25 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, once in 100 years midas shared memory bug
We were debugging a strange problem in the event builder, where out of 14
fragments, two fragments were always getting serial number mismatches and the
serial numbers were not sequentially increasing (the other 12 fragments were
25 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, subrun file size
Please be aware of mlogger.c update rev 4566 on Sept 23rd 2009, when Stefan
fixed a buglet in the subrun file size computations. Before this fix, the first
subrun could be of a short length. If you use subruns, please update your
23 Nov 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Scripts for "midas-config"
Supposing you have installed MIDAS to some directory such as "/opt/MIDAS/r4621", you have to write some Makefile as the following while building some applications
based on the version installed:
07 May 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, RPC.SHM gyration
When using remote midas clients with mserver, you may have noticed the zero-size .RPC.SHM files
these clients create in the directory where you run them. These files are associated with the semaphore
created by the midas rpc layer (rpc_call) to synchronize rpc calls between multiple threads. This
02 Jun 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, RPC.SHM gyration
> When using remote midas clients with mserver, you may have noticed the zero-size .RPC.SHM files
> these clients create in the directory where you run them. These files are associated with the semaphore
> created by the midas rpc layer (rpc_call) to synchronize rpc calls between multiple threads. This
04 Jun 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, RPC.SHM gyration
> Right now, MIDAS does not have an abstraction for "local multi-thread mutex" (i.e. pthread_mutex & co) and mostly uses global semaphores
> for this task (with interesting coding results, i.e. for multithreaded locking of ODB). Perhaps such an abstraction should be introduced?
20 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, RPC.SHM gyration
> When using remote midas clients with mserver, you may have noticed the zero-size .RPC.SHM files
> these clients create in the directory where you run them.
20 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix odb corruption from too long client names
odb.c rev 4622 fixes ODB corruption by db_connect_database() if client_name is
too long. Also fixed is potential ODB corruption by too long key names in
db_create_key(). Problem kindly reported by Tim Nichols of T2K/ND280 experiment.
20 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, disallow client names with slash '/' characters
> odb.c rev 4622 fixes ODB corruption by db_connect_database() if client_name is
> too long. Also fixed is potential ODB corruption by too long key names in
> db_create_key(). Problem kindly reported by Tim Nichols of T2K/ND280 experiment.
07 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Forum, deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
I encountered many warning while building MIDAS (svn r4556). Please see the
attached log file. Most of them are caused by type conversion from string to
27 Sep 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
> I encountered many warning while building MIDAS (svn r4556). Please see the
> attached log file. Most of them are caused by type conversion from string to
> "char*".
27 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Forum, deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
> There is no "type conversions". The compiler is whining about code like this:
> /* data type names */
19 Oct 2009, Exaos Lee, Forum, It' better to fix this warnings
> There is no "type conversions". The compiler is whining about code like this:
> /* data type names */
10 Nov 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, It' better to fix this warnings
> This will cause "type conversion" warnings. I hope that "odbedit" can generate codes like this:
> [CODE]
> #define EXPCVADC_COMMON_STR(_name) const char *_name[] = {\
30 Oct 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, new lazylogger release
I committed an updated lazylogger with updated documentation. The new version supports subruns and
can save to external storage arbitrary files (i.e. odb dump files). It also moves most book keeping out of
odb to permit handling more files on bigger storage disks.
02 Nov 2009, Exaos Lee, Bug Fix, Build error due to missing header
I encountered a build error as "sort undefined...". It is caused by missing C++ header <algorithm> in which "sort" is defined. It can be fixed as the attachment.
02 Nov 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, New cmake files
Though ended with ".c", "lazylogger.c" has to be build with C++ compiler. I have
to modify my CMakeLists.txt.
Please see the attachment if you need it. It works with svn-r4616. |
20 Oct 2009, Peter Simpson, Forum, Midas in linux
I'm new to both Linux and Midas and having trouble installing the programme -
the install file suggeats that I should have a directory:
15 Oct 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Building MIDAS using CMake
The attached zip file is the updated configurations for building MIDAS using CMake. It works with svn-r4604.
If you want to use it, please follow the steps here:
07 May 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, SQL history documentation
Documentation for writing midas history data to SQL (mysql) is now documented in midas doxygen files
(make dox; firefox doxfiles/html/index.html). The corresponding logger and mhttpd code has been
committed for some time now and it is used in production environment by the t2k/nd280 slow controls
11 Oct 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, SQL history documentation
> Documentation for writing midas history data to SQL (mysql) is now documented in midas doxygen files
> (make dox; firefox doxfiles/html/index.html). The corresponding logger and mhttpd code has been
> committed for some time now and it is used in production environment by the t2k/nd280 slow controls
08 Oct 2009, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Multiple definition of `SqlODBC::SqlODBC()
I found there are two SqlODBC defined in different sources.
