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  1254   05 Apr 2017 Andreas SuterSuggestionnicer header?!
We use the customHeader to display some useful information. Currently I do not
like its style. What about to make it more alike the footer?

I just changed in resources/mhttpd.css

diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.css b/resources/mhttpd.css
index fb0070d..f3264c8 100644
--- a/resources/mhttpd.css
+++ b/resources/mhttpd.css
@@ -280,6 +280,15 @@ table.headerTable td{
        border: none;
+       background-color: #6F6F6F;
+       text-align: center;
+       padding:1em;
+       color:#EEEEEE;
+       border-bottom:1px solid #000000;
+       height:3em;
        background-color: #808080;
        text-align: center;


diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.js b/resources/mhttpd.js
index de8bc6c..972c261 100644
--- a/resources/mhttpd.js
+++ b/resources/mhttpd.js
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function mhttpd_goto_page(page) {
 function mhttpd_navigation_bar(current_page, path)
-   document.write("<div id=\"customHeader\">\n");
+   document.write("<div class=\"headerDiv\" id=\"customHeader\">\n");
    document.write("<div class=\"mnavcss\">\n");

What do you think?
  1256   05 Apr 2017 Stefan RittSuggestionnicer header?!
In my opinion this makes sense. If KO agrees, you should commit your change.


> We use the customHeader to display some useful information. Currently I do not
> like its style. What about to make it more alike the footer?
> I just changed in resources/mhttpd.css
> diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.css b/resources/mhttpd.css
> index fb0070d..f3264c8 100644
> --- a/resources/mhttpd.css
> +++ b/resources/mhttpd.css
> @@ -280,6 +280,15 @@ table.headerTable td{
>         border: none;
>  }
> +div.headerDiv{
> +       background-color: #6F6F6F;
> +       text-align: center;
> +       padding:1em;
> +       color:#EEEEEE;
> +       border-bottom:1px solid #000000;
> +       height:3em;
> +}
> +
>  div.footerDiv{
>         background-color: #808080;
>         text-align: center;
> and
> diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.js b/resources/mhttpd.js
> index de8bc6c..972c261 100644
> --- a/resources/mhttpd.js
> +++ b/resources/mhttpd.js
> @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function mhttpd_goto_page(page) {
>  function mhttpd_navigation_bar(current_page, path)
>  {
> -   document.write("<div id=\"customHeader\">\n");
> +   document.write("<div class=\"headerDiv\" id=\"customHeader\">\n");
>     document.write("</div>\n");
>     document.write("<div class=\"mnavcss\">\n");
> What do you think?
  1263   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionnicer header?!
> In my opinion this makes sense. If KO agrees, you should commit your change.

Please go ahead (sorry for slow reply). I have no idea what this change does. A screenshot of "before" 
and "after" would be nice. The reason I ask is:

note that I am getting rid of the css hell in mhttpd.css. all the new pages will be using the simplified css 
rules in midas.css.

the main change is: the new css rules only change the appearance of html elements that request the 
"midas look" and one can still use the normal html formatting if desired. The old css changed all (and I 
do mean *all*) html elements, making it impossible to write custom web pages using common examples 
from the web - the insane formatting from mhttpd.css was applied to everything indiscriminantly, i.e. h1, 
h2, h3 all look the same.


> Stefan
> > We use the customHeader to display some useful information. Currently I do not
> > like its style. What about to make it more alike the footer?
> > 
> > I just changed in resources/mhttpd.css
> > 
> > diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.css b/resources/mhttpd.css
> > index fb0070d..f3264c8 100644
> > --- a/resources/mhttpd.css
> > +++ b/resources/mhttpd.css
> > @@ -280,6 +280,15 @@ table.headerTable td{
> >         border: none;
> >  }
> >  
> > +div.headerDiv{
> > +       background-color: #6F6F6F;
> > +       text-align: center;
> > +       padding:1em;
> > +       color:#EEEEEE;
> > +       border-bottom:1px solid #000000;
> > +       height:3em;
> > +}
> > +
> >  div.footerDiv{
> >         background-color: #808080;
> >         text-align: center;
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.js b/resources/mhttpd.js
> > index de8bc6c..972c261 100644
> > --- a/resources/mhttpd.js
> > +++ b/resources/mhttpd.js
> > @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function mhttpd_goto_page(page) {
> >  
> >  function mhttpd_navigation_bar(current_page, path)
> >  {
> > -   document.write("<div id=\"customHeader\">\n");
> > +   document.write("<div class=\"headerDiv\" id=\"customHeader\">\n");
> >     document.write("</div>\n");
> >  
> >     document.write("<div class=\"mnavcss\">\n");
> > 
> > What do you think?
  1210   13 Oct 2016 Konstantin OlchanskiInfonew odbinit utility
odbinit is a new utility program to initialize new ODB and to recover from corrupted ODB.

Right now, midas odb has some strange properties different from typical behavior of other 
database packages:

a) a new odb of default size is automatically create run running *any* midas program (surprise: now 
way to specify the size of odb).
b) the size of ODB is not saved anywhere. If your experiment requires an ODB of big size, one 
always forgets to use "odbedit -s" when recovering from odb corruption, leading to massive 
confusion: nothing works, odb is corrupted? (maybe not), recreate odb (of default size instead of 
large size), reload odb, (reload fails, odb is too small), now really for sure nothing works. Been 
there, done that myself 100 times. Tired.
c) there is no midas tool to automatically recover from odb corruption (or any generic ODB 
malfunction, such as stuck ODB semaphore): shared memory has to be deleted, old .ODB.SHM 
has to be deleted, old semaphore has to be deleted. Some of these steps are different on Linux 
and MacOS (hello Apple, where is MacOS "ls -l /dev/shm"?!?).

The new odbinit tool corrects these problems:

1) ODB size is saved to .ODB_SIZE.TXT, then is used to recreate ODB after corruption recovery
2) "odbinit -s different_size_from_saved_size" will ask "are you sure?". No way to unintentionally 
change size of ODB.
3) if you already have an ODB, it will insist that you say "odbinit --cleanup"
4) there is a "-n" mode, to report what will be done, but "do nothing"
5) "odbinit --cleanup" tries very hard to recover from any and all possible ODB problems.
6) old .ODB.SHM is never deleted, always renamed to .ODB.SHM.timestamp
7) if "odbinit" gets to "Done!", you have a working ODB, 100% guaranteed, for sure.
8) output of "odbinit" is very verbose for pasting into this forum here to make it possible to debug 
your problem. (in the unlikely case odbinit fails).

Next step will be to remove the automatic creation of ODB (and event buffers) and require running 
"odbinit" to create a new experiment. ("odbedit -s nnn" will be removed).

But not today, as all that requires changes to the midas internal APIs: ss_shm_open() needs to 
return the size of connected shared memory, there needs to be ss_shm_create() and 
db_create_database(), etc.

This will make ODB to work more like a normal database: with a tool to create a new database and 
a tool to recover from corruption/malfunction.

  217   23 Aug 2005 Konstantin OlchanskiInfonew mvmestd api
For some time now, we have been thinking of updating the programming interface
for the VME bus interface drivers- mvmestd.h.

Until recently, we only had one type of vme interface- the PowerPC and
Universe-II based Motorolla MVME230x single board computers running VxWorks, and
that is the only VME interface supported by the present mvmestd.h & co in the
midas cvs.

Now we also have the Intel-PC and Universe-II based VMIC-VME single board
computers running Linux (RHL9 and RHEL4). They come with their own VME drivers
and interface library (from VMIC), and we (Pierre and myself) wrote a simplified
MIDAS-style library for using it with our ADC and TDC drivers.

After working with the VMIC-VME based systems this Summer, I am about to commit
our VME ADC and TDC drivers to MIDAS CVS. Since they use our VMIC-VME library, I
was inspired to integrate our library with the existing MIDAS VME API.

Both VME interfaces we use, MVME230x and VMIC-VME, use the same Universe-II
PCI-to-VME bridge. This brodge (+ OS drivers) provides memory mapped access to
VME directly from user memory space. Other VME interfaces require more
complicated interfacing and I tried to accomodate them in my design.

Note that this design is incomplete, it only has the VME features that we
currently use. I expect that the missing features (interrupts, DMA) will be
added to the "MIDAS VME API" as we start using them. Alternatively, they may be
implemented as interface-dependant "extensions".

So here goes:

void* mvme_getHandleA16(int crate,mvme_addr_t vmeA16addr,int numbytes,int vmeamod);
void* mvme_getHandleA24(int crate,mvme_addr_t vmeA24addr,int numbytes,int vmeamod);
void* mvme_getHandleA32(int crate,mvme_addr_t vmeA32addr,int numbytes,int vmeamod);

void mvme_writeD8(void* handle,int offset,int data);
void mvme_writeD16(void* handle,int offset,int data);
void mvme_writeD32(void* handle,int offset,int data);

int  mvme_readD8(void* handle,int offset);
int  mvme_readD16(void* handle,int offset);
int  mvme_readD32(void* handle,int offset);

The "getHandle" methods return a handle for accessing the required VME address
space. For Universe-II based drivers with direct memory mapping, the handle is a
pointer to the vme-mapped memory and can be directly dereferenced (after casting
from void*). For other drivers, it may be a pointer to an internal data
structure or whatever.

The "readDnn" and "writeDnn" methods implement the single-word vme transfers. It
is intended that directly mapped interfaces (Universe-II) can implement them as
"extern inline" (RTFM C docs) for maximum efficiency.

I am still struggling with a specification for vme block transfers. How does one
specify chained transfers? (mimic "man readv" using "struct iovec"?) How to
specify when the transfers stop (on word count, on BERR, etc). How to specify
FIFO modes (where the vme address is not incremented, all data is read from the
same address. The Universe-II bridge does not have this mode, others do). How to
decode whether to use DMA or not? (The VMIC-VME DMA driver has high startup
overhead, short transfers are faster using PIO more).

Anyhow, I do not need those advanced features immediately, so I omit them.

An implementation of this new interface will be commited to
midas/drivers/bus/vmicvme.{c,h} (and eventually I will modify vxVME.c to
conform). Drivers for sundry CAEN VME modules that use the new interface will be
commited to midas/drivers/divers (where I see drivers for other VME stuff).

Feedback is most welcome. I will try to get the stuff commited within the next
few days, plus a few days to shake down any bugs introduced during midasification.

  220   01 Sep 2005 Stefan RittInfonew mvmestd api
Good that you brought up the MIDAS VME API again, since this is still not complete, but
has to be completed soon.

Let me summarize the goals:

- have a single set of functions which can be used with all VME CPUs/Interfaces at our
institutes. Using this technique, one can change the interface or CPU and still keep
the same frontend source code. This was already successfully done with the MIDAS CAMAC
standard (as defined in mcstd.h)

- base any ADC/TDC driver we write on that API, so these modules can be used with any
CPU/Interface without changing the driver

- have a simple and easy to understand set of functions

- "cover" any specialities from the drivers, like memory mapping. 

Especially this point is very delicate. If one explicitely uses memory mapping in the
API, one cannot use interfaces which do not support this (like the Struck SIS3100). So
one should only use explicity vme_read/vme_write functions. Now people might argue that
going for each single access through a function is an overhead as compared to a memory
mapped operation. This might be true (even with inline functions of modern C
compilers), but it should be small on fast computers. Typically a single VME operation
take ~1us, while a function call takes much less.

Regarding the API implementation, I see now three "philosophies":

1) Handle oriented. One obtains a handle for each VME crate for each addressing mode,
then uses this handle for subsequent operation. This is the way the proposal from K.O.
is written.

2) Parameter oriented. There is no handle visible to the user code. All parameters are
passed in each call, like

mvme_read(crate, address_mode, vme_amod, source_addr, destination_addr, num_bytes);

3) ioctl() based. Same as 2), but the parameters like the address mode only get changed
via ioctl() when needed, like

vme_ioctl(request, parameter)   such as
   vme_ioctl(SET_CRATE, 1);
   vme_ioctl(MVME_AMOD, A24);
   mvme_read(source_addr, destination_addr, num_bytes);

This is how the current mvmestd.h is defined and how the
midas\drivers\bus\sis3100\sis3100.c is implemented.

Now the question is: should we implement 1), 2) or 3) ?

I had already lots of discussions with Pierre, and he convinced me that the ioctl() way
is not very nice. The advantage is that there is only one function to change
everything, so the complete API would be only 5 functions (init, exit, read, write,
ioctl), but of course there are many parameters to the ioctl() function. 

On the other hand I do not like the option 1). If you have five crates on a single PC
(and that's what we will have in our MEG experiment), you need 5x3 handles. If you use
many nested subroutines in your event readout, you have to pass lots of handles around.
I do not like option 2) as well, beacause each VME call contains many parmeters, which
make it hard to read.

So I would propose the following: We implement something like 3), but with explicit

  mvme_set_crate()   each funciton has a _get_ partner, like mvme_get_crate()
  mvme_set_fifomode()             // speciality of the SIS3100 interface, write a
                                  // block of data to the same address

  mvme_read(vme_address, dest_addr, num_bytes);
  mvme_write(src_addr, vme_address, num_bytes);

It might look unfamiliar to have to set the address mode explicitely, but in practice
one typically has a few configuration calls in A16 mode, then the data readout in A32
mode. So omitting the address mode in the vme_read/write calls saves typing effort.

Since one does not use explicit handles, they have to stored internally in the driver.
I did this in the sis3100.c, and found that this overhead is negligible. The
implementation if of course not thread save, but does anybody use threads in the
experiment? I guess not.

Now I would like to hear anybody's comments. If we agree on this method, we have to
define a complete set of functions mvme_set_xxx. If we get a new interface in the
future which has new functionality (like 2eVME block transfers), we have to change the
API each time (while with the ioctl() we only would have to add one parameter). Or
maybe we can make a more generic mvme_set_vme_mode(mode), where mode could be fifomode,
2eVME mode, chained block transfer mode and so on.

Now there might be experiments which require the last bit of performance at the
frontend. They can decide to use the MIDAS API with some performance overhead, or they
can call directly the native driver API, but then be locked to the API. So everybody
has to decide himself.

I meet with Pierre end of September, and would like to finalize the API at that time.
So please give it a thought and let me know.

Best regards,

  221   01 Sep 2005 Stefan RittSuggestionnew mvmestd api
Anothe idea which comes to my mind, we could make it kind of object oriented, like

typedef struct {
  int handle;
  int crate;
  int amod;
  int fifo_mode;


  vme = mvme_init(); // allocated and fills MVME_INTERFACE structure

  mvme_set_crate(vme, crate_no);
  mvme_set_address_mode(vme, A24);

  mvme_read(vme, vme_address, dest_addr, num_bytes);
  mvme_exit(vme);    // frees memory allocated in mvme_init()


This way we would only have one structure containing all required parameters, and get/set
functions for it, like the OO textbooks propose it. This would actually make it thread
save. The "vme" pointer from above still has to be passed around to subroutines, but a
single pointer is better than lots of handles.
  222   10 Sep 2005 Konstantin OlchanskiInfonew mvmestd api
> Good that you brought up the MIDAS VME API again, since this is still not complete, but
> has to be completed soon.

Right, but I can only complete the parts that I thought of and for which I already have
code. This leaves out support for DMA (read: any block transfers) and interrupts.

> Let me summarize the goals:
> - have a single set of functions which can be used with all VME CPUs/Interfaces at our
> institutes. Using this technique, one can change the interface or CPU and still keep
> the same frontend source code. This was already successfully done with the MIDAS CAMAC
> standard (as defined in mcstd.h)

Well, all interfaces are different and no amount of software will make them look all the
same. I am now facing this problem with the Wiener CCUSB CAMAC-USB2 interface. I can
implement all of mcstd.h, but the interface is intended to be used by downloading it with a
CAMAC readout program and mcstd.h knows nothing about that.

> - base any ADC/TDC driver we write on that API, so these modules can be used with any
> CPU/Interface without changing the driver

Right. Most useful.

> - have a simple and easy to understand set of functions


> - "cover" any specialities from the drivers, like memory mapping.

