13 Sep 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, modified mhttpd history panel editor
mhttpd.c svn rev 4823 implements a modified history planel editor. all previous functions should work
as before (minus new bugs).
17 Sep 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, modified mhttpd history panel editor
> mhttpd.c svn rev 4823 implements a modified history planel editor. all previous functions should work
> as before (minus new bugs). New experimental functions added:
20 Sep 2010, Stefan Ritt, Info, modified mhttpd history panel editor
Just some idea:
The ultimate solution to that would be to do that completely JavaScript driven. You load ONCE the list of all
17 Sep 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Added mserver host based access control
In svn rev 4825, I added host based access control to mserver (the MIDAS RPC server). The implementation
is a verbatim copy mhttpd host based access control list (-a command line switch).
04 Aug 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, YBOS support now optional, disabled by default
As of svn rev 4800, YBOS support was made optional, disabled by default. (But note that ybos.c is still used
by mdump). See HAVE_YBOS in the Makefile.
K.O. |
31 Aug 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, YBOS support now optional, disabled by default
> As of svn rev 4800, YBOS support was made optional, disabled by default. (But note that ybos.c is still used
> by mdump). See HAVE_YBOS in the Makefile.
08 Sep 2010, Stefan Ritt, Info, YBOS support now optional, disabled by default
> It looks like some example drivers in .../drivers/class want to link against YBOS libraries.
> This fails because ybos.o is missing from the MIDAS library.
30 Jul 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, macos 10.6 success
As of svn rev 4794, midas builds, runs and should be fully usable on MacOS 10.6.4. Previous revisions did
not compile due to assorted Linuxisms and did not run because of a sizeof() problem in ss_gettid(). Also
one of the system header files (mtio.h?) present in MacOS 10.5 vanished from 10.6.
31 Aug 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, macos 10.6 success
> As of svn rev 4794, midas builds, runs and should be fully usable on MacOS 10.6.4. Previous revisions did
> not compile due to assorted Linuxisms and did not run because of a sizeof() problem in ss_gettid(). Also
> one of the system header files (mtio.h?) present in MacOS 10.5 vanished from 10.6.
31 Aug 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Experimental POSIX shared memory support
As of svn rev 4807, src/system.c has an experimental implementation of POSIX shared memory. It is
similar to the already existing implementation of MMAP shared memory, but uses POSIX shm_open()
instead of directly mmapping the .xxx.SHM file.
24 Jun 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
Dear All,
This is my first time running an experiment on separate computers. I followed
26 Jun 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> This is my first time running an experiment on separate computers. I followed
> the documentation (https://midas.psi.ch/htmldoc/quickstart.html) to setup the
> files:
27 Jun 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> Hi, there. I have not recently run mserver through inetd, and we usually do not do
> that at TRIUMF. We do this:
28 Jun 2010, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> > Hi, there. I have not recently run mserver through inetd, and we usually do not do
> > that at TRIUMF. We do this:
> >
28 Jun 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> The way connections work under Midas is there is a callback scheme. The client starts
> mserver on the back-end, then the back-end connects back to the front-end on three
> different ports. These ports are assigned dynamically by the operating system and are
29 Jun 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Error connecting to back-end computer
> > The way connections work under Midas is there is a callback scheme. The client starts
> > mserver on the back-end, then the back-end connects back to the front-end on three
> > different ports. These ports are assigned dynamically by the operating system and are
12 Jun 2010, hai qu, Forum, crash on start run
Dear experts,
I use fedora 12 and midas 4680. there is problem to start run when the frontend
14 Jun 2010, Stefan Ritt, Forum, crash on start run
> I use fedora 12 and midas 4680. there is problem to start run when the frontend
> application runs fine.
14 Jun 2010, hai qu, Forum, crash on start run
> - does your feTCPPacketReceiver die during the start-of-run? Maybe you do some segfault
> int he begin-of-run routine. Can you STOP a run?
when start a run, it bring the mtransition process and I guess the server try to talk to the
08 Jun 2010, nicholas, Forum, check out from svn
do: svn co svn+ssh://svn@savannah.psi.ch/afs/psi.ch/project/meg/svn/midas/trunk
shows: ssh: connect to host savannah.psi.ch port 22: Connection timed out
08 Jun 2010, nicholas, Forum, check out from svn
> do: svn co svn+ssh://svn@savannah.psi.ch/afs/psi.ch/project/meg/svn/midas/trunk
> midas
> shows: ssh: connect to host savannah.psi.ch port 22: Connection timed out
22 Apr 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Customized "Start" page
Dear All,
After clicking the "Start" button, there is a page for the operator to change some
08 Apr 2010, Exaos Lee, Forum, How to stop a run with a timer?
I want to let the run stop and start periodically. But I looked through the ODB
and didn't find anything may help. I also checked the FAQ online and didn't find
answer either. Who can help me? Thank you. |
22 Apr 2010, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, How to stop a run with a timer?
Hi Exaos,
This may help: https://ladd00.triumf.ca/elog/Midas/645
04 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, New '/Experiment/Menu buttons'
The mhttpd program shows some standard buttons in the top row for
starting/stopping runs, accessing the ODB, Alarms, etc. Since not all experiments
make use of all buttons, they have been customized. By default mhttpd creates
11 Mar 2010, Stefan Ritt, Info, New '/Experiment/Menu buttons'
> The mhttpd program shows some standard buttons in the top row for
> starting/stopping runs, accessing the ODB, Alarms, etc. Since not all experiments
> make use of all buttons, they have been customized. By default mhttpd creates
04 Mar 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Notes on MIDAS Alarm system
Notes on the implementation of the MIDAS alarm system.
Alarms are checked inside alarm.c::al_check(). This function is called by
27 Jan 2010, Suzannah Daviel, Forum, custom page - flashing filled area
On a custom web page, can a "filled" area be made to flash (i.e. cycle between
09 Feb 2010, Stefan Ritt, Forum, custom page - flashing filled area
One possibility is to use small GIF images for each valve, which have several frames (called 'animated GIF'). Depending on the state you can use a static
GIF or the flashing GIF. An alternate approach is to use a static background image, and display a valve with different color on top of the background in
regular intervals using JavaScript. I tried that with the attached page. Just create a custom page
/Custom/Valve = valve.html
and put all three attachments |
01 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, Redesign of status page links
The custom and alias links in the standard midas status page were shown as HTML
links so far. If there are many links with names having spaces in their names,
it's a bit hard to distinguish between them. Therefore, they are packed now into
22 Dec 2009, Suzannah Daviel, Suggestion, Redesign of status page links
> The custom and alias links in the standard midas status page were shown as HTML
> links so far. If there are many links with names having spaces in their names,
> it's a bit hard to distinguish between them. Therefore, they are packed now into
11 Jan 2010, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Redesign of status page links
> > The custom and alias links in the standard midas status page were shown as HTML
> > links so far. If there are many links with names having spaces in their names,
> > it's a bit hard to distinguish between them. Therefore, they are packed now into
12 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, New MSCB page implementation
A new page has been implemented in mhttpd. This allows web access to all devices from an [URL=http://midas.psi.ch/mscb]MSCB system[/URL] and their variables:
06 Nov 2009, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Run multiple frontend on the same host
Dear All,
I want to run two frontend programs (one for trigger and one for slow control)
27 Nov 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Run multiple frontend on the same host
> Dear All,
> I want to run two frontend programs (one for trigger and one for slow control)
07 Dec 2009, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Run multiple frontend on the same host
Dear Stefan,
Thanks for the reply. I have tried your patch and it didn't solve my problem. Maybe I
08 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Run multiple frontend on the same host
Hi Jimmy,
ok, now I understand. Well, I don't see your problem. I just tried with the
12 Dec 2009, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Run multiple frontend on the same host
Dear Stefan,
I followed your suggestion to try the sample front-ends from the distribution and
04 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, Custom page showing ROOT analyzer output
Many midas experiments work with ROOT based analyzers today. One problem there is that the graphical output of the root analyzer can only be seen through
the X server and not through the web. At the MEG experiment, we solved this problem in an elegant way: The ROOT analyzer runs in the background, using
a "virtual" X server called Xvfb. It plots its output (several panels) normally using this X server, then saves this panels every ten seconds into GIF |
04 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, Redesign of status page columns
Since the column on the main midas status page with fraction of analyzed events is
barely used, I decided to drop it. Anyhow it does not make sense for all slow
control events. If this feature is required in some experiment, I propose to move it
26 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, "mserver -s" is broken
I notice that "mserver -s" (a non-default mode of operation) does not work right
- if I connect odbedit for the first time, all is okey, if I connect the second
time, mserver crashes - because after the first connection closed,
27 Nov 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, "mserver -s" is broken
> I notice that "mserver -s" (a non-default mode of operation) does not work right
> - if I connect odbedit for the first time, all is okey, if I connect the second
> time, mserver crashes - because after the first connection closed,
27 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, "mserver -s" is broken
> "mserver -s" is there for historical reasons and for debugging.
26 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mserver network routing fix
mserver update svn rev 4625 fixes an anomaly in the MIDAS RPC network code where
in some network configurations MIDAS mserver connections work, but some RPC
transactions, such as starting and stopping runs, do not (use the wrong network