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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topicdown Subject Text Attachments
  2544   23 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportdeferred stop transitionHi,

I'm facing some issues with 'stop' deferred
  2545   23 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportdeferred stop transitionDeferred transitions were only implemented
with a single instance of a program deferring
  2546   23 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportdeferred stop transitionHi Stefan,

so if I have two different frontends (feov1725
  2547   23 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportdeferred stop transition> I'm in the same situation ?

  2548   26 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportdeferred stop transition> Deferred transitions were only implemented
with a single instance of a program deferring
  2549   26 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportdeferred stop transition> so, it seems that the issue is not related
to different 'instances' of same frontend
  2550   26 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportmserver and script executionIndeed that could well be (and is certainly
not intended like that). I checked the code
and found that "execute on start run" and
  2551   27 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportmserver and script executionHi Stefan,

> Indeed that could well be (and is certainly
  2552   27 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportmserver and script execution> btw I did some tests and I understand that
this issue is related to 'deferred transition'
> on frontend. Indeed I disabled deferred
  2555   18 Jul 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportaccess to filesystem through mhttpdHi,

after some networks security scans I received
  2557   18 Jul 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportaccess to filesystem through mhttpd> (e.g.

not again! I complained about this before,
  2558   19 Jul 2023 Zaher SalmanBug Reportaccess to filesystem through mhttpdHave you actually been able to read /etc/passwd
this way? I tested this on a few of our servers
and it does not work. As far as I know, there
  2561   24 Jul 2023 Nick HastingsBug ReportIncompatible data types with mysql odbc interfaceHello,

I have recently set up a midas-2022-05-c
  2562   25 Jul 2023 Nick HastingsBug ReportIncompatible data types with mysql odbc interfaceHello,

wanted add few things:
  2568   02 Aug 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportexcessive logging of http requests> > Our default configuration of apache httpd
logs every request. MIDAS custom web pages
can easily make a huge number of RPC calls
  2569   02 Aug 2023 Stefan RittBug ReportError accessing history filesWe sporadically (like once per few hours)
have an error message when we access the
  2573   03 Aug 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportexcessive logging of http requests> > > Our default configuration of apache
httpd logs every request. MIDAS custom web
pages can easily make a huge number of RPC
  2577   09 Aug 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportError accessing history filesI confirm I see same on the agmini system.
Two problems: (a) error message is wrong,
it's a 
  2581   14 Aug 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportexcessive logging of http requests> Our default configuration of apache httpd
logs every request.
> MIDAS custom web pages can easily make
  2583   16 Aug 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmidas wants to show notification?I started to get web browser popups about
"midas wants to show notifications, 
block/allow/x". is this a glitch or a new
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5