Exactly. We are facing a tricky task of inventing one API for two completely different
modes of operation- purely memory mapped access on UniverseII based hardware and message
passing access for the SIS3100 and VMUSB (Wiener VME-USB2).

> So one should only use explicity vme_read/vme_write functions.

Rightey-ho. The fly in the ointement is that all VME ADC and TDC drivers in TRIUMF are
written assuming memory mapped access, and I will not convert them to vme_read/vme_write
overnight (think of testing).

> So I would propose the following:
>   mvme_set_crate()   each funciton has a _get_ partner, like mvme_get_crate()
>   mvme_set_address_mode()
>   mvme_set_amod()
>   mvme_set_blocktransfer()
>   mvme_set_fifomode()             // speciality of the SIS3100 interface, write a
>                                   // block of data to the same address
>   ...
>   mvme_read(vme_address, dest_addr, num_bytes);
>   mvme_write(src_addr, vme_address, num_bytes);

This is compatible with what we do now and I will look into implementing this for
VMIC/Linux and MVME/VxWorks interfaces.

> Now I would like to hear anybody's comments. If we agree on this method, we have to
> define a complete set of functions mvme_set_xxx.

We currently require only single-word transfers so we can concentrate on mvme_set_xxx for
block-transfers later.

> If we get a new interface in the
> future which has new functionality (like 2eVME block transfers), we have to change the
> API each time (while with the ioctl() we only would have to add one parameter).

This amounts to the same thing: add a new function or add a new ioctl() call.

> maybe we can make a more generic mvme_set_vme_mode(mode), where mode could be fifomode,
> 2eVME mode, chained block transfer mode and so on.

This is a can of worms and I would rather postpone discussion of block transfers. To give
you a taste: UniverseII does not have a "fifo mode"- it *always* increments the vme address
 (silly). A fifo mode can be emulated using chained transfers (read 256 bytes from
addresses A through A+256, then read 256 more from address A, etc.), but the present VMIC
VME library does not support chained transfers. On VxWorks, we do not even have a driver
for the DMA engine, so not block transfers there at all.

I will now think about and post an updated proposal for mvmestd.h


P.S. There is a proposal for musbstd.h heading your way, too.
  223   11 Sep 2005 Stefan RittInfonew mvmestd api
> Right, but I can only complete the parts that I thought of and for which I already have
> code. This leaves out support for DMA (read: any block transfers) and interrupts.

DMA should be simple. We have a dma_flag in the MVME_INTERFACE structure, which only needs to
be set with mvme_set_dma_mode(...). The mvme_read/write subroutine then checks this flag and
calls the appropriate routine from the native API. About interrupts I haven't thought so much.
Does TRIUMF use interrupts anywhere? Or are all midas frontends in polled mode?

> Well, all interfaces are different and no amount of software will make them look all the
> same. 
> > - "cover" any specialities from the drivers, like memory mapping.
> Exactly. We are facing a tricky task of inventing one API for two completely different
> modes of operation- purely memory mapped access on UniverseII based hardware and message
> passing access for the SIS3100 and VMUSB (Wiener VME-USB2).

Not all the same, but some common denominator. The memory mapped architecture can probably be
hidden in an API. So if one calls mvme_read/write, the routine checks if that region is already
mapped, and maps it if necessary. Then all you need is a proper offset and a memcpy(). Checking
about mapping causes some overhead. You have to check a hash table or a linked list which takes
time. But I think (see previous message) that this overhead should be small compared with the
IO operation. 

> I am now facing this problem with the Wiener CCUSB CAMAC-USB2 interface. I can
> implement all of mcstd.h, but the interface is intended to be used by downloading it with a
> CAMAC readout program and mcstd.h knows nothing about that.

Downloading a program you probably cannot cover with a common API, you are right. The problem
with USB is that you can only make ~1000 transfers per second, even with 2.0. So if you want
more, you need the old list concept.
> > So one should only use explicity vme_read/vme_write functions.
> Rightey-ho. The fly in the ointement is that all VME ADC and TDC drivers in TRIUMF are
> written assuming memory mapped access, and I will not convert them to vme_read/vme_write
> overnight (think of testing).

