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  241   23 Dec 2005 Stefan RittInfoHow do I do custom event building?
> It turns out the the standard event builder fragment matching algorithm cannot
> be used in my TPC application. I have two TPC-USB interfaces, which lack any
> "busy" or synchronization logic. I send the hardware trigger into both
> interfaces, and if one of them misses it, the data is out of sync forever. Consider:
> Hardware
> trigger    trig1     trig2    trig3    trig4
> TPC01      serial1   serial2  serial3  serial4
> TPC02      serial1  (missing) serial2  serial3
> With the event builder matching only the event serial numbers, the first event
> will be okey, but the second event will have trig2 data from TPC01 and trig3
> data from TPC02, etc.

Well, I would say: this is a very poor design of an experiment. Before curing the
problems in software, I first would consider a redesign of the data readout scheme with
a global hardware trigger and a hardware busy.

> So in each frontend, I have a high-precision timestamp (gettimeofday(), usec
> resolution) and I would like to have the event builder match the timestamps
> instead of event serial numbers.

What do you do if the frontend clock drifts away? I have seen drifts of up to 10 sec/day
on some PCs, so your required accuracy of 1/50 s would be violated after 3 minutes. You
would have to synchronize your clocks constantly. If your synchronization algorithm
determines a clock is out of sync and adjusts it, and the delta t is more than 1/50 sec,
you are screwed.

So all together I conclude that this proposed synchronization scheme is pretty dangerous
and could ruin the whole experiment.

> What is the best way to do this? The mevb.c
> code does not have any user callbacks for checking "do these fragments belong to
> the same event?".

Pierre can answer that.

- Stefan
  243   24 Dec 2005 Stefan RittBug Reportminor changes to run transition code
> I am now considering allowing the run to end even if some clients cannot be
> contacted. The begin, pause and resume transitions would continue to fail if
> clients cannot be contacted.

Sounds like a good idea.

- Stefan
  246   03 Jan 2006 Stefan RittBug Reportmhttpd "edit on start" broken for arrays
> If a variable under "/experiment/edit on start/" is an array, it is correctly
> offered for editing on the "start run page", but then all elements in the array
> end up set to the value of the first element.

You are right. This was was there from the beginning, you are just the first one
trying "edit on start" with an array. I applied your fix and committed to SVN
reviwion 3013.

  247   03 Jan 2006 Stefan RittSuggestionHandling multiple identical USB devices
> Any thoughts?

I got an idea of how to solve this problem in an OS-independent manner. The USB
devices and hubs form a tree, like this

  Root  HUB
  0   1   2
  |   |   \__...
  |   \___
 DevY     \
        0 1 2
        |   |
        |  DevX
      0 1 2

This tree can be considered as an ordered tree, if you read it from left to right.
In that order, the devices are orderd

DevY - DevZ - DevX

Since the devices are ordered, the "instance" parameter from musb_init can be used
to identify them uniquely, like

instance==0   => DevY
instance==1   => DevZ
instance==2   => DevX

So I would say that we can use the current API using the "instance" parameter to
uniquely access a device. All we have to do is to build that tree, sort it, and then
use the instance parameter as an entry to that tree. The sorting takes care of
different ordering, which can happen during enumeration (depeding on power-up
sequence, phase of the Moon etc.). So if you have three devices like above, DevZ
should alway be at "instance==1". The only problem is if you unplug DevY for
example, then you get the map

instance==0   => DevZ
instance==1   => DevX

which is different from above. But if you have a different number of devices, you
likely have to change your frontend cody anyhow, so you can change the device
mapping there as well. 

In order to simplify the code, I would not build a complete tree and sort it, but
scan the whole tree hierarchically, i.e. look at


Since there is a maximum of toal 127 USB devices, this scan should be pretty quick.
If you find a device with matching vendor and product ID, you increment an internal
counter. If that counter matches your instance parameter, you open that device.

The ultimate solution of course is to put an additional address into each device, so
you can distinguish them easily. For a out-of-the box Web cam you probably have no
chance, but for the home-made MSCB nodes I put such an address into each node, so I
can distinguish them even if the have the same product and vendor ID.
  250   26 Mar 2006 Stefan down ?
>  Hi,
> I was trying to update the checkout of Midas, but it looks like something is not
> working - maybe a component of the Savannah system:
> [sergio@daq-pc midas-SVN]$ svn update
>'s password: svn
> unix dgram connect: Connection refused at /bin/ line 32
> no connection to syslog available at /bin/ line 32
> svn: Connection closed unexpectedly
> my .svn/entries says (amongst the rest)
>  url="svn+ssh://"
> and yes, it used to work well... 
> Cheers,
>   Sergio

I just tried now and it seemed to work fine. Do you still have the problem?

- Stefan
  254   08 May 2006 Stefan RittBug Reportcm_register_transition gyrations
> I am debugging a Rome-based DAQ system setup by Pierre A. (the system does not
> work because of bugs in Rome).
> One problem I see is with my copy of cm_register_transition() in midas.c. Rome
> calls it with a NULL function to register a "queued" transition, but the
> cm_register_transition() code has changed around (rev 3051) to make NULL mean
> "unregister" a transition (this broke the queued transitions used by Rome), then
> it got changed back (rev 3085). Of course, I was stuck with the broken version,
> so Rome did not work at all, and it cost me real wall time to get to the bottom
> of all this, only to discover that this problem is already fixed. So-
> I would greatly appreciate it if, in the future, changes (and bug fixes) to the
> MIDAS API were announced on this mailing list here.
> K.O.

Yes you are right. I apologize. Fact was that I was not aware that anybody else uses
already ROME in online mode. Nevertheless, let me at least explain the reason for
that change:

Some experiments at PSI run a slow control front end, which talks to pretty slow
hardware, and thus can be nonresponsive for many seconds. Since each frontend by
default registers in the start and stop transitions, this frontend delayed the start
/stop of each run. To solve this problem in the short run, the frontend should not
register in the transition. Originally I implemented this by using the NULL function
pointer, until we figured out that ROME uses this to register (not de-register)
together with the cm_query_transition() function. Therefore a new function
cm_deregister_transition() was implemented and is used now by the slow frontends.

In the long run this will be solved by implementing multi-threaded frontends which
get one thread for each equipment and therefore do not block any transition anymore.
  257   18 May 2006 Stefan RittBug FixFixed problems with reload of custom pages
We had a problem with custom pages and reloading of them. If they contain an ODB field which is editable, one can change the ODB value through the custom page. The URL then contains a "?cmd=Set&value=x&index=x" section, which stays in the browser's address bar after the ODB value has been updated. If the value changes later by some other means in the ODB, and one presses "reload" in the browser, the above URL gets executed again and the value gets changed back which is not wanted.

The problem has been fixed such that mhttpd redirects the browser after setting a variable to the URL not containing the "Set" command from above.
  259   25 May 2006 Stefan RittBug FixFixed compiler warnings with gcc 3.4.4
I fixed a couple of compiler warning which came up with the new gcc 3.4.4. Seems like the compiler gets more and more picky. There a still warning left in ybos.c and in mcnaf.c, which I leave to the original author Wink
  267   09 Jun 2006 Stefan RittBug Fixfix compilation of musbstd.h, add it back to libmidas
> I fixed the compilation of musbstd.h (it required -DHAVE_LIBUSB on Linux, but
> nothing knew about defining it) and put musbstd.o back into libmidas (USB
> support should be part of the standard base midas library). K.O.

I'm not so sure about that. One could consider musbstd.o as a driver, and the
philosophy used for midas programs is that drivers get added explicitly when
compiling a frontend. We do not put mvmestd.c and mcstd.c into libmidas since for
different interfaces a different driver might be required. If we at some point use
an usb library different than libusb.a, we would have to compile different
libmidas for these different drivers.

I know it's convenient to have things in libmidas and not having to specify it
expliceitely for each frontend, but it is then somehow inconsistent with drivers
for vme and camac. So please reconsider this again.

- Stefan
  268   13 Jun 2006 Stefan RittInfoZLIB dependency modified
Due to recent problems with the ROME analyzer having zlib.h both in the
system and in the midas tree it has been decided to change the zlib policy in midas. By default, zlib support is not included in the midas analyzer. If one want it (but I guess only very few experiments need that), one can do a

make NEED_ZLIB=1

to compile zlib support into mana.c

Under linux (&Co), the zlib is these days normally pre-installed. The header file will therefor be taken from /usr/include and the library from /usr/lib/libz.a. Under Windows, the zlib is still included in the distribution, and has to be manually added to the Visual C++ project file.
  269   13 Jun 2006 Stefan RittInfoScheduler changed for slow control equipment
The schedule in mfe.c is used both for "normal" front-ends and for "slow-control" front-ends. Unfortunately it was only optimized for the first class. This lead to the fact that the slow control equipment was read out at different speed depending if the run is started or not. Furthermore, the maximum readout speed was somehow limited. This has been changed in the current version of mfe.c (SVN revision 3146). There are now two ways to control the readout speed of slow control equipment:

1) The "event limit" in the equipment list can be used as minimum time between readouts. I'm not happy about the "mis-use" of this variable, but it has been there since the beginning. If I would change it now, all front-ends on this world would have to be changed, which I maybe not a good idea. If this event limit is set to let's say 10, then the slow control equipment is read out with a maximum speed of 1/10ms = 100Hz. That means up to 100 variables (not complete equipments) are read out per second. If an equipment has 200 variables, each variable is then read out every two seconds of course. This number can be used to limit the readout speed differently for different equipments. Like one might want to read a sensitive pressure as often as possible, but some beamline magnet values only once every minute.

2) By default, the scheduler runs now at "full speed" when slow control equipment is present, resulting in a 100% CPU usage. To avoid this, following code can be added into the frontend_loop function:

BOOL frontend_call_loop = TRUE;

INT frontend_loop()
/* don't eat up all CPU time */
return cm_yield(10);

This limits the readout speed of all slow control equipment again to 100Hz, but avoids the 100% CPU usage. On most operating systems, the minimum time is 10ms as shown above, since this is the basic time slice of a process.

The readout scheme of slow control equipment will be re-visited this summer, when multi-threaded slow control front-ends will be implemented.
  272   23 Jul 2006 Stefan RittForumFile output for histories

Art Olin wrote:
Basically we need the output from the mhist code. The most convenient, and possibly easiest implementation would be to select required data (ID, variable, time range) in the midas history display, click a button requesting file output and input a file name. One might also want to specify the interval time required.

So what is wrong with using mhist directly? I understand that some users used to point and click might have hard time to start a command line utility, but I'm sure that I teach anybody to use mhist much faster compared to the time I would have to spend on implementing such a feature in the web interface. Well, I'll keep it in mind, but it has low priority.

Art Olin wrote:
A related nice feature would be like the root "view event status" , where text at the bottom of the history would display the position of the cursor in the history chart coordinates. Probably more work and less important to us.

Well if you teach me how to do this I'm happy to implement it. We are in a browser, and the history plot is a dump GIF image, while the ROOT windows is a native application. One would have to use some fance Javascript to implement such a thing, but I have no clue of how to do that.

- Stefan
  276   24 Jul 2006 Stefan RittBug ReportElog attachments

Art Olin wrote:
Hi. When I attach the file below, Mix+Positronorig.xlx to an elog, and then open it or download it to disk, the file, 060... is severely truncated.
-rw-r--r-- 1 alpha users 17408 Jul 24 11:25 Mix+Positronorig.xls
-rw-r--r-- 1 alpha users 1 Jul 24 11:04 060724_100544_Mix+Positron Cabling 20060723.xls

It's something to do with long filenames or special characters in filenames. Worked OK when I renamed the original file to M1.xls.

You should not use "+" in a file name for elog.
  279   27 Jul 2006 Stefan RittBug ReportMIDAS revision 3184 bombs on FC5

Shawn Bishop wrote:
include/musbstd.h:29:17: error: usb.h: No such file or directory

This indicates that you are missing libusb. If you can find a RPM for libusb, that will solve your problem. But anyhow we should modify the makefile such that it does not try to compile the USB drivers if libusb is missing on a system.
  285   03 Aug 2006 Stefan RittBug ReportMIDAS packaged examples: compilation bug?

Shawn Bishop wrote:
Anyone have an idea what's going on here?

The Makefile contained the outdated target fal, which is a combined frontend/analyzer/logger. You don't need that, so I removed it from the makefile. Now it should compile fine.
  289   07 Aug 2006 Stefan RittInfoNew multi-threaded midas slow control system
Multi-threaded slow control system

The Midas slow control system has been modified to support multi-threaded slow control front-ends. Each device gets it's own thread in the front-end, which has several advantages:

- the communication of all devices runs in parallel and therefor is much faster
- slow devices cannot block any more the front-end. Response times to run transitions etc. become therefore much faster.

This modification requires some minor modifications in the existing class and device drivers.

Dropping of CMD_xxx_ALL commands

The slow control commands CMD_SET_ALL, CMD_GET_ALL, CMD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_ALL, CMD_GET_CURRENT_LIMIT_ALL, etc. have been dropped. They were there to accomodate some slow devices, which sometimes works a bit faster if all channels are set or read at once. Since the inter-thread communication scheme implemented now does only allow passing one channel at a time, the "ALL" functions cannot be supported any more. On the other hand this is not such an issue any more, since slow devices are handled now in parallel, speeding up things considereably.

The command have been removed from midas.h and from all device and class drivers coming with the midas distribution. If you have your own drivers, just delete the sections wich use these commands.

Calling the device driver inside the class driver

The device drivers have now to be called differently in the class driver. The reason for that is that in a multi-threaded front-end, there is only one central device driver dispatcher, which communicates with the individual device driver threads. The device drivers do not need to be modified, but all existing class drivers need modification, if they are going to be run in a multi-threaded front-end. Old class drivers which are not used in a multi-threaded front-end do not to be modified.

Following modifications are necessary:

  • Remove following line:
    #define DRIVER(_i) ...

  • Find all lines containing
    DRIVER(i)(CMD_xxx, info->dd_info[i], ...)

    and replace them with
    device_driver(info->driver[i], CMD_xxx, ...)

    note that info->dd_info[i] is not passed any more. Instead, you pass info->driver[i]. Pleae note that the arguments passed after CMD_xxx are not checked by the compiler, since they are a variable argument list. Any error there will not produce a compiler warning, but will just crash the front-end.

  • Find the line with
    status = pequipment->driver[i].dd(CMD_INIT, hKey, &pequipment->driver[i].dd_info,

    and replace it with
    status = device_driver(&pequipment->driver[i], CMD_INIT, hKey);

  • Find the line with
    pequipment->driver[i].dd(CMD_EXIT, pequipment->driver[i].dd_info);

    and replace it with
    device_driver(&pequipment->driver[i], CMD_EXIT);

  • Find following lines
    hv_info->driver[i] = pequipment->driver[index].dd;
    hv_info->dd_info[i] = pequipment->driver[index].dd_info;
    hv_info->channel_offset[i] = offset;
    hv_info->flags[i] = pequipment->driver[index].flags;

    and replace them with
    hv_info->driver[i] = &pequipment->driver[index];
    hv_info->channel_offset[i] = offset;

The class drivers multi.c and generic.c can be used as a reference for these modifications.

