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  Rome Analyzer Framework, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  05 Oct 2004, Jan Wouters, Suggestion, xml and ROME DANCESchema.xmlROME.xsd
    Reply  08 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, xml and ROME 
    Reply  08 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, xml and ROME 
Entry  13 Oct 2004, ryu, Suggestion, TBranch compression 
Entry  13 Oct 2004, ryu, Suggestion, TTree filling in online mode. 
    Reply  13 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, TBranch compression 
    Reply  14 Oct 2004, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, TBranch compression 
    Reply  14 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, TBranch compression 
    Reply  14 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, TTree filling in online mode. 
Entry  09 Nov 2004, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Bank size check 
    Reply  10 Nov 2004, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Bank size check 
Entry  12 Nov 2004, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Makefile 
Entry  17 Nov 2004, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Reverse sorting of database 
Entry  02 Dec 2004, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Midas event definition 
Entry  06 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, user defined link in html file 
    Reply  11 Jan 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, user defined link in html file 
Entry  19 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, headers of midas,xml2 and mysql 
Entry  19 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, messaging system 
    Reply  20 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, headers of midas,xml2 and mysql 
    Reply  27 Jan 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, messaging system 
    Reply  27 Jan 2005, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, messaging system 
    Reply  28 Jan 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, messaging system 
Entry  06 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Cint mode on online 
Entry  29 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Input file format 
Entry  03 Apr 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, user defined command line options 
Entry  14 Apr 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, GetDataBase, GetActiveDAQ 
    Reply  15 Apr 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, GetDataBase, GetActiveDAQ 
Entry  15 Apr 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, About parameters in definition and configuration file 
Entry  15 Apr 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, <Online> in configuration file 
Entry  18 Apr 2005, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Suggestion, ROOTCINT path 
    Reply  18 Apr 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, ROOTCINT path 
    Reply  22 Apr 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, user defined command line options 
    Reply  22 Apr 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, user defined command line options 
    Reply  03 May 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, ROOTCINT path 
Entry  11 Jun 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, class members in TTree 
Entry  28 Jun 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Folder reset. 
    Reply  28 Jun 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, class members in TTree 
    Reply  28 Jun 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, class members in TTree 
Entry  10 Jul 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, ResetFolders 
    Reply  21 Jul 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, ResetFolders 
Entry  21 Jul 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, An idea of file I/O 
Entry  07 Dec 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Proposal reorganiztion directory structure 
Entry  09 Jan 2006, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Configuration file 
Entry  09 Jan 2006, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Quit mode 
    Reply  13 Jan 2006, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Configuration file 
    Reply  13 Jan 2006, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Quit mode 
Entry  22 Feb 2006, Giovanni Signorelli, Suggestion, Text database suggestion 
    Reply  22 Feb 2006, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Text database suggestion 
    Reply  22 Feb 2006, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Text database suggestion 
Entry  03 Dec 2015, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Suggestion, Drawing multiple histograms on the same pad and dispalying them in the online mode in ROME Screenshot-11.png
    Reply  07 Dec 2015, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Drawing multiple histograms on the same pad and dispalying them in the online mode in ROME 
Entry  10 Dec 2015, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Suggestion, writing data to mySQL via ROME 
    Reply  11 Dec 2015, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, writing data to mySQL via ROME 
Entry  22 Jan 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Suggestion, Adding texts on a histigram while using <Argus> block for tabbing 
    Reply  28 Jan 2016, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Adding texts on a histigram while using <Argus> block for tabbing 