You don't have to. This question only comes up if you (have to) use a non-memory mapped
interface. You can then either write then two separate drivers, or one driver and two MVME APIs.

> > Now I would like to hear anybody's comments. If we agree on this method, we have to
> > define a complete set of functions mvme_set_xxx.
> We currently require only single-word transfers so we can concentrate on mvme_set_xxx for
> block-transfers later.

I need block transfers end of this month, so we should it include it in our current discussion.
The problem is that I use our (own) DRS2 waveform digitizing board, where each board produces
70kB of data per event. In non-DMA mode, the transfer would take forever.

> > maybe we can make a more generic mvme_set_vme_mode(mode), where mode could be fifomode,
> > 2eVME mode, chained block transfer mode and so on.
> This is a can of worms and I would rather postpone discussion of block transfers. To give
> you a taste: UniverseII does not have a "fifo mode"- it *always* increments the vme address
>  (silly). A fifo mode can be emulated using chained transfers (read 256 bytes from
> addresses A through A+256, then read 256 more from address A, etc.), but the present VMIC
> VME library does not support chained transfers. On VxWorks, we do not even have a driver
> for the DMA engine, so not block transfers there at all.

If a native API does not support block transfer, the MVME driver should just ignore the DMA
setting. A ADC driver might then run slower, but still run. 

> I will now think about and post an updated proposal for mvmestd.h

Please also consider elog:221, I guess this is a cleaner and more flexible way of implementing
any MXXX standard.

- Stefan
  230   02 Nov 2005 I. K. arapkorirInfonew mvmestd api
I manage to access some vme modules with the older vmicvme interface and seemed
confused with the
new interface as the sample code provided does not have a specific test sample.
The test code
provided in the earlier version for accessing  V792 32ch. QDC was quite handy,
how can I apply it
for the new interface?  
  231   02 Nov 2005 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzInfonew mvmestd api
> I manage to access some vme modules with the older vmicvme interface and seemed
> confused with the
> new interface as the sample code provided does not have a specific test sample.
> The test code
> provided in the earlier version for accessing  V792 32ch. QDC was quite handy,
> how can I apply it
> for the new interface?  

Hello Ian,

I'm in the process of updating the V1190B, V792 and other to the new mvmestd.
These drivers will soon be committed to the repository.

Cheers, Pierre-André 
  1362   18 Apr 2018 Frederik WautersForumnew midas custom features and javascript
I started to use the new midas custom page features from . I'd like to setup the 
editable odb values (.e.g <div name="modbvalue" data-odb-path="/Runinfo/Run 
number" data-odb-editable="1"                    
style="position:absolute;top:157px;left:288px;"></div>) from within javascript, 
which doesn`t seem to work. 


document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = '<div data-odb-editable="1" data-
odb-path="/Runinfo/Run number" name="modbvalue" 


var elem = document.createElement("div");
	 //var id = "manifold0";

fail on name="modbvalue" with the error 

mjsonrpc_error_alert: TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of undefined

How should one do this? I don`t want hard code everything in the htlm body, as 
I have look up odb key indexes in the javascript code.
  1363   18 Apr 2018 Stefan RittForumnew midas custom features and javascript
The function mhttpd_init() scans the custom page and installs handlers etc. for each modbxxx 
element. If you create an modbvalue dynamically in your code, this is probably done after you 
called mhttpd_init(), so the function has no chance to modify the dynamically created element.

To fix that, I separated mhttpd_init() into the old init function which installs the header and sidebar, 
and a function mhttpd_scan() which scans the custom page and processes all modbxxx elements. 
Next, I tapped the error you reported, and added an automatic call to mhttp_scan() in case that 
happens. I tried it on a test page and it worked for me. Please give it a try (commit 090394e8).

