09 Feb 2010, Stefan Ritt, Forum, custom page - flashing filled area
One possibility is to use small GIF images for each valve, which have several frames (called 'animated GIF'). Depending on the state you can use a static
GIF or the flashing GIF. An alternate approach is to use a static background image, and display a valve with different color on top of the background in
regular intervals using JavaScript. I tried that with the attached page. Just create a custom page
/Custom/Valve = valve.html
and put all three attachments |
08 Apr 2010, Exaos Lee, Forum, How to stop a run with a timer?
I want to let the run stop and start periodically. But I looked through the ODB
and didn't find anything may help. I also checked the FAQ online and didn't find
answer either. Who can help me? Thank you. |
22 Apr 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, How to stop a run with a timer?
Hi Exaos,
This may help: https://ladd00.triumf.ca/elog/Midas/645
22 Apr 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Customized "Start" page
Dear All,
After clicking the "Start" button, there is a page for the operator to change some
08 Jun 2010, nicholas, Forum, check out from svn
do: svn co svn+ssh://svn@savannah.psi.ch/afs/psi.ch/project/meg/svn/midas/trunk
shows: ssh: connect to host savannah.psi.ch port 22: Connection timed out
08 Jun 2010, nicholas, Forum, check out from svn
> do: svn co svn+ssh://svn@savannah.psi.ch/afs/psi.ch/project/meg/svn/midas/trunk
> midas
> shows: ssh: connect to host savannah.psi.ch port 22: Connection timed out
12 Jun 2010, hai qu, Forum, crash on start run
Dear experts,
I use fedora 12 and midas 4680. there is problem to start run when the frontend
14 Jun 2010, Stefan Ritt, Forum, crash on start run
> I use fedora 12 and midas 4680. there is problem to start run when the frontend
> application runs fine.
14 Jun 2010, hai qu, Forum, crash on start run
> - does your feTCPPacketReceiver die during the start-of-run? Maybe you do some segfault
> int he begin-of-run routine. Can you STOP a run?
when start a run, it bring the mtransition process and I guess the server try to talk to the
24 Jun 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
Dear All,
This is my first time running an experiment on separate computers. I followed
26 Jun 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> This is my first time running an experiment on separate computers. I followed
> the documentation (https://midas.psi.ch/htmldoc/quickstart.html) to setup the
> files:
27 Jun 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> Hi, there. I have not recently run mserver through inetd, and we usually do not do
> that at TRIUMF. We do this:
28 Jun 2010, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> > Hi, there. I have not recently run mserver through inetd, and we usually do not do
> > that at TRIUMF. We do this:
> >
28 Jun 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> The way connections work under Midas is there is a callback scheme. The client starts
> mserver on the back-end, then the back-end connects back to the front-end on three
> different ports. These ports are assigned dynamically by the operating system and are
29 Jun 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> > The way connections work under Midas is there is a callback scheme. The client starts
> > mserver on the back-end, then the back-end connects back to the front-end on three
> > different ports. These ports are assigned dynamically by the operating system and are
30 Mar 2011, Exaos Lee, Forum, How large does "bank32" support?
Reading an FADC buffer often needs large buffer size, especially while several
FADCs work together. I want to know how large a bank32 can support. |
30 Mar 2011, Stefan Ritt, Forum, How large does "bank32" support?
> Reading an FADC buffer often needs large buffer size, especially while several
> FADCs work together. I want to know how large a bank32 can support.
15 Apr 2011, Jonathan Toebbe, Forum, Can't get example frontend to talk to khyt1331 kernel driver
I'm brand new to MIDAS, and C system programming in general, so please be
gentle. I've compiled and installed MIDAS 2.3.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I've built
the kernel driver, khyt1331.ko and installed it. It appears to be working, since
15 Apr 2011, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, How large does "bank32" support?
> Reading an FADC buffer often needs large buffer size, especially while several
> FADCs work together. I want to know how large a bank32 can support.
10 May 2011, Jianglai Liu, Forum, simple example frontend for V1720
Who has a good example of a frontend program using CAEN V1718 VME-USB bridge and