08 May 2023, Alexey Kalinin, Forum, Scrript in sequencer
I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to
08 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Scrript in sequencer
> I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to
> be empty, what could be the problem?
09 May 2023, Alexey Kalinin, Forum, Scrript in sequencer
Thanks. It works perfect.
Another question is:
Is it possible to run .msl seqscript from bash cmd?
10 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Scrript in sequencer
> Thanks. It works perfect.
> Another question is:
> Is it possible to run .msl seqscript from bash cmd?
04 Aug 2009, Exaos Lee, Forum, Scripts to handle MIDAS sessions
Hi, all again
I have some scripts in "bash" and "Python" to handle MIDAS sessions. Please see the attached [url=elog:613/1]utils4midas.zip[/url]. I didn't write instructions |
23 Nov 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Scripts for "midas-config"
Supposing you have installed MIDAS to some directory such as "/opt/MIDAS/r4621", you have to write some Makefile as the following while building some applications
based on the version installed:
13 Jun 2006, Stefan Ritt, Info, Scheduler changed for slow control equipment
The schedule in mfe.c is used both for "normal" front-ends and for "slow-control" front-ends. Unfortunately it was only optimized for the first class. This
lead to the fact that the slow control equipment was read out at different speed depending if the run is started or not. Furthermore, the maximum readout
speed was somehow limited. This has been changed in the current version of mfe.c (SVN revision 3146). There are now two ways to control the readout speed |
27 May 2014, Scott Oser, Suggestion, Saving ODB values in a sequencer script
I have a possibly simple feature request for the MIDAS sequencer. It would be
helpful to be able to save an ODB key's value to a variable, for later use, and
would be the analogue of the ODBSET command. I had in mind an application where
12 Jun 2014, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Saving ODB values in a sequencer script
> I have a possibly simple feature request for the MIDAS sequencer. It would be
> helpful to be able to save an ODB key's value to a variable, for later use, and
> would be the analogue of the ODBSET command. I had in mind an application where
12 Jun 2014, Scott Oser, Suggestion, Saving ODB values in a sequencer script
Thanks, this seems very helpful, and we'll give it a try.
> > I have a possibly simple feature request for the MIDAS sequencer. It would be
23 Mar 2020, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, Save data to FTP
Dear all
I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved. Does
somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename: server.com, 21, user, pw, ., |
23 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Save data to FTP
> I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved. Does
somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename: server.com, 21, user, pw, .,
run%06d.mid, Format: MIDAS, Output: FILE. What would be the Output: FTP setting for? I tried this but it does not work at all.
24 Mar 2020, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, Save data to FTP
> > I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved.
Does somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename: server.com, 21, user,
pw, ., run%06d.mid, Format: MIDAS, Output: FILE. What would be the Output: FTP setting for? I tried this but it does not work at all.
24 Mar 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Save data to FTP
Logging directly from the midas logger to FTP is a bit cumbersome. In case of delays during login etc. this can throttle the whole DAQ chain.
What we use in our lab is to write to local disk, then use the lazylogger (https://midas.triumf.ca/MidasWiki/index.php/Lazylogger) to copy the
local files to a remote FTP server. This way we de-couple data taking from backup, making the system much more swift.
24 Mar 2020, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, Save data to FTP
> Logging directly from the midas logger to FTP is a bit cumbersome. In case of delays during login etc. this can throttle the whole DAQ chain.
> What we use in our lab is to write to local disk, then use the lazylogger (https://midas.triumf.ca/MidasWiki/index.php/Lazylogger) to copy the
> local files to a remote FTP server. This way we de-couple data taking from backup, making the system much more swift.
24 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Save data to FTP
> Since ILL only provides access via SFTP and everything else is not existent or blocked (not even ssh is possible),
> this is the only thing we can work with by now.
06 Jan 2020, Alireza Talebitaher, Forum, SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
I am quite new in both Linux and MIDAS.
06 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
> I am quite new in both Linux and MIDAS.
> I have install MIDAS on my desktop by going through this link:
> https://midas.triumf.ca/MidasWiki/index.php/Quickstart_Linux
07 Jan 2020, Alireza Talebitaher, Forum, SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
Hi Konstantin,
Thanks for your reply,
07 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
Hi, I have not run midas on Centos-8 yet. Maybe there is a problem with the openssl library there. The Centos-7
instructions for setting up apache httpd proxy are here, with luck they work on centos-8: