "run pipeline", which set me off into doing all 
- admins "Admin" permission is set at the "workspace" level and is inherited 
down to project and repository level.
- developers "Write" permission is set at the "project" level and is inherited 
down to repository level.
- individual repositories in the "MIDAS" project also seem to have explicit 
(non-inhertited) permissions, I think this is redundant and I will probably 
remove them at some point (not today).

  1438   18 Jan 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobitbucket issue tracker "feature"
It turns out the bitbucket issue tracker has a feature - I cannot make it automatically add me 
to the watcher list of all new issues.

So when you create a new issue, I think I get one message about it, and no more.

If there is some other activity on the issue (Stefan answers, Thomas answers),
I most definitely will not see any of it.

So in case you wondered why I sometimes completely do not react to some bug reports, this 
is why.

So much for "advanced" and "highly automated" and "intelligent" bug tracking.

  1493   14 Mar 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobitbucket issue tracker "feature"
> It turns out the bitbucket issue tracker has a feature - I cannot make it automatically add me 
> to the watcher list of all new issues.
> So when you create a new issue, I think I get one message about it, and no more.

I retested this and I confirm that for new issues I am not a watcher "by default". If I reply to an issue,
the system enters an inconsistent state - it thinks I am a watcher, the best I can tell, but it also
says "0 watchers".

  2466   16 Mar 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiForumbitbucket issue spam cleaned
midas bitbucket repository had a spam attack, about 40 spam messages were posted 
into the issues. I was able to delete them manually. No idea how they got past 
bitbucket spam filters and if they are spam or an attack against automated issue 
tracker tools or an attack against the repo owner (who is vulnerable as they rush 
in to deal with the spam). if this happens again, "anonymous issues" may have to 
be disabled, bitbucket login required. K.O.
  2468   16 Mar 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiForumbitbucket issue spam cleaned
> midas bitbucket repository had a spam attack, about 40 spam messages were posted 
> into the issues. I was able to delete them manually. No idea how they got past 
> bitbucket spam filters and if they are spam or an attack against automated issue 
> tracker tools or an attack against the repo owner (who is vulnerable as they rush 
> in to deal with the spam). if this happens again, "anonymous issues" may have to 
> be disabled, bitbucket login required. K.O.

Two more spam messages, deleted. "Anonymous users can create issues" is now turned off.

  2469   16 Mar 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiForumbitbucket issue spam cleaned
> > midas bitbucket repository had a spam attack, about 40 spam messages were posted 
> > into the issues. I was able to delete them manually. No idea how they got past 
> > bitbucket spam filters and if they are spam or an attack against automated issue 
> > tracker tools or an attack against the repo owner (who is vulnerable as they rush 
> > in to deal with the spam). if this happens again, "anonymous issues" may have to 
> > be disabled, bitbucket login required. K.O.
> Two more spam messages, deleted. "Anonymous users can create issues" is now turned off.

Also, same for: rootana.
Also, empty issue trackers disabled: mvodb, midasio, mscb.

  2839   12 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixbitbucket builds repaired
bitbucket builds work again, also added ubuntu-24 and almalinux-9.

two problems fixed:
- cmake file in examples/experiment was replaced by a non-working version
- unannounced change of strlcpy() to mstrlcpy() broke "make remoteonly"

P.S. I should also fix the rootana and the roody bitbucket builds.

  2202   02 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobitbucket build truncated
I truncated the bitbucket build to only build on ubuntu LTS 20.04.

Somehow all the other build targets - centos-7, centos-8, ubuntu-18 - have
an obsolete version of cmake. I do not know where the bitbucket os images
get these obsolete versions of cmake - my centos-7 and centos-8 have much
more recent versions of cmake.

If somebody has time to figure it out, please go at it, I would like very
much to have centos-7 and centos-8 builds restored (with ROOT), also
to have a ubuntu LTS 20.04 build with ROOT. (For me, debugging bitbucket
builds is extremely time consuming).

Right now many midas cmake files require cmake 3.12 (released in late 2018).

I do not know why that particular version of cmake (I took the number
from the tutorials I used).

I do not know what is the actual version of cmake that MIDAS (and ROOTANA) 
require/depend on.

I wish there were a tool that would look at a cmake file, examine all the 
features it uses and report the lowest version of cmake that supports them.

  1547   10 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasebin and lib symlinks, mxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> > > > the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.

The latest version of MIDAS puts libraries and executables in $MIDASSYS/lib and bin (the "linux" part of pathname is removed).

Some packages (rootana) have been already changed to use this new scheme and they will not build against older versions of midas. 
I recommend that you create following symlinks to make old versions of midas compatible with the new scheme:

cd $MIDASSYS # (~/packages/midas)
ln -s linux/bin .
ln -s linux/lib .

  1548   11 Jun 2019 Stefan RittReleasebin and lib symlinks, mxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> The latest version of MIDAS puts libraries and executables in $MIDASSYS/lib and bin (the "linux" part of pathname is removed).
> Some packages (rootana) have been already changed to use this new scheme and they will not build against older versions of midas. 
> I recommend that you create following symlinks to make old versions of midas compatible with the new scheme:
> cd $MIDASSYS # (~/packages/midas)
> ln -s linux/bin .
> ln -s linux/lib .

If i'm not mistaken the proper commands are

ln -s ../bin linux/bin
ln -s ../lib linux/lib

Alternatively, you can change your PATH to point to $MIDASSYS/bin instead of $MIDASSYS/linux/bin and link against $MIDASSYS/lib instead of 

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