Entry  07 Mar 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Suggestion, Problem in adding two TGraphs in the same pad using <Argus> block in tabbing 
    Reply  13 Mar 2016, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Problem in adding two TGraphs in the same pad using <Argus> block in tabbing screen.jpg
Entry  11 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, Schema evolution in root and rome 
Entry  16 Oct 2004, Ryu Sawada, Info, MIDAS status update midas_status.jpg
Entry  06 Dec 2004, Ryu Sawada, Info, Changeable folder as branch a tree 
Entry  24 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, small problems 
    Reply  25 Jan 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, small problems 
Entry  28 Feb 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, Run number in online mode 
Entry  11 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, make build 
Entry  13 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, Warning message from compiler (These are just warnings, not problems) 
Entry  18 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, xmlwriter.h 
    Reply  21 Mar 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, Run number in online mode 
    Reply  23 Mar 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, xmlwriter.h 
Entry  24 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, CVS_RSH 
Entry  29 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, Histograms 
    Reply  30 Mar 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, CVS_RSH 
Entry  01 Apr 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, Inportant !!! -> Changes in the user code requiered 
Entry  07 Apr 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, Compiler warning 
Entry  06 May 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, Identical check in builder 
    Reply  13 May 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, Identical check in builder 
Entry  14 Oct 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, EventID 
Entry  17 Oct 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, Moved ROME from cvs to subversion 
Entry  16 Nov 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, Changed Root DAQ to Rome DAQ 
Entry  18 Dec 2005, Ryu Sawada, Info, Re-organization of directory structure 
Entry  09 Jun 2006, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, ChangeableClassFile in Definition XML removed 
Entry  20 Nov 2006, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, *** Important *** : Format of configuration file changed 
Entry  18 Apr 2007, Ryu Sawada, Info, I/O system change 
Entry  09 Jun 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
    Reply  11 Jun 2015, Ryu Sawada, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
    Reply  11 Jun 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
    Reply  11 Jun 2015, Ryu Sawada, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
    Reply  13 Jun 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
    Reply  15 Jun 2015, Ryu Sawada, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
Entry  21 Oct 2015, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Info, Adding Trees and Branches in ROME 
    Reply  22 Oct 2015, Ryu Sawada, Info, Adding Trees and Branches in ROME 
Entry  01 Mar 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Info, Adding different tabs under a single parent tab 
    Reply  02 Mar 2016, Ryu Sawada, Info, Adding different tabs under a single parent tab 
Entry  21 Mar 2016, Farrukh Azfar, Info, speeding up ROME  
Entry  23 Mar 2016, Farrukh Azfar, Info, ROME in online mode using an intermediary machine  
    Reply  27 Mar 2016, Ryu Sawada, Info, ROME in online mode using an intermediary machine  
    Reply  30 Mar 2016, Farrukh Azfar, Info, ROME in online mode using an intermediary machine  
    Reply  31 Mar 2016, Ryu Sawada, Info, ROME in online mode using an intermediary machine  
    Reply  04 Apr 2016, Wes Gohn, Info, ROME in online mode using an intermediary machine  
    Reply  05 Apr 2016, Ryu Sawada, Info, ROME in online mode using an intermediary machine  
Entry  11 Apr 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Info, Getting an error while compiling a code with <ARGUS> tabs for 2-D histograms 
    Reply  14 Apr 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Info, Error with maximum number of tabs in Argus section 
Entry  14 Apr 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Info, Is auto-update available for tabs with user-defined codes (not with <Argus>) ? 
    Reply  15 Apr 2016, Ryu Sawada, Info, Is auto-update available for tabs with user-defined codes (not with <Argus>) ? 
    Reply  15 Apr 2016, Ryu Sawada, Info, Error with maximum number of tabs in Argus section 
Entry  18 Apr 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Info, Clear histogram/group of histograms at the beginning of run in ROME 
    Reply  21 Apr 2016, Ryu Sawada, Info, Clear histogram/group of histograms at the beginning of run in ROME 
Entry  06 May 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Info, Can we reset histograms at the middle of a run in ROME? 
    Reply  11 May 2016, Ryu Sawada, Info, Can we reset histograms at the middle of a run in ROME? newbutton.jpg
Entry  29 Nov 2017, Yusuke Uchiyama, Info, Compiler warning 
    Reply  29 Nov 2017, Ryu Sawada, Info, Compiler warning 
    Reply  29 Nov 2017, Yusuke Uchiyama, Info, Compiler warning 
    Reply  29 Nov 2017, Ryu Sawada, Info, Compiler warning 
Entry  01 Jun 2005, Ryu Sawada, Forum, TaskHierarchy 
Entry  08 Sep 2005, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Dividing xml the definition xml file. 
    Reply  06 Oct 2005, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Dividing xml the definition xml file. mxml.diff
    Reply  07 Oct 2005, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Dividing xml the definition xml file. mxml.patch
Entry  06 Jan 2006, Steven Sheets, Forum, TNetFolder.h 
    Reply  06 Jan 2006, Ryu Sawada, Forum, TNetFolder.h 
Entry  29 Jun 2006, Steven Sheets, Forum, ROME analyzer crashes on reading midas file.  
    Reply  04 Jul 2006, Matthias Schneebeli, Forum, ROME analyzer crashes on reading midas file.  
    Reply  07 Jul 2006, Ryu Sawada, Forum, ROME analyzer crashes on reading midas file.  
    Reply  23 Feb 2007, Matthias Schneebeli, Forum, Duplicate header file 
    Reply  23 Feb 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Duplicate header file 
    Reply  28 Feb 2007, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Duplicate header file 
    Reply  28 Feb 2007, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Duplicate header file 
Entry  06 Jun 2008, Todd Bredeweg, Forum, Rome License 
    Reply  09 Jun 2008, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Rome License 
Entry  02 Sep 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Forum, ARGUS display with canvas and pads ...  
    Reply  03 Sep 2015, Ryu Sawada, Forum, ARGUS display with canvas and pads ...  
    Reply  03 Sep 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Forum, ARGUS display with canvas and pads ...  
    Reply  03 Sep 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Forum, ARGUS display with canvas and pads ...  
    Reply  04 Sep 2015, Ryu Sawada, Forum, ARGUS display with canvas and pads ...  
    Reply  04 Sep 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Forum, ARGUS display with canvas and pads ...  
    Reply  04 Sep 2015, Ryu Sawada, Forum, ARGUS display with canvas and pads ...  
    Reply  07 Sep 2015, Ryu Sawada, Forum, ARGUS display with canvas and pads ...  
Entry  23 Oct 2015, Wes Gohn, Forum, TGraph objects 
Entry  23 Oct 2015, Joe Grange, Forum, Running ROME in online mode Screen_Shot_2015-10-23_at_11.56.12_AM.png
Entry  24 Oct 2015, Robert Pattie, Forum, ROME / Argus crashing between runs with MIDAS 
    Reply  26 Oct 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, ROME / Argus crashing between runs with MIDAS 
    Reply  29 Oct 2015, Ryu Sawada, Forum, TGraph objects 
    Reply  29 Oct 2015, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Running ROME in online mode 
    Reply  29 Oct 2015, Ryu Sawada, Forum, ROME / Argus crashing between runs with MIDAS 
    Reply  05 Nov 2015, Joe Grange, Forum, Running ROME in online mode 
    Reply  08 Nov 2015, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Running ROME in online mode 
    Reply  16 Nov 2015, Joe Grange, Forum, Running ROME in online mode 
Entry  18 Feb 2016, Joe Grange, Forum, Online mode issue 
    Reply  02 Mar 2016, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Online mode issue 
Entry  10 Mar 2016, Farrukh Azfar, Forum, Option to analyse every Nth event 
    Reply  13 Mar 2016, Ryu Sawada, Forum, Option to analyse every Nth event 
Entry  28 Feb 2018, Francesco Renga, Forum, DB path 
Entry  23 Jul 2019, Yusuke Uchiyama, Forum, Change of MIDAS library path 
Entry  13 Oct 2004, ryu, Bug Report, serial number and event ID 
    Reply  13 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, serial number and event ID 
Entry  12 Nov 2004, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, GlobalSteering 
    Reply  18 Nov 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, GlobalSteering 
    Reply  19 Nov 2004, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, GlobalSteering 
Entry  27 Nov 2004, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, ss_getchar 
Entry  03 Dec 2004, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, -e option 
    Reply  06 Dec 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, ss_getchar 
Entry  06 Dec 2004, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, ReadConfiguration 
    Reply  21 Dec 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, ReadConfiguration 
    Reply  21 Dec 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, -e option 
Entry  01 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Multiple TTree writing 
    Reply  04 Jan 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, Multiple TTree writing 
Entry  09 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, long task description 
    Reply  10 Jan 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, long task description 
    Reply  10 Jan 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, long task description 
Entry  12 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, invalid header 
Entry  16 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, user input 
    Reply  17 Jan 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, user input 
Entry  05 Feb 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, small problem of XML definition file 
Entry  09 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Unanalyzed events 
Entry  09 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, default values in romeConfig.xml 
Entry  10 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, ResetFolders 
    Reply  21 Mar 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, small problem of XML definition file 
    Reply  21 Mar 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, ResetFolders 
    Reply  21 Mar 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, Unanalyzed events 
    Reply  21 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, ResetFolders 
    Reply  23 Mar 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, ResetFolders 
Entry  26 Mar 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, problem after changing xml library 
Entry  09 Apr 2005, Daniele Barbareschi, Bug Report, Compiling Builder 
Entry  07 May 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Mismatch of [Set/Append]Formatted 
    Reply  13 May 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Mismatch of [Set/Append]Formatted 
Entry  26 Jun 2005, Yasuko HISAMATSU, Bug Report, Need to include stdarg.h in file ROMEString.h 
    Reply  27 Jun 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, Need to include stdarg.h in file ROMEString.h 
    Reply  28 Jun 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Need to include stdarg.h in file ROMEString.h 
Entry  28 Jun 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, support folder object in folder. 
Entry  29 Aug 2005, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, TFile creation and TTree 
    Reply  30 Aug 2005, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, TFile creation and TTree 
Entry  08 Feb 2006, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, ROMEEventLoop:Update 
Entry  08 Feb 2006, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, ROMENetFolderServer 
    Reply  09 Feb 2006, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, ROMENetFolderServer 
Entry  08 Mar 2006, Giovanni Signorelli, Bug Report, gAnalyzer->GetEventID() fails if EventID>127-48 
    Reply  02 Apr 2006, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, gAnalyzer->GetEventID() fails if EventID>127-48 
Entry  08 Jun 2006, Todd Bredeweg, Bug Report, Unable to run rome analyzer from crontab 
    Reply  08 Jun 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Unable to run rome analyzer from crontab 
Entry  09 Jun 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Bug Report, Problems with programming tabs when using TGraph 
    Reply  11 Jun 2015, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Problems with programming tabs when using TGraph 
    Reply  13 Jun 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Bug Report, Problems with programming tabs when using TGraph 
    Reply  15 Jun 2015, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Problems with programming tabs when using TGraph 
Entry  03 Sep 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Bug Report, Saving canvas as pdf via a button one vs many pads MIDTBCTab.cppMIDTRCTab.cpp
Entry  04 Sep 2015, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Bug Report, TMTT3.cpp -offset in index of the pads 
    Reply  07 Sep 2015, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Saving canvas as pdf via a button one vs many pads SampleCanvas.20150907.175151.pdf
    Reply  07 Sep 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Bug Report, Saving canvas as pdf via a button one vs many pads 
Entry  05 Apr 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Bug Report, Running ROME remotely 
    Reply  08 Apr 2016, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, Running ROME remotely 
Entry  13 Apr 2016, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Bug Report, Error with maximum number of tabs in Argus section 
    Reply  09 Jun 2006, Ryu Sawada, Bug Fix, Unable to run rome analyzer from crontab 
Entry  04 Sep 2015, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Bug Fix, TMTT3.cpp -offset in index of the pads  
    Reply  07 Sep 2015, Ryu Sawada, Bug Fix, TMTT3.cpp -offset in index of the pads  
Entry  20 Feb 2007, Todd Bredeweg, , Duplicate header file 
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