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  2503   08 May 2023 Alexey KalininForumScrript in sequencer

I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to 
be empty, what could be the problem?

We have seuqencer like

ODBGET "/Runinfo/runnumber", firstrun
LOOP n,10
#changing HV
WAIT seconds,300
ODBGET "/Runinfo/runnumber", lastrun
SCRIPT /.../ ,$firstrun ,$lastrun

and like

Thanks. Alexey.
  2504   08 May 2023 Stefan RittForumScrript in sequencer
> I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to 
> be empty, what could be the problem?

Indeed there was a bug in the sequencer with parameter passing to scripts. I fixed it
and committed the changes to the develop branch.

  2505   09 May 2023 Alexey KalininForumScrript in sequencer
Thanks. It works perfect.
Another question is:
Is it possible to run .msl seqscript from bash cmd?
Maybe it's easier then
1 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/load filename" filename.msl'
2 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/load new file" TRUE'
3 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/start script" TRUE'

What is the best way to have a button starting sequencer
from  /script (or /alias )?


> > I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to 
> > be empty, what could be the problem?
> Indeed there was a bug in the sequencer with parameter passing to scripts. I fixed it
> and committed the changes to the develop branch.
> Stefan
  2506   10 May 2023 Stefan RittForumScrript in sequencer
> Thanks. It works perfect.
> Another question is:
> Is it possible to run .msl seqscript from bash cmd?
> Maybe it's easier then
> 1 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/load filename" filename.msl'
> 2 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/load new file" TRUE'
> 3 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/start script" TRUE'

That will work.

> What is the best way to have a button starting sequencer
> from  /script (or /alias )?

Have a look at

where I put the necessary information.

  613   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumScripts to handle MIDAS sessions
Hi, all again

I have some scripts in "bash" and "Python" to handle MIDAS sessions. Please see the attached I didn't write instructions in detail of how to use them. But I think they are very simple. You may find how to use them by reading the codes and example files.

Best wishes.

Exaos Lee
  674   23 Nov 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionScripts for "midas-config"
Supposing you have installed MIDAS to some directory such as "/opt/MIDAS/r4621", you have to write some Makefile as the following while building some applications based on the version installed:

CFLAGS += -I/opt/MIDAS/r4621/include -DOS_LINUX -g -O2 -Wall -fPIC
LIBS += -lutil -lpthread -lodbc -lz

Why not use a script to record your MIDAS building options? When you want to build something based on it, just type something such as

M_CFLAGS := `midas-config --cflags`
M_LIBS := `midas-config --libs`

You needn't to check your installed options each time when you build something against it. Each time you install a new version of MIDAS, you only need to update the script called 'midas-config'. I wrote a sample script named "" in the first zipped attachment. The 2nd "midas-config" is a sampled generated by it. Also a diff of Makefile is included. I hope it may help. Smile
  269   13 Jun 2006 Stefan RittInfoScheduler changed for slow control equipment
The schedule in mfe.c is used both for "normal" front-ends and for "slow-control" front-ends. Unfortunately it was only optimized for the first class. This lead to the fact that the slow control equipment was read out at different speed depending if the run is started or not. Furthermore, the maximum readout speed was somehow limited. This has been changed in the current version of mfe.c (SVN revision 3146). There are now two ways to control the readout speed of slow control equipment:

1) The "event limit" in the equipment list can be used as minimum time between readouts. I'm not happy about the "mis-use" of this variable, but it has been there since the beginning. If I would change it now, all front-ends on this world would have to be changed, which I maybe not a good idea. If this event limit is set to let's say 10, then the slow control equipment is read out with a maximum speed of 1/10ms = 100Hz. That means up to 100 variables (not complete equipments) are read out per second. If an equipment has 200 variables, each variable is then read out every two seconds of course. This number can be used to limit the readout speed differently for different equipments. Like one might want to read a sensitive pressure as often as possible, but some beamline magnet values only once every minute.

2) By default, the scheduler runs now at "full speed" when slow control equipment is present, resulting in a 100% CPU usage. To avoid this, following code can be added into the frontend_loop function:

BOOL frontend_call_loop = TRUE;

INT frontend_loop()
/* don't eat up all CPU time */
return cm_yield(10);

This limits the readout speed of all slow control equipment again to 100Hz, but avoids the 100% CPU usage. On most operating systems, the minimum time is 10ms as shown above, since this is the basic time slice of a process.

The readout scheme of slow control equipment will be re-visited this summer, when multi-threaded slow control front-ends will be implemented.
  1004   27 May 2014 Scott OserSuggestionSaving ODB values in a sequencer script
I have a possibly simple feature request for the MIDAS sequencer.  It would be
helpful to be able to save an ODB key's value to a variable, for later use, and
would be the analogue of the ODBSET command.  I had in mind an application where
a user wants to temporarily change some settings in the ODB, then restore the
ODB to its original values.  Maybe something like on ODBRead command:

<ODBRead path="/Path/ODBkey">varname</ODBRead>
<ODBSet path="/Path/ODBkey">0</ODBRead> 
<Wait for="events">3000</Wait>
<ODBSet path="/Path/ODBkey">$varname</ODBRead> 

(In which the key's value is saved to variable varname, then later written back
to the ODB.)

I'm open to other suggestions for simple ways to do this through the sequencer.

  1007   12 Jun 2014 Stefan RittSuggestionSaving ODB values in a sequencer script
> I have a possibly simple feature request for the MIDAS sequencer.  It would be
> helpful to be able to save an ODB key's value to a variable, for later use, and
> would be the analogue of the ODBSET command.  I had in mind an application where
> a user wants to temporarily change some settings in the ODB, then restore the
> ODB to its original values.  Maybe something like on ODBRead command:

I implemented your request, committed the changed to GIT and updated the documentation. Now you can run 
things like:

ODBSET /System/tmp/test 1234 
ODBGET /System/tmp/test v 

(first you must create the key in the ODB manually).

Best regards,
  1008   12 Jun 2014 Scott OserSuggestionSaving ODB values in a sequencer script
Thanks, this seems very helpful, and we'll give it a try.

> > I have a possibly simple feature request for the MIDAS sequencer.  It would be
> > helpful to be able to save an ODB key's value to a variable, for later use, and
> > would be the analogue of the ODBSET command.  I had in mind an application where
> > a user wants to temporarily change some settings in the ODB, then restore the
> > ODB to its original values.  Maybe something like on ODBRead command:
> I implemented your request, committed the changed to GIT and updated the documentation. Now you can run 
> things like:
> ODBSET /System/tmp/test 1234 
> ODBGET /System/tmp/test v 
> (first you must create the key in the ODB manually).
> Best regards,
> Stefan
  1859   23 Mar 2020 Ivo SchulthessForumSave data to FTP
Dear all
I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved. Does somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename:, 21, user, pw, ., run%06d.mid, Format: MIDAS, Output: FILE. What would be the Output: FTP setting for? I tried this but it does not work at all. 
Thanks in advance,
  1860   23 Mar 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumSave data to FTP
> I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved. Does somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename:, 21, user, pw, ., run%06d.mid, Format: MIDAS, Output: FILE. What would be the Output: FTP setting for? I tried this but it does not work at all. 

Hi, Ivo, good to hear from a midas user in these difficult times.

We do not use FTP at TRIUMF, but Stefan asked us to keep FTP alive and working, so we should be able
to get you going. I will try to find the FTP instructions for you, I am pretty sure I have them somewhere.

In the mean time, I am very curious why you are using a FTP to record data, is it some kind
of data appliance where simplest input for data is FTP? Using NFS does not work or is too hard?

Also for example at CERN, we write data to Castor and EOS, for this mlogger writes data to local disk,
then the lazylogger runs a script to move the data to Castor and EOS. The example lazylogger
scripts for this are in the MIDAS "progs" directory. But maybe you do not have a local disk and this would
not work for you.

In other news, I hope to work on mlogger and lazylogger support for cloud storage (swift and s3 apis?),
would that be useful as replacement for FTP?

  1861   24 Mar 2020 Ivo SchulthessForumSave data to FTP
> > I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved. Does somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename:, 21, user, pw, ., run%06d.mid, Format: MIDAS, Output: FILE. What would be the Output: FTP setting for? I tried this but it does not work at all. 
> Hi, Ivo, good to hear from a midas user in these difficult times.
> We do not use FTP at TRIUMF, but Stefan asked us to keep FTP alive and working, so we should be able
> to get you going. I will try to find the FTP instructions for you, I am pretty sure I have them somewhere.
> In the mean time, I am very curious why you are using a FTP to record data, is it some kind
> of data appliance where simplest input for data is FTP? Using NFS does not work or is too hard?
> Also for example at CERN, we write data to Castor and EOS, for this mlogger writes data to local disk,
> then the lazylogger runs a script to move the data to Castor and EOS. The example lazylogger
> scripts for this are in the MIDAS "progs" directory. But maybe you do not have a local disk and this would
> not work for you.
> In other news, I hope to work on mlogger and lazylogger support for cloud storage (swift and s3 apis?),
> would that be useful as replacement for FTP?
> K.O.
Good Morning Konstantin

Thanks for the fast reply.  Yes, it is, Midas is one of the things we can at least improve from home. 

Our experiment is planned to measure (soon) at ILL. Now since we don't use the equipment/detector from the 
beamline but our own, all the data from Midas is saved on the local drive. This is fine in the first instance
but then we also need proper backup. Since our experiment is quite small, the easiest solution I came up with
is to copy all of our data to the ILL storage which has enough space and is properly backed up. The ILL data 
storage allows only SFTP connections, nothing else. Since Midas has the FTP feature, having a separate FTP 
logger channel seemed the easiest way to go. 

Thanks for your input, I will look into how to mount SFTP and then this would also be a solution. 

Since ILL only provides access via SFTP and everything else is not existent or blocked (not even ssh is possible),
this is the only thing we can work with by now. 

Best regards,
  1862   24 Mar 2020 Stefan RittForumSave data to FTP
Logging directly from the midas logger to FTP is a bit cumbersome. In case of delays during login etc. this can throttle the whole DAQ chain. 
What we use in our lab is to write to local disk, then use the lazylogger ( to copy the 
local files to a remote FTP server. This way we de-couple data taking from backup, making the system much more swift.

  1863   24 Mar 2020 Ivo SchulthessForumSave data to FTP
> Logging directly from the midas logger to FTP is a bit cumbersome. In case of delays during login etc. this can throttle the whole DAQ chain. 
> What we use in our lab is to write to local disk, then use the lazylogger ( to copy the 
> local files to a remote FTP server. This way we de-couple data taking from backup, making the system much more swift.
> Best,
> Stefan

Yes, see this now too. I will, therefore, try to set up the lazylogger properly. 
  1864   24 Mar 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumSave data to FTP
> Since ILL only provides access via SFTP and everything else is not existent or blocked (not even ssh is possible),
> this is the only thing we can work with by now. 

Oops. SFTP != FTP.

SFTP uses SSH for data transport, so we cannot do it directly from C++ code in MIDAS. (we could use libssh, etc, but...)

I suggest you use lazylogger with the lazy_dache script, replace "dccp" with "sftp", replace "nsls" with an sftp "ls" command.

If you get it working, please consider contributing your lazylogger script to midas. (and does not have to be written in perl, python should work equally well).

For setting up lazylogger with the script method, I am pretty sure I posted the instructions to the forum (ages ago),
let me know if you cannot find them.

Good luck.

  1751   06 Jan 2020 Alireza TalebitaherForumSSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP

I am quite new in both Linux and MIDAS.
I have install MIDAS on my desktop by going through this link: 

in the last step when I send "mhttpd" command and try to open the link 
https://localhost:8443 (of course, changing the localhost with my host name), it 
failed to connect and shows this error: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP (please see 
attached file includes a screenshot of the error).

I have tried many ways to solve this problem: In Firefox: going to option/privacy 
and security/ security and uncheck the option "Block dangerous and deceptive 
content". but it does not help.

Looking forward your help
  1752   06 Jan 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumSSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
> I am quite new in both Linux and MIDAS.
> I have install MIDAS on my desktop by going through this link: 
> in the last step when I send "mhttpd" command and try to open the link 
> https://localhost:8443 (of course, changing the localhost with my host name), it 
> failed to connect and shows this error: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP (please see 
> attached file includes a screenshot of the error).

What Linux? (on most linuxes, run "lsb_release -a")
What version of midas? (run odbedit "ver" command)
What version of firefox? (from the "about firefox" menu)

> I have tried many ways to solve this problem: In Firefox: going to option/privacy 
> and security/ security and uncheck the option "Block dangerous and deceptive 
> content". but it does not help.

No you cannot fix it from inside firefox. The issue is that the overlap of encryption methods
supported by your firefox and by your openssl library (used by mhttpd) is an empty set.
No common language, so to say, communication is impossible.

So either you have a very old openssl but very new firefox, or a very new openssl but very old 
firefox. Both very old or both very new can talk to each other, difficulties start with greater  
difference in age, as new (better) encryption methods are added and old (no-longer-secure) 
methods are banished.

BTW, for good security we recommend using apache httpd as the https proxy (instead of built-in 
https support in mhttpd). (I am not sure what it says in the current documentation). (But apache 
httpd will use the same openssl library, so this may not solve your problem. Let's see what 
versions of software you are using, per questions above, first).

  1753   07 Jan 2020 Alireza TalebitaherForumSSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
Hi Konstantin,
Thanks for your reply, 

> What Linux? (on most linuxes, run "lsb_release -a")
> What version of midas? (run odbedit "ver" command)
I am using CentOS 8

> What version of firefox? (from the "about firefox" menu)
Firefox 71.0


> No you cannot fix it from inside firefox. The issue is that the overlap of encryption methods
> supported by your firefox and by your openssl library (used by mhttpd) is an empty set.
> No common language, so to say, communication is impossible.
> So either you have a very old openssl but very new firefox, or a very new openssl but very old 
> firefox. Both very old or both very new can talk to each other, difficulties start with greater  
> difference in age, as new (better) encryption methods are added and old (no-longer-secure) 
> methods are banished.
> BTW, for good security we recommend using apache httpd as the https proxy (instead of built-in 
> https support in mhttpd). (I am not sure what it says in the current documentation). (But apache 
> httpd will use the same openssl library, so this may not solve your problem. Let's see what 
> versions of software you are using, per questions above, first).
> K.O.
  1754   07 Jan 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumSSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
Hi, I have not run midas on Centos-8 yet. Maybe there is a problem with the openssl library there. The Centos-7 
instructions for setting up apache httpd proxy are here, with luck they work on centos-8:


> Hi Konstantin,
> Thanks for your reply, 
> > What Linux? (on most linuxes, run "lsb_release -a")
> > What version of midas? (run odbedit "ver" command)
> I am using CentOS 8
> > What version of firefox? (from the "about firefox" menu)
> Firefox 71.0
> Thanks 
> Mehran
> > No you cannot fix it from inside firefox. The issue is that the overlap of encryption methods
> > supported by your firefox and by your openssl library (used by mhttpd) is an empty set.
> > No common language, so to say, communication is impossible.
> > 
> > So either you have a very old openssl but very new firefox, or a very new openssl but very old 
> > firefox. Both very old or both very new can talk to each other, difficulties start with greater  
> > difference in age, as new (better) encryption methods are added and old (no-longer-secure) 
> > methods are banished.
> > 
> > BTW, for good security we recommend using apache httpd as the https proxy (instead of built-in 
> > https support in mhttpd). (I am not sure what it says in the current documentation). (But apache 
> > httpd will use the same openssl library, so this may not solve your problem. Let's see what 
> > versions of software you are using, per questions above, first).
> > 
> > K.O.
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