Implementing CMD_STOP command

For multithread-enabled device drivers it is necessary to support the CMD_STOP command, which is needed to stop all device threads before the actual device gets closed. Following code is necessary:
INT cd_xxx(INT cmd, EQUIPMENT * pequipment)
   INT i, status;

   switch (cmd) {
   case CMD_INIT:

   case CMD_STOP:
      for (i = 0; pequipment->driver[i].dd != NULL &&
                  pequipment->driver[i].flags & DF_MULTITHREAD ; i++)
         status = device_driver(&pequipment->driver[i], CMD_STOP);

   case CMD_IDLE:

   return status;

Enabling multi-thread support

To turn on multi-thread support for a device, the flag DF_MULTITHREAD must be used in the front-end user code device driver list, such as
DEVICE_DRIVER multi_driver[] = {
   {"Input", nulldev, 2, null, DF_INPUT | DF_MULTITHREAD},
   {"Output", nulldev, 2, null, DF_OUTPUT | DF_MULTITHREAD},
  295   17 Aug 2006 Stefan RittBug Report"double" values are truncated
> The mhttpd ODB displays and mhist truncate values of "float" and "double"
> floating point variables to 6 digits. In reality, "float" has 7 significant
> digits and "double" has 16. I recommend that db_sprintf() in odb.c be changed to
> read this:
>       case TID_FLOAT:
>          sprintf(string, "%.7g", *(((float *) data) + index));
>          break;
>       case TID_DOUBLE:
>          sprintf(string, "%.16g", *(((double *) data) + index));
>          break;
> K.O.

I had there

      case TID_FLOAT:
         if (ss_isnan(*(((float *) data) + index)))
            sprintf(string, "NAN");
            sprintf(string, "%g", *(((float *) data) + index));
      case TID_DOUBLE:
         if (ss_isnan(*(((double *) data) + index)))
            sprintf(string, "NAN");
            sprintf(string, "%lg", *(((double *) data) + index));

so I assumed that "%g" takes care of the maximal resolution. But apparently it does
not. So I changed it as you proposed.
  302   20 Sep 2006 Stefan RittSuggestionIncrease of maximum event size
Dear midas users,

The current event size in midas is limited to 512k (MAX_EVENT_SIZE in midas.h). This is mainly due to old (pre 2.2) linux kernels which had only a very limited shared memory pool. These days this limit has increased considerably and I question if we should increase the default event size and to which size we should increase it.

The drawback of a larger event size is that the SYSTEM event buffer has to hold at least two events, and when the last midas program is stopped or started, this buffer has to be written to or read from the .SYSTEM.SHM file, which slows down the start/stop of the program. But writing/reading a few MB is fast these days anyhow so this again might now be a big problem. So what do you think how big we should make the default max event size?

- Stefan
  303   20 Sep 2006 Stefan RittSuggestionIncrease of maximum event size
Since nobody complained so far, I increased MAX_EVENT_SIZE to 2MB. If anybody has problems with this setting, please report. Note that after updating to SVN revision 3327 it will be necessary to recompile all midas programs and to delete any old SYSTEM.SHM or .SYSTEM.SHM. I added some code which should check for inconsistent SYSTEM.SHM sizes, but I'm not sure if it works everywhere.
  306   24 Sep 2006 Stefan RittBug Reportmhttpd elog corruption via double-edit

K.O. wrote:
Aparently the mhttpd elog will corrupt the elog files if two (or more\?) elog entries are being edited at the same time. K.O.

That's strange. Since mhttpd is single threaded, there should not be any multi-thread/process conflict there, since the elog files cannot be written simultaneously from two different browser sessions. If entries are edited at the same time, they get then submitted one after the other. Of course it is possible to edit the same entry, in which case the second submission "wins", overwriting the first one without notification. Withing the standalone elog server there is the option to lock entries ("use lock = 1") to prevent this, but this feature is not present in the mhttpd elog.
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