$ grep -n "class SqlODBC" src/*
09 Oct 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Multiple definition of `SqlODBC::SqlODBC()
> Linking CXX shared library lib/libmidas.so
/usr/bin/c++ ... -o lib/libmidas.so ... CMakeFiles/midas-shared.dir/src/history_odbc.cxx.o
11 Oct 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Multiple definition of `SqlODBC::SqlODBC()
> > Why is the class "SqlODBC" duplicated?
> This is interesting. I do not think my C++ book spells it out that I cannot have class A in foo.cxx
08 Oct 2009, Tim Nicholls, Bug Report, mserver linking fails when using shared library
I have experienced a problem building MIDAS from the head of the SVN repository (rev 4458) when
specifying the shared library flag. Whie the shared library appears to compile and link OK, the
subsequent compilation of mserver fails as follows:
09 Oct 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, change to building and linking libmidas.so, mserver linking fails when using shared library
> --- Makefile
> < ld -shared -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) -lc
11 Oct 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, change to building and linking libmidas.so, mserver linking fails when using shared library
> > > $(CXX) -shared -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) -lc
09 Oct 2009, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Building error of history_midas.cxx due to missing declaration
Platform: Debian Linux testing
Compiler: gcc 4.3.4 (Debian 4.3.4-2)
11 Oct 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Building error of history_midas.cxx due to missing declaration
> The "g++" is whining while compiling history_midas.cxx. Please see the attached log file.
Fixed. svn 4594. K.O. |
01 Oct 2009, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Bug Report, mfe.c: poll_event() before frontend_init()
The latest version of mfe.c has a problem where poll_event() is called before
frontend_init() and this causes a crash because in poll_event() we try to access
VME before it is initialized in frontend_init(). K.O. |
01 Oct 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, mfe.c: poll_event() before frontend_init()
> The latest version of mfe.c has a problem where poll_event() is called before
> frontend_init() and this causes a crash because in poll_event() we try to access
> VME before it is initialized in frontend_init(). K.O.
29 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Error invoking 'odbedit': db_validate_size
Revision: r4567
Error output:
29 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Error invoking 'odbedit': db_validate_size
It seems to be fixed in svn-r4568:
30 Sep 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, mh2sql does not build, Error invoking 'odbedit': db_validate_size
> Linking CXX executable bin/mh2sql
> CMakeFiles/mh2sql.dir/utils/mh2sql.cxx.o: In function `main':
> /opt/DAQ/repos/bot/midas/utils/mh2sql.cxx:150: undefined reference to `MakeMidasHistoryODBC()'
30 Sep 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Error invoking 'odbedit': db_validate_size
> $ odbedit -e expcvadc
> odbedit: /opt/DAQ/repos/bot/midas/src/odb.c:651: db_validate_sizes: Assertion
`sizeof(EQUIPMENT_INFO) == 400' failed.
21 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, New feature: Stop run after a certain time
A new feature has been implemented in revision 4561 which allows runs with a
certain duration. To use this, one has to set the variaable
22 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, New feature: Stop run after a certain time
> A new feature has been implemented in revision 4561 which allows runs with a
> certain duration. To use this, one has to set the variaable
09 Sep 2009, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Retrieve start/stop time in offline
Hi All,
I set "/Analyzer/ODB Load" to true and analyzed a run in offline mode. After
10 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Retrieve start/stop time in offline
> I set "/Analyzer/ODB Load" to true and analyzed a run in offline mode. After
> that, I found the start time and stop time in /RunInfo did not reflect the
> correct time as in online. How do I retrieve the correct start/stop time from
18 Aug 2009, Denis Calvet, Suggestion, Could not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command
I am writing shell scripts to create some tree structure in an ODB. When
creating an array of strings, the default length of each string element is 32
03 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Could not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command
> Hi,
> I am writing shell scripts to create some tree structure in an ODB. When
> creating an array of strings, the default length of each string element is 32
06 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Could not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command
> Ok, I added a command
> odbedit -c "create STRING Test[8][40]"
06 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Could not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command
> > Ok, I added a command
> >
> > odbedit -c "create STRING Test[8][40]"
06 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Delete key "/A_Str" problem
Another problem while using odbedit.
I tried the batch mode of "odbedit". I created a key as "/A_Str" by mistake and
wanted to delete it. Then "odbedit" failed to accept the "Return" key. Please see
06 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Delete key "/A_Str" problem
> Another problem while using odbedit.
> I tried the batch mode of "odbedit". I created a key as "/A_Str" by mistake and
> wanted to delete it. Then "odbedit" failed to accept the "Return" key. Please see
03 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Building MIDAS using CMake
I write some configure file to build MIDAS using CMake. The usage is simple:
1. Unzip the attachment, copy "CMakeLists.txt" and directory "cmake" into the
midas source tree.
03 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Some screenshot using CMake with MIDAS
I didn't add optimization flags to compile, so I got link error while generating mcnaf as I reported before.
The screen-shots show that the configure files works because I have modified the "driver/camac/camacrpc.c". |
06 Sep 2009, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Updated "CMakeLists.txt"
Add installation commands. Please see the attachment. |