  1365   19 Apr 2018 Frederik WautersForumnew midas custom features and javascript
> The function mhttpd_init() scans the custom page and installs handlers etc. for each modbxxx 
> element. If you create an modbvalue dynamically in your code, this is probably done after you 
> called mhttpd_init(), so the function has no chance to modify the dynamically created element.
> To fix that, I separated mhttpd_init() into the old init function which installs the header and sidebar, 
> and a function mhttpd_scan() which scans the custom page and processes all modbxxx elements. 
> Next, I tapped the error you reported, and added an automatic call to mhttp_scan() in case that 
> happens. I tried it on a test page and it worked for me. Please give it a try (commit 090394e8).
> Stefan

Also works for me

  1366   20 Apr 2018 Frederik WautersForumnew midas custom features and javascript
> > The function mhttpd_init() scans the custom page and installs handlers etc. for each modbxxx 
> > element. If you create an modbvalue dynamically in your code, this is probably done after you 
> > called mhttpd_init(), so the function has no chance to modify the dynamically created element.
> > 
> > To fix that, I separated mhttpd_init() into the old init function which installs the header and sidebar, 
> > and a function mhttpd_scan() which scans the custom page and processes all modbxxx elements. 
> > Next, I tapped the error you reported, and added an automatic call to mhttp_scan() in case that 
> > happens. I tried it on a test page and it worked for me. Please give it a try (commit 090394e8).
> > 
> > Stefan
> Also works for me
>  thanks

This is more about aesthetic, but when I use the modbvalue div, it first only shows the odb value. However, 
after editing, the odb index gets added to the field, which is kinda ugly -> see attachments
Attachment 1: snapshot1.png
Attachment 2: snapshot2.png
  1887   25 Apr 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfonew mac!
I received my new 2020 mac book air, so between Stefan and myself, MacOS support for 
MIDAS is assured for 5 more years at the least. K.O.
  666   30 Oct 2009 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasenew lazylogger release
I committed an updated lazylogger with updated documentation. The new version supports subruns and 
can save to external storage arbitrary files (i.e. odb dump files). It also moves most book keeping out of 
odb to permit handling more files on bigger storage disks.

Example lazylogger scripts for castor (CERN) and dcache (TRIUMF) are in the directory "utils".

The lazylogger documentation was updated to remove obsolete information and to describe the new 
functions. As usual "make dox; cd doxfiles/html; firefox index.html" or see my copy at:

svn rev 4615, 4616.
  2618   06 Oct 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiInfonew history panel editor
the new history panel editor has been activated. it is meant to work the same as 
the old editor, with some improvements to the history variables selection page. 
this new version is written in html+javascript and it will be easier to improve, 
update and maintain compared to the old version written in c++. the old history 
panel editor is still usable and accessible by pressing the "edit in old editor" 
button. please report any problem, quirks and improvements in this thread or in 
the bitbucket bug reports. K.O.
  2396   04 May 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixmysql history update
the code for writing midas history to mysql has been updated to work against 
MYSQL 8.0.23 (CERN ALPHA-2):

- as ever mysql reports inconsistent data types (I create column with type 
"integer", mysql reports it has type "int" and so forth), the special kludge to 
take care of this had to be tweaked.

- this caused some columns to be marked "inactive" and the code to "reactivate" 
them was missing (fixed)

- binary history event data size was computed incorrectly for events with 
"inactive" columns (fixed) and caused assert() failure and mlogger crash.

- mysql read of column definitions for history event "system" (as in 
/history/links/system) bombed because of incorrect quoting (worked before, why? 
why bombed now?). this caused duplicate columns to be created in mysql table 
"system" and mlogger bomb-out with complaint about "duplicated columns" 
(actually the error message was missing, so it was a silent bomb-out). quoting 
fixed, missing error message fixed, but cleanup of duplicate columns has to be 
done by hand. in case of alpha-2 the fix was to remove the unused 

if you are using mysql history please update or patch src/history_schema.cxx.

commit 9d17d2fef233cf457121ca7c2a283c4c76ed33bc

  1584   02 Jul 2019 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionmy_global.h not present in my linux distribution (needed)

while trying to compile Midas under openSUSE 15.0 with mysql support, I was
running into the problem that somehow the mysql header file my_global.h is not
included in the packages. This might be a bug that concerns the suse developers
more, but is it actually needed? Compilation worked fine with the include line
commented out.

If it's not needed, I would like to suggest to remove line 735 of
src/history_schema.cxx (where it's included)


mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.2.22-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper
Also, all mariadb development packages are installed
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5