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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  13 Nov 2014, Tim Gorringe, Forum, using single frontend with multiple "EQ_POLLED" equipments to generate different data streams  
    Reply  13 Nov 2014, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Forum, using single frontend with multiple "EQ_POLLED" equipments to generate different data streams  
Entry  12 Nov 2014, Robert Pattie, Forum, struct mismatch logger_channels.pdf
Entry  19 May 2014, Razvan Stefan Gornea, Forum, Weird problem on new installation 
    Reply  22 May 2014, Razvan Stefan Gornea, Forum, Weird problem on new installation 
       Reply  27 May 2014, Razvan Stefan Gornea, Forum, Weird problem on new installation 
          Reply  06 Nov 2014, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Weird problem on new installation 
Entry  26 May 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
    Reply  26 May 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
       Reply  27 May 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
          Reply  27 May 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
             Reply  28 May 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
                Reply  24 Oct 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
                   Reply  24 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
                   Reply  24 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
                      Reply  02 Nov 2014, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Running a frontend on Arduino Yun 
Entry  14 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Hostile network scans against MIDAS RPC ports 
    Reply  14 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Hostile network scans against MIDAS RPC ports 
       Reply  16 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Hostile network scans against MIDAS RPC ports 
          Reply  16 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Hostile network scans against MIDAS RPC ports 
Entry  14 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments 
    Reply  14 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments 
    Reply  15 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments 
       Reply  15 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments 
    Reply  16 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments 
Entry  14 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Problem with EQ_USER 
    Reply  15 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem with EQ_USER 
    Reply  16 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem with EQ_USER 
Entry  16 Jul 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, CAEN V1742 midas driver midasdriver_v1742.tar.gzanalyzerfunctions.tar.gz
    Reply  08 Sep 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, CAEN V1742 midas driver 
Entry  11 Jul 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS high speed test 
    Reply  06 Aug 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS high speed test 
Entry  10 Jul 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, Adding Interrupt handling to SIS3100 driver 
    Reply  11 Jul 2014, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Forum, Adding Interrupt handling to SIS3100 driver 
       Reply  14 Jul 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, Adding Interrupt handling to SIS3100 driver 
          Reply  15 Jul 2014, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Forum, Adding Interrupt handling to SIS3100 driver 
             Reply  06 Aug 2014, Clemens Sauerzopf, Forum, Adding Interrupt handling to SIS3100 driver sis3100.hhsis3100.hh
Entry  07 Jul 2014, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, mhist does not show history when -s option is used 
Entry  06 Jun 2014, Alexey Kalinin, Forum, problem with writing data on disk 
    Reply  16 Jun 2014, Alexey Kalinin, Forum, problem with writing data on disk 
       Reply  18 Jun 2014, Alexey Kalinin, Forum, problem with writing data on disk 39.png
Entry  27 May 2014, Scott Oser, Suggestion, Saving ODB values in a sequencer script 
    Reply  12 Jun 2014, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Saving ODB values in a sequencer script 
       Reply  12 Jun 2014, Scott Oser, Suggestion, Saving ODB values in a sequencer script 
Entry  26 May 2014, Dan Melconian, Suggestion, "Edit-on-end" would be nice 
    Reply  26 May 2014, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, "Edit-on-end" would be nice 
Entry  28 Apr 2014, Tom Stuttard, Forum, Words written as zero in Midas bank 
Entry  15 Apr 2014, Wes Gohn, Forum, C++11 error 
    Reply  16 Apr 2014, Stefan Ritt, Forum, C++11 error 
       Reply  16 Apr 2014, Wes Gohn, Forum, C++11 error 
          Reply  17 Apr 2014, Stefan Ritt, Forum, C++11 error 
Entry  17 Mar 2014, Zhi Li, Forum, [need help] simple example frontend for CAEN VX1721  
    Reply  17 Mar 2014, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Forum, [need help] simple example frontend for CAEN VX1721  
       Reply  17 Mar 2014, Zhi Li, Forum, [need help] simple example frontend for CAEN VX1721  
Entry  12 Mar 2014, Andreas Suter, Info, Windows support droped? 
    Reply  14 Mar 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Windows support droped? 
       Reply  17 Mar 2014, Stefan Ritt, Info, Windows support droped? 
Entry  11 Mar 2014, Andreas Suter, Forum, mlogger problem 
    Reply  11 Mar 2014, Stefan Ritt, Forum, mlogger problem 
       Reply  11 Mar 2014, Andreas Suter, Forum, mlogger problem 
    Reply  14 Mar 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, mlogger problem 
Entry  14 Mar 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas wiki updated to mediawiki 1.22